club ride....'STEEL IS REAL...'

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club ride....'STEEL IS REAL...'

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:52 pm

....LY heavy!!

first day out on my steel winter bike from ebay...i have to say i realy appreciate my bianchi now!

went out with the training group, met toks for the first time.

set off at a good pace, clocking avs of 21.5 as we entered reigate. all took our turns at the front...though i think i did the least out of everyone.

zipping through the lanes at a good, leg burning pace my chain came off...god works in mysterios ways :wink: ..anyways i pootled up towards the T junction bit before you turn right and pass the pub... to my horror the rest of the group had waited for me ! :P i was looking forwad to i nice leasurly ride through the country side :D

going through newdigate and i clocked avs of 22.3 on me computer--->pretty good going, there were only 6 of we approched the wooded incline before rusper, i think toks mentioned how marek makes an attack there...just then some one did...i was just behind them but could not see who it was i just stared at his wheel using everything i could to stick with him...thanks toks !

down through rusper the pace eased off and it was ok ish heading towards the duel carriage way. good through and we hit the lanes there was a break away with one chap..we tried to organise ourselves to get to him, we slowly made ground...feeling slightly recovered and bellieving that there was one corner left before the signs i made an attack..i gave it my all but then nearly died when i realized that there was still about another few corners to go...i gave up and eased myself into charlswood.

good ride back-->first time i know the way by heart so i made a break away with andrew the polish fellow, working together we held off the peleton and made it to the church....i led off from the church and tried immediantly to get away, unfortunatly got cought at some lights !! :twisted: and andrew made another break but unfortunatly he dropped out at the m25...i was thankfully joined by another chap and we worked together down into coulsdon, only to be cought in traffic, where a chasing groupe got us....just after the first round about before the bypass i made one last supprise sprint, managed to pinch it to coulsdon south..

good ride all round...avs when i got home 21.5mph

Last edited by Stu Merckx Man on Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Grahame » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:21 pm

A bit of a tester today:

Would the lungs have recovered enough for me to not be embarrassed in the 17s?

Well, that turned out to be the least of my worries.

A quick glimpse out of the garage this morning convinced me that the roads would dry, so it was reasonable to take the good bike out for one last time before wrapping it up in cotton wool for the winter.

By three sets of traffic lights before Tesco I was cursing this decision as my rear tyre deflated faster than a tory party leader's ego after a general election. I couldn't find any glass in the tyre, but there was evidence of a small tear in the tread, so I put the spare tube in, pumped like crazy and set off towards Coulsden South with fingers crossed that it was going to hold air 'till I got home.

I got to the station with enough time to get permission from Monty to patch the tube "just in case of another puncture". Then I was nominated as group leader for the 17 straight to cafe group. We had the 18s in sight all the way to and through Reigate and it was a hard task to keep the group discipline - some wanted (naturally) to chase the "faster" group down, but about 1/2 the group wasn't going to be up to it, so I had to dampen the enthusiasm. Some were reluctant to hold wheels and then to come through for their turn on the front - more practice and coaching required there.

After the Partridge turn-off, things started to flow a bit better at the front at least, but I hadn't got my rear tyre pumped up properly, so it felt squirmy through the corners leading into the sprint and I lost Sean's wheel gifting him the victory.

On the way back, Andrew and I played catch up out from the cafe, then when Stu attacked I thought I'd mark his move. I caught him, did a turn into and out of the little dip past the rusting VW Beetle. This had, to quote Ajay, burned all my matches in one glorious flare up. so I sat up and waited for the group to catch me. Polish Andrew did, but I saw nobody else until the church regroup. 3rd up the Redhill climb! Me! With andy and Stu still (just) in sight! There must be something wrong.

There was - at the Church Andrew pointed out that the cut in my rear tyre (remember that from earlier in the post?) had grown alarmingly and was allowing the tyre to visibly deform. Worse still, one of the drive side spokes had caused the rim to crack! So, I released some air and announced my intention to "set off to cruise home" causing a chuckle amongst the carry-on fans in the club (you know who you are). Anyway, I got up the Rusper drag without seeing anybody else except Toks and Owen.

Sorry to the few ageeables that I nearly gave heart attacks to by stopping without warning at a zebra crossing - the pedestrian set off accross the road just as I'd finished exhaling and I didn't have a chance to give any warning. Honest!

I made it home, and have ordered a new rim to build into the wheel before the spring.

I wish I'd brought the Frankenbike. The lungs held out OK.
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Postby Matthew Ives » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:48 am

another stupidly hard ride....

I wasn't feeling that great and I'd had to TT my way to CSS since I was late leaving the house.
I arrived at CSS just as the training group were leaving , so no time for recovery. Since there were just 6 of us, Me,Paul, Toks,Stu, Simon and another Simon (who has thighs like the Hulk), I thought we'd be in for an easy day. Great, just what I needed.It was winter after all…no need to go killing ourselves, right?
How wrong can you be?

