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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:04 am

also with the sponsership bit, it would soil the kit a bit i feel...i quite like the idea of riding for a club than for a company...seems more 'good ol days' type stuff, more friendly :D ...who wants a dirty great fast food chain sign on them!
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Postby kieran » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:20 pm

[quote]Toks used to ride with CC Islington. He made us feel special, like we were the only cycling club in the world. But then suddenly we weren't good enough for him: "Why can't you be more like Addiscombe, with their sexy yellow kit and their online web forum?", he'd say, and before we knew it he was gone. Now you know how we felt. But don't worry, he won't be with those Essex Road floozies for long. I've seen him talking to that Gabellini. As soon as he's a first cat he'll be off to Rapha Condor... Face it Toks, you just can't commit. One day, a cycling club is going to do to you what you did to them, and then you'll be sorry.

Hope you don't treat your women like this! :wink:

Anyway in all my comments I forgot to say well done and if it gives you the extra motivation and edge to do more and better things next year well then that will be great and naturally I'll be following your progress and watching the points creep up to 200 (200!!!! that'a a lot of points! maybe there should be an interim category 2nd cat A star :lol: ). See who gets the most! Tim? no children etc eating into his training time and age on his side?

P.s. don't pick on Tony Kelly in the SERRL races!
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Postby Matthew Ives » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:06 pm

[quote] And provide the advice and support that is crucial in motivating everbody to do their best, and be the person to turn to for those little niggling questions we all have from time to time

Id love the job, but being away and not knowing a lot anyway that kinda rules me out... However may i make some suggestions as to who could take up the role?

Matt Ives?

Steve aka The Shadow?

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, Adam :)

However, I'm definitely not the man for the job :)
I have more than enough trouble motivating myself to ride without having to consider motivating others.

Every few months I get to the point of having had a bellyful of cycling and then jack it in for a month or four and then come back to it again. I'm in one of those ruts now and haven't been out on my bike for weeks. No doubt I'll snap out of it sometime and start some winter training hopefully. Maybe after Christmas.

Anyway, I think primarily we need someone who can get others into giving racing a try. I remember badgering Adam to give it a go last summer and when he finally did he said down the caff one day...and I think I'm quoting here....'I've never had such a blast on a bike'. He was so enthused by the whole racing vibe he had this messianic grin on his face. I was quite worried about him actually :)
However, Adam's right, we need someone who's going to be around full time.

Might I suggest Ajay?
He was on a mission last summer getting people down to Hillingdon to race. His Billy Graham like evangelical zeal for racing made some days on the start line at Hillingdon look like an ACC club run .He even got people there that didn't want to be there.And he made them like it. That's how hard he sold the whole racing thing :)

Ajay....yoo da man!!
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:10 pm

there could always be a captain for each catogary- 4 cat 3 cat etc..and perhaps a junior captain-->adam you could do that!!! i know when i first started at acc i found it easier talking to the likes of adam about cycling than the rest of you old men :wink: ....

thats what we had when i used to do cross country which seamed to work well. the captain would always race with us, and encourage us along the race, which was always a mega boost!

also he/she was there to give practical advice along the way.

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Postby Rob » Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:18 pm

you should keep acc how it is, but add a racing team consisting of 5 people who pass trials to get in, every year whoever passes tests gets it...

give them all black kit, black helmets....and call them the addiscombe stealth bombers :twisted:
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:24 pm

:lol: :lol: would we be able to know who got in, or would it be....classified....?
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Postby -Adam- » Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:46 am

Thats close enough matt! I do think that theres something about being encouraged by someone... I always wanted to start racing, but it took me 3 years from buying a road bike to get to hillingdon (no, i didnt ride there!)

Encouragement to start racing is one thing, but encouraging people to continue to race is another... and also, someone to answer questions...

For a club so large, why dont we have a coach? (or if we do, who is he/she!?)

Captains for each category is a good idea, though given how many of the club race consistently, the captains would have no one to lead! But of you want me to be your captain stu, ill see what i can do! :wink:

But i definately think there needs to be a captain that races is a must... or at least somone who has raced so knows the advice to give. I mean stu asks me questions, and i answer them as best i can, but ive only raced 7 times, so my knowledge is limited. But i always tell him to ask marek too!

Sean, everydays a school day!

