The Ian Munnery BigBrother Thread

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Postby Ian A4size » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:18 am

:cry: It was even in the times yesterday- and on talk sport, front page of all the papers- i got nothing done at all, what with fingers in me ears, eyes shut. Its all hype just to make you watch it utter rubbish i will never read about it nor watch it.
I think on reflection i would rather go and watch the world cup with Toks!
Rant over.
Gah its easy to wind me up.
Thread closed.
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Postby jon avery » Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:08 pm

I take it your not a fan Ian :lol:
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Postby Alan M » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:09 pm

Ignorant, racist and prurient but is in some ways very revealing of the pulse of much of the nation. Truly disappointing but it does mean that we can stop kidding ourselves that we live in a tolerant society, not that I do when I meet so much intolerance on our roads. My general theory of it goes back to childhood and the setting, in early years, of parental models of fairness, shared space and enjoyment of difference. peer group pressure has a part to play but it is interesting that Jade and her mum share the same views.
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Postby Alan M » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:51 pm

I am sorry but I am afraid that those advocating the off switch merely play into the hands of the racists and bigots. It is not realistic to believe that viewing figures will not peak - such are the effects of controversy. However, use of the law to penalise the programmers who are engineering and profiting from the spectacle is an option that I would applaud. It will also force the more respectable journos and programme makers to isolate jade and similar for fear of similar actions and public backlash. You can't completely outlaw this but you can offer some consequences for such action.
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Postby Mike I » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:48 pm

I've got a dose of man-flu, so have seen more daytime TV in the last couple of days than is good for anyone - including news on the hour, every hour. That's how I know that by yesterday morning there had been 9,000 complaints about this; today, it's over 27,000. What's going on? Did 18,000 people set out to watch it last in the expectation of being offended?

Maybe it just highlights the risks of celebrity culture. Some people are bound to see Ms Goody and her ilk as representative of the UK. And maybe she is. We might not like what we see (or in Ian's, Tony Blair's and my case, hear about), but if BB is showing how things really are in this 'tolerant' society, perhaps some good will come of it.

I'll turn off the TV now and go and read Lord of the Flies shall I?
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Postby Elliot M » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:56 pm


[quote] Since Jade Goody shot to fame on Channel 4
she has had the same management as Celebrity
Big Brother host Davina McCall, and both
Big Brother spin-off show hosts, Dermot O'Leary
and Russell Brand, as well as last year's
Celebrity Big Brother winner Chantelle.
So is it any surprise that C4 and CBB
producers are so reticent about condemning
the racist bullying, led by Jade, on their
show? They have their own interests to protect.
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Postby adrian » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:01 pm

[quote]I'll turn off the TV now and go and read Lord of the Flies shall I?

In your position, Mike, I'd take the opportunity to 'listen again' to In Our Time on Radio 4. That'll take your mind off all this unseemliness
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Postby Ian A4size » Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:51 pm

Quote "I am sorry but I am afraid that those advocating the off switch merely play into the hands of the racists and bigots."
I WILL not watch the rubbish- the fact is that there are people out in the world like that, and just because i wont watch it does not make me wrong.
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Postby Andrew G » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:00 pm

[quote]interestingly The Sun messageboards, which are often a good barometer of large sections of UK society

Which is just as scary.
Pleased to say I have never seen even 1 minute of Big Brother or Celebrity(in the loosest terms imaginable) Big Brother.
When oh when will this "reality" TV bubble burst.

Mike, If it's real man-flu you may need to add Lord of The Rings and War and Peace to your reading matter, just to see you over the worst. :wink:
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Postby Paul H » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:39 pm

Jade is clearly a scumbag who should be put down and her children sterilised.

I think however it would be harsh to say she is racist and possibly anybody who thinks that could be racist themselves.
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Postby Gavin » Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:24 pm

Why is Jade Jade? Why is Jades mum Jade?

Possibly it is all a flaw in our society.

We all meet people we think are idiots everyday. People who are annoyed for one reason or another and curse for what seems like no apparent reason. There is a point at which all people 'crack'.

We used to have a thing called tolerance but tolerance has been ebbed away by the more bizarre behaviour exhibited in britian today.

Can anyone feel safe walking down the street without fear of abuse, physical or verbal in this day and age.

Perhaps we need a change of direction in this country.
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Postby John Czernobay » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:02 am

Fantastic, I thought I was just joining a cycle club. You really are a great bunch :D .

It is a right old problem. How, as a tolerant person do you deal with intolerance? It was a struggle Bonhofffer had during the 1930's and even as a pacifist he went in favour of direct physical action. Now I'm not saying the BB house should be blown up, or anything of the sort but getting back to cycling, why do people find us so offensive? I've only been cycling for just over the year and I have experienced so much abuse from car drivers and pedestrians, it's very sad :( ; what is happening?

However, I'm not giving up :) and I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday on the CR and being part of a great club.

Best wishes.

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Postby Alan M » Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:08 am

[quote]I think however it would be harsh to say she is racist and possibly anybody who thinks that could be racist themselves.

Not sure that I follow this reasoning Paul - please explain.

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Postby Paul H » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:16 am

I only said possibly and not accusing anybody.

I see the situation as 3 unpleasant people being nasty to another person. If somebody see's it as 3 white people against an Indian then they have singled the Indian person out as somebody different and assumed things because of her race (possibly).
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Postby Alan M » Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:13 am


For me there is clear blue water between, on the one hand making negative assumptions about a person on the basis of their race "racism" and on the other, being nasty towards them because you don't get on.

I could readily make assumptions about Jade. For example, one might be that she holds racist views because she comes from a culturally impoverished background. "Jade, You are racist because 'people like you' are ignorant. This is clearly a slur generated from my belief (which may not be correct) about her background. As such it is pretty close to a racist view, and could, as you say, be seen as racist, or at least a view that is about her class or her celebrity status.

However, the argument for a view of her as a racist is based on the evidence that she uses and relies racial stereotypes to inform her unpleasantness. In my view this is racist in both its legal and moral definitions.

I see that this morning she has tried to put the genie back in the bottle and some may believe her but I suspect it is the false contrition at being found out.

He ho - It will all seem irelavent on the Merstham drag!!

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