Anyway, the pace picked up pretty quickly with Toks and Paul sitting on the front. I tried (and succeeded!) to stay off the front as much as I could without making it too obvious that I was a work-shy hanger-on who was scared of the wind. By the time we'd got to the hill by the petrol station, all hell had broken loose and thus it continued all the way to the dual carriage way with a few minor sprints for hills and signs thrown in along the way for good measure. When we stopped to wait for Stu, even Toks commented that this was faster than a lot of races he’s done.

Through and off was a bit tasty too.
We started off at 31mph and by the time we'd got to the downhill bit before the last roundabout, a driver poked his head out of his car and told me he's clocked us at 43mph.

Anyway, after the last roundabout, Simon, who had been looking scarily strong, decided to go for a long one. I later found out that he’s ditched the Lance Armstrong training manual that he’d been following and was now doing some intensive V02 max and threshold training which obviously seemed to working for him. Anyhow, we let him get about 200m up the road before Toks tried to organise us into a chase. It worked up to a point, but just as we were about to reel him in, we relaxed a bit and he pulled away again finally crossing the Charlwood sign about 50m ahead of Toks and me. It was an awesome performance to hold off 5 other pretty strong guys like that for a couple of miles.

Coming out of the caff, my legs felt dead but I decided to go for the Box Hill option just because it was a habit now.
There were only 4 or 5 of us but we had a nice easy ride over there and as we reached the lower slopes, as I predicted, Simon went off the front. I was struggling at the bottom and as we turned onto the Zig Zag my pulse was already at 175. Great, I thought…I’m going to get a real kicking up here. As Simon cruised away I urged Paul not to chase but just to let him go, but as I suspected he was having none of it. Reluctantly, I (just about) sat on Paul's wheel as he dragged me uphill. By the 2nd hairpin the other guy who was with us (sorry, don't know your name) went for glory and tried to pull Simon back. Paul began to struggle to hold his wheel and I couldn't help myself but dug in and rode up to the other guy as Paul went backwards. We pulled Simon back and got to within 20m of him by the end.

We must have all been pretty knackered since the ride back to CSS was far less lively than it normally is. A few attacks here and there but nothing of real note. A warm down back into Croydon was welcome relief after that.
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Postby Toks » Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:54 pm

At the start it looked like we were going to be the magnificient seven. Sadly, Owen, the Jamaican sprint king, got cold feet when I told him that not only does Simon H still eat raw badger lungs to boost his speed-endurance but occassionally he does circuits of the M25 between 2 and 5 in the morning when police presence is at a minimum.

So the scene was set for a skinny newbie second cat, who loves 'larging it up' on the forum, to find out what ACC training rides are all about. Including Simon there were three third cats in total: Matt "cool-understated-dude-on-a-bike" Ives who has apparently turned down the role of James Bond three times now. Shame I don't think Connery, More or Dalton could make 25mph on a road bike look so cool. Also Simon, boy band member, soon to rival me as ACC's Training Guru, proudly sporting brand new Kysriums, and some possible latent anger for us not recognising his undeniable cycling talent in recent 3rd cat Road Race reports.

In addition, we were also joined by possibly the clubs strongest 4th cat Paul AKA the junior Proffessor of Philosophy, Uphill gradient master and king of urban-chic-on-two-wheels. Then last but by know means least I still can't decide whether Stu-Bianchi is a baby face, former ex world champion of the nineties Banesto squad who fetched water for Indurain in his pomp or is a really classy youth rider who will be riding Premier Calender Races, if progress continues, before his out of his teens.

Anyway Matt has done a great job of summing up the flesh and bones of the ride so I won't ramble on too much more. The fellas definitely gave me a 'training day' to remember; and at one point I got dropped when Paul jumped for some dubious Marek sprint point that I was unaware of :( . Thru n' off att 30mph was great fun :shock: and when Simon (X Factor Boy) blasted away with a couple of miles to go he took the most impressive Charwood sign Gallop I've ever witnessed. I managed to leave with my dignity slightly intact by winning the bunch sprint. But take this as a warning. Don't even think about riding with these guys unless you're seriously up for it

PS It was great to be out on a club run after more than three months: Big agreeable high fives to Sean, Huw, Andrew, Owen, Connor, Tim, Mark, Jim, Danny, Monty, Keith, Paul.D and the rest of the ACC gang.
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:48 pm

Good to see Toks at a CR again, abviously disapointed not to be named a "bling" rider so turned up in a Domina Zebra jersey. Mismatched shorts though, tut, tut, nul points :D .

With these "training" ride reports I'm amazed you can convince anyone to go on them :wink: .

Went with the 19s, and having not touched my bike since last Sunday suffered a couple of times with slightly leaden legs, but hung on and still managed to do my turns on the front. Coming towards the end decided I wouldn't bother with the sprint as I didn't have the legs for a quick acceleration so did my good samaritan bit instead and wound it up to do a lead out with some help from Nigel.

Normally enjoy the sprint and it's much better when the pace has been wound up nicely as it strings it out a bit and avoids too much spreading across the road, which can be dodgy if there's anything coming the other way. I'm happy to avoid sprinting sometimes and do a lead out and think it would be a good idea if we could rotate lead out duties. Then everyone would get to sprint, but it would be a safer run in for open roads. Good idea/rubbish idea?

