This is going ahead as planned, downstairs at Beer Circus
7.45 for an 8.00pm start
Maria and I will be doing a very informal presentation for anyone doing sportives/challenge rides this year, both UK and abroad. Covering long term preparation, short term preparation, best practice on the day, tactics for survivng, tactics for fast times etc, etc
I'll also do a quick run through of the new Dragon Ride course as most ACC members seem to be signed up for it
Any novice sportive riders or those wanting to maximise their enjoyment of these rides, please come along. Experienced sportivers will be on hand for a Q&A session as well.
All that in the presence of the finest Beers from around Europe. So come for a drink even if you never intend doing a sportive
Post here if you're intending to come so I can get an idea of numbers for printing maps etc
Hope to see you there