Better late than never!
Goals: Do a few more sportives in 2007 and maybe some mtb riding.
Training Approach and Philosophy: Hilly rides on my commute and trying to last as long as possible in the faster groups on the club run.
My Best Ride: London to Brighton and back at the end of April, 106 miles averaging 17mph.
My Worst Race/Ride: Too many to mention one in particular.
Best ACC Road Racer: ?
Best ACC TT Man and Woman: Sean & Tamar
Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: Brian Nolan & Jon Hemmings in the Etape du Dales. Jon cycled seven miles to and from the start but in between did seven or eight hours in the bad weather conditions. Brian started with me and finished two hours before me again in the worst of weather.
Favourite Club Riders: Everybody mentioned so far and a few others.
Seasons Low Point: The four cyclists killed in Wales and the drug scandals.
Best Racing Debut: The Shadow.
Most improved Club Riders: Too many to mention.
Favourite ACC event: Saturday club run.
Best Forum Bits: Huw's accounts of his many epic rides and the sportive reports from other club members.
Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Not doing more sportives and letting my family life interfere with my cycling.
Best seasons Quotes: I'm sure there were many but the memory is not up at the moment.
The 'Blingiest' rider: Brian Robinson always dressed in the best and bike shining.
Kings of Pain: Brian Nolan & Alan for all the sportives they took part in.
Who do we look out for next year? The boy Stu.