I like the idea rob, but can the kit be all white instead, i know its incredibly impractical, but rapha condor race in almost all black, they got there 1st! So... Addiscombe ANGELS!? :twisted:
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Postby -Adam- » Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:49 am

Oh yeah, and Matt,

How the hell can you spend a month off the bike!?

If im off for more than 2 weeks i get withdrawal symptoms!

I am a bike ADDICT :twisted:

Get your ass back in that saddle, Addiscombes got some racing to do!

And id love a lead-out man :wink:


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Postby kieran » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:10 am

well, while Paul T might not race much now he is Racing Sec and has raced in the past also last year he organised a training day for would be racers in ACC which I attended and found very helpful. I don't know if Paul has much presense on the forum to answer questions though but the thing about the internet is you can get answers from lots of places. From reading the posts here it seems that people aren't really looking for a coach but more of a motivator type person, someone to 'sell' racing to them and get them fired up for it. Thing is I don't think you can appoint people to this role, either they are naturally enthusiastic and infectious in their enthusiasm or not, if we have someone like that then they will turn up anyway. Whilst people like Toks and Ajay can get you down to the race start in the end the desire to race and compete most come from within, although granted this latent desire might need a jump start to get it going, and of course if you never try it you will never know. I think though the collective experiences of people in the club now and the amount of talk concerning racing should help get people turning up, if they see fellow ACCers they ride with every Saturday doing it then this might persuade them to at least try it once.

Anyway I'm sure Toks and Ajay won't change next year and will still be encouraging and supportive as always.
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Postby Paul H » Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:26 pm

I think having a coach of some sorts would be handy. It would be good to be able to ask someone for assistance with training programs and to discuss your progress. This can make you feel more "accountable" and provide extra motivation to train in the winter. Perhaps this is what Matt needs to get back on his bike.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:38 pm

adams got a point, with gabrial on our side we can't loose !
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Postby Toks » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:46 pm

[quote] I think the idea of a road captain is excellent. PVT does the role required of him admirably at the moment, collating results and points, organising events, commisaring and attending various AGMs but yeah i think it could be time for an additional role alongside that. Maybe the AGM would consider it?

The problem with Paul Tunnel's role as road race secretary is that for some reason he can't access the Forum. As you all know the forum really is a hub of activity as far as racing is concerned. This is where most people post results, ask questions, discuss training, arrange training meets and announce future events.

This year in particular the Forums role in all things racing has been crucial . Questions regarding licences, category information, training meets, entry costs and types of courses have all been comprehensively answered by RichV, Kieran, Marek, Ajay, Huw, Marco myself and one or two others. In fact results, quite often are posted by people that don't even race (Sean, Ian Munnery et al ) which is great cause it shows that even though you're not competitive in races doesn't mean your not keen to see ACC riders doing well; but, more importantly, it shows you appreciate what they are doing.

Paul Tunnels vast racing experience and knowledge is going a miss. For example, he wasn't even aware that there had been an ACC club road race last year and for some reason only found out about this years race with a week to go. And then, despite much campaigning/advertising from myself and Sean thought it was a BCF race and almost unknowingly derailed the whole event.

On the day Paul appeared to be a little surpised when I explained there would be two groups of riders in the race and then found out to his detriment how good the standard of both A and B racers were. Although I should add that on the day he showed up with forms, numbers and lots of good advice :D

Furthermore perhaps Pauls profile needs to be raised, when he commissioned one of the CP crit races this year I actually had to tell some of the ACC racers in the event that he was actually our Road Race sec. Is this symptomatic of how RR is viewed at the club generally?

At last years ACC events dinner I realised how much TT racing tends to be the clubs focus competition wise. And yes you have to agree, in last years RR's we did not have a great deal to shout about when compared to the TT boys and girls so RR talk was glossed over in general. Shamefiully I wasn't at this years ACC dinner event so don't know whether this years Road Racing success was made clear to all those present - I think we had some pretty decent results with quite a few wins. Its been a great year for the road racers in particular but the momentum musn't stop now that its started.