As Grahame said we did a bit of leap-frog riding back working our way through the groups. Only problem was just before the Merstham drag when a dropped my chain and had to stop to hook it back on, meaning a mad dash to try and catch up again. :shock:

Good ride again today out to Penshurst for the Cyclo-x with Keiran, and back with Jon H joining us, well dragging us all the way home to be honest.

Stu, old school winter training is on a heavy bike with guards rack etc, then when you hit spring and switch to your race bike you feel like you're flying. Huw will be delighted to note I've added a rack to mine now and even had a pannier on today. Hard work lugging the "anvil" up the hills but what doesn't kill you...
Last edited by Andrew G on Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Matthew Ives » Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:06 pm

[quote]With these "training" ride reports I'm amazed you can convince anyone to go on them

Actually, Andrew, it's all a big con.
We just try and perpetuate a myth about the speed of the training group to bolster our own egos when in reality, we barely touch 17mph.

Come along next time and see. :wink:

[quote]Good to see Toks at a CR again, abviously disapointed not to be named a "bling" rider so turned up in a Domina Zebra jersey. Mismatched shorts though, tut, tut, nul points

To be fair to Toks, he's probably one of the few riders in the club that actually looks like a proper cyclist: what with his skinny body and defined calves. But you're right, we do need to work on his dress sense a bit. Having said that he was understated compared to Paul who this week went for a lurid orange Speedo top with bright red shorts. Gotta admire that guys courage. :shock:
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:35 pm

andrew, im puting the gaurds on for next week, just bought the SKS raceing ones :D ...would have put them on for theclub ride but i forgot...alan should be pleased next week though!

also to make it a bit heavier im going to do what marek suggested, using 2 water bottles, and weigh it down with lights, pumps etc etc...

also i got this training leaflet thing that my uncle sent from new zealand, what some people do over there is ride with a shopping bag tied to there saddle (empty of course), to act like a minni parachute--> is that a good idea do any of you think, or a bit OTT?


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Postby Ian A4size » Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:47 pm

"also i got this training leaflet thing that my uncle sent from new zealand, what some people do over there is ride with a shopping bag tied to there saddle (empty of course), to act like a minni parachute--> is that a good idea do any of you think, or a bit OTT? "

Why not go to a charity shop and get a great big overcoat and just do up 2 buttons- leaving the rest to fill with air and act like a drouge.
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:06 pm

[quote]who has thighs like the Hulk

[quote]and defined calves

Are you a leg man then Matt? :D
[quote]Paul who this week went for a lurid orange Speedo top

:shock: Be grateful it was only the Speedo top :shock:

[quote]Why not go to a charity shop and get a great big overcoat and just do up 2 buttons- leaving the rest to fill with air and act like a drouge.

I still don't think it would slow him down enough for me to be able to catch him, mind you if it had deep pockets I could fill them with bricks. :twisted:
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:22 pm

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Postby Matthew Ives » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:57 am

[quote]Are you a leg man then Matt?

Note to self: got to stop talking about other men's legs in public.
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Postby Toks » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:30 am

[quote]Good to see Toks at a CR again, abviously disapointed not to be named a "bling" rider so turned up in a Domina Zebra jersey. Mismatched shorts though, tut, tut, nul points :D .
:lol: yes indeed Andrew, that'll be one of my aims for next year. I'm not too shabby when it comes to a race, but in general, I must attempt to try to look a bit more presentable when out on my bike. [quote]also to make it a bit heavier im going to do what marek suggested, using 2 water bottles, and weigh it down with lights, pumps etc etc...
Stu mate go easy! - although weighing yourself down with rucksacks etc sounds fine in principle; in the end you're just gonna be putting in the same amount of effort on the bike but going slower. Ultimately you want your training to be race-specific so your body doesn't start to making unnecessary adaptions. [quote]Went with the 19s, and having not touched my bike since last Sunday suffered a couple of times with slightly leaden legs, but hung on and still managed to do my turns on the front.
Well done Andrew I hope they'll be novice racers in that 19mph group every week :D
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Postby Paul H » Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:31 pm

When you get to my age, you dont care what you wear or what people think anymore.

I care about people being faster than me so I will have to do something about that.
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Postby Toks » Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:53 pm

I second that mate :D
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Postby Paul on the Pearson » Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:37 pm

A great ride today. Went out with the 18/19 group at a decent pace, we didnt do the through and off but set out on an extended, missed a few turns scenic route via Crawley extended run sort of thing and had a decent go at the sprint. After refreshments got caught in the loo queue so by time I was clipped in and ready for the off was on my jack jones with some catching up to do. An ideal opportunity, I thought. to put my new elaborate training regime into action, which is basicaly to try and stop daydreaming so much whilst riding and to pedal faster, (a lot faster in fact). I managed to catch the main group and for some reason, someone must have spiked my tea, was in a fighting mood and the ol' pins felt good so attacked off the front a few times but began to suffer a bit on the Merstam drag but dug in. A good day out was had by all.
Went out Sunday for a hilly one. Winterfold, Combe Bottom, Box Hill a lot of riders out including plenty of ACCers
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