Following the earlier poll on possible talks at the club room there was some interest in one on nutrition.
I have spoken to the events co-ordinator for "For Goodness Shakes!" who are new manufacturers of a recovery drink, and are giving talks (and I believe free samples ) to promote their product (a milkshake type drink that aids recovery and is widely available - £1 in Sainsbury's).
He is currently checking his diary to see when he is free but I would like to have an idea of possible numbers of who would be interested. I am not asking for any form of commitment, but would just like to gain a level of interest.
Please vote even if it's a no so I can see if this has any legs.
If you would like to find out more about them then please see their [url=]website[/url].
Thank you,
P.S. I am looking in to other topics voted on and will let you know a.s.ap.
P.P.S. Thanks to Huw for the Sportive talk.