Everyone needs a motivational push as well as some encouragement. All round good egg and club motivator Ajay told me to get down to Hillingdon three years ago, and after loosing my bottle and opting just to watch on the first couple of occassions I was finally brave enough to pop my racing cherry at the 3rd time of asking in late summer 2003. As Kieren has hinted only the supremely competitive confident types will continue to go racing regardless. People like Jon Saddler (ex ACC), Philip Watkins (ex acc), Dave K (ex acc) and Tony Kelly ( :?: ) just continued racing with few people really knowing how well they were doing or when they were racing. Obviously there's much more communication (see Hillingdon thread) now so this has changed for the better I think. There's no denying that the more people you see racing in an event in your club colours the more likely you're gonna give it a try next time round. Why do you think there are so many Dynamo riders!.

Personally I think ACC has got the balance almost right. As both Sean and Andrew have said it is essentially a club for the social riders - but with a healthy 19mpg and a 'training group' it also has more to offer than purely social clubs like Islington etc or indeed so called racing clubs. So to keep a happy medium its important that all the rides do exactly what they say. For example, 19mph should average that speed unless collectively everyone agreees to up the tempo. There's also the need for some collective responsibility especially where newbies/mechanicals etc are concerned. In my last training group ride Stu fell behind and some people didn't appear keen on waiting but I insisted we wait especially since he's a youth rider who's quite new to the club

Finally I do feel there's a slight irrational fear of attracting purely racer types such that any suggestion of putting on more promotions (beginners race would be a great idea!) or improving organisation racing wise is probably frowned upon by the club hierachy. This year I just picked up on Rob Fallon's brilliant idea of a club RR. Rob too was highly motivated and wanted to get more people racing for ACC even though it wasn't his first claim club. :D
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Postby Paul on the Pearson » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:29 pm

I agree, I think the balance of the club is right, never having ridden with any others I can make comparisons, although in events like sportives you certainly notice a certain lack of bike handling skills and general etiquette. I think the club manages to be a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but still maintains a collective wholeness, no mean feat with upwards of 90 riders out.
When I first joined there was the 15, 17 and the free for all every man or women for themselves traning group, now the gap from 17 to training has been bridged with a 19 group and as a result a lot more people this year than any other have pushed themselves a bit and are thinking of giving racing a go its time to raise its profile within the club. I know theirs loads of info and advice on the net but its not the same as getting it from the horses mouth as it were. My main motivation for raising the the profile, especially far racing newbies, wanabies like myself is simply that doing it as a group is less daunting than doing it alone.
PS How do you change you forum name? The silver giant's gathering dust and hasnt seen the light of day for quite a while now.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:35 pm

at the top of the screen where it has '', to the right of the thing that syas PHPBB theres 7 other links, the one on the bottom row to the left says it, and the list of all your profile settings comes up, at the top should be your user name, change it, and then go to the bottom and press submit..

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Postby richv » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:36 pm

[quote]Finally I do feel there's a slight irrational fear of attracting purely racer types such that any suggestion of putting on more promotions (beginners race would be a great idea!) or improving organisation racing wise is probably frowned upon by the club hierachy. This year I just picked up on Rob Fallon's brilliant idea of a club RR. Rob too was highly motivated and wanted to get more people racing for ACC even though it wasn't his first claim club.

Toks this part is complete rubbish. The reason we don't have beginners races, a club coach etc. etc. is not because those that run the club are against it but that nobody in the club says they want to organise it.

If someone wants to organise a beginners race then I'm sure the funds would be made available to support it. I can't comment on this year (as I don't know) but last year when Rob said he wanted to organise a club road race the costs were covered by the club.

The club has already offered to contribute to the costs of one member training as a coach in order to become the club coach. There may be some reluctance in the future as that member swiftly left the club but if somebody really does want to take on that role and will put back into the club after they qualify I'm sure the funding would be made available again.

The club this year agreed to pay race entry fees for all junior members, any senior member competing in the club's name at national championships and refund the entry fees of any senior members who win races.

If people want things to happen they have to get on and make them happen. It's not somebody elses club it's our club and there's no point moaning that it would be better if this or that happened, if you want it to happen make it happen.

I know those last comments don't apply to you Toks 8) but the reason there isn't a beginners road race or a beginners track day (the latter used to be a regular feature) is because nobody steps forward to say they want to/will run it.

At the AGM this evening I am pretty confident we will finish with committee positions vacant and will have to pressgang people into running some of the events we already promote. If anyone wants to be on the committee all they have to do is stick their hand up (metaphorically even) :!:
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