Nutrition - Please Vote

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Would you be interested in attended a Nutririon talk from For Goodness Shakes? (This is not a commitment, just to give an idea of numbers)

Total votes : 12

Nutrition - Please Vote

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:07 pm

Following the earlier poll on possible talks at the club room there was some interest in one on nutrition.

I have spoken to the events co-ordinator for "For Goodness Shakes!" who are new manufacturers of a recovery drink, and are giving talks (and I believe free samples :) ) to promote their product (a milkshake type drink that aids recovery and is widely available - £1 in Sainsbury's).

He is currently checking his diary to see when he is free but I would like to have an idea of possible numbers of who would be interested. I am not asking for any form of commitment, but would just like to gain a level of interest.

Please vote even if it's a no so I can see if this has any legs.

If you would like to find out more about them then please see their [url=]website[/url].

Thank you,


P.S. I am looking in to other topics voted on and will let you know a.s.ap.
P.P.S. Thanks to Huw for the Sportive talk.
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Postby Alex P » Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:46 pm

Andrew, just a thought and organising might be difficult but I'm sure that one of these (if it is not too long) talks held at the cafe at Charlwood might work.

I'm thinking at a time when the weather is better and the talk given out the back therefore less impact on space.

Obviously a few hurdles to overcome, not in the least the cafe's permission but it could work.
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Postby Andrew G » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:51 pm

Alex, I like the idea, captive audience an all that, but I think organisation would be a problem. Anyone going out to Charlwood to give a talk would want a bit more time than they would be able to get squeezing in after the various groups arrive.
Speaking personally I like the general chat (and stuffing my face) at the cafe, so don't think a talker would get the attention they would want / deserve.

Thanks for voting so far chaps/chapess', please do so if you haven't.

Ta muchly.
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Postby Rob » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:04 pm

hmmmmmmmmmmmm banana for goodness shakes chocolate werent too bad either...

i advise everyone visit the site and send away for free samples.... :P
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