Ade Merckx

I know all this training business makes us sound a bit serious but, well, some people really are into this bike lark so feel free to talk about all training & self improvement related topics in here

Postby Andrew G » Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:09 am

Just read your blog Stu. Scary, God help everyone now you've started to do structured training :shock:

Well done though, and I look forward to seeing you and George kicking some Mozzie butt :D
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:26 am

i decided that seaming as there could potentially less agreeable chaps than yourselves i would proof read it and use a dictionary--(type the words im not sure into word)... :lol: :D

andrew- it probably won't last, but i will try to keep it up :D
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Postby tel » Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:35 pm

Hi Brian

Sorry, I`ve only just noticed your post re: 2x20.

In Pete Read`s training manual he suggests an interval session something like this:-

2min, 4min, 6min, 8min 8min, 6 4 2 with 1min rests between efforts

Still pretty hard, but not so boring.

I`ve been doing this over the winter-hopefully it`s started to pay dividends.

Good luck

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Postby Toks » Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:58 pm

[quote]i went out for a ride one day with the intention of finding it, and got to box hill and decided to sprint up untill i couldnt go breath, so im hoping i got my max as i don't want to have to go through something like that again

is there a more scientific way of doing it though?
No thats perfect. As long as you were fairly well rested before the attempt and on the day were super motivated then I'm sure that'll be your maximum heart rate . Having had a good few days off the bike will mean your heart stroke volume would've dropped.

Consequently High heart rates after a long rest period will always be achieved despite moderate intensity/speed/power on the bike. Over the coming weeks expect your heart rate to fall at threshold. Remember to monitor you PE at threshold and use HR as a reference point rather than a presription

[quote]Hi Brian

Sorry, I`ve only just noticed your post re: 2x20.

In Pete Read`s training manual he suggests an interval session something like this:-

2min, 4min, 6min, 8min 8min, 6 4 2 with 1min rests between efforts

Still pretty hard, but not so boring.

I`ve been doing this over the winter-hopefully it`s started to pay dividends.

Good luck

Hi Terry, forgive me if I sound a bit prickly but what exactly does Pete Read say this workout is designed to do? How hard are you supposed to ride those short intervals etc?

The thing to remember is unless you've got bag loads of training time then you need to make it optimal. 2 x20 is designed to raise your 'threshold power' - pure and simple. Lactate Threshold Power is very trainable and coupled with VO2max essentially determines how powerful you are as an endurance cyclists (all of us!) 2 x20's cut to the chase but there's lots of other ways to raise your threshold

I take your point that 2 x 20's are boring but 2 4 6 8 and 8 all seem a bit random although I'm sure there will still be a training effect for most people
Last edited by Toks on Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:02 pm

[quote] Over the coming weeks expect your heart rate to fall at threshold

cheers toks, but what does this bit men ?

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Postby Matthew Ives » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:06 pm

[quote]there was no way of avoiding it, i had to get on the to kick off my new 'structured' training i thought i would do 2x20 at 93% each way. so into my dining room i went, opened up the patio doors and put the radio on virgin.

Hi Stu.
Is that 93% of FT or 93% of max heart rate?
If it's the latter, then isn't that really a VO2 max workout rather than a workout aiming to raise your theshold? Toks will probably correct me if I'm wrong on this :)
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Postby Toks » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:20 pm

If your twenty minutes threshold HR was 179bpms yesterday. After a period of training your 20mins heart rate will possibly fall to 169bpms. Your heart stroke volume has increase and possibly your power @ threshold too.

Oh by the way, don't get concerned about how high someone's maximum heart rate is. ITS SIMPLY A NUMBER THAT TELLS YOU YOUR HEARTS RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS. That stimulus could be fatigue, exercise, heat, being chase by a dog etc. Heart rate does not tell you how strong or fast you are on the bike. The only think that will tell you that is POWER. But then you knew that anyway! :D
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Postby Toks » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:26 pm

[quote]Hi Stu.
Is that 93% of FT or 93% of max heart rate?
If it's the latter, then isn't that really a VO2 max workout rather than a workout aiming to raise your theshold? Toks will probably correct me if I'm wrong on this
IU think you're spot on MATT. Stu probably needs to do a few sessions to get a baseline as to where his Threshold HR is relative to his Perceived Exertion. On the turbo having rested and not having drunk much my heart rate for a TH workout can be right up in the 93% of max zone too...By the way Mr Bond have you started training yet? :D
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:37 pm

im not sure what FT is, but it was 93% of max heart rate...i don't no if it was vo2, i was not too out of breath, so ill take toks explanation. :lol:

[quote] Stu probably needs to do a few sessions to get a baseline as to where his Threshold HR is relative to his Perceived Exertion.

what does this mean?? and how do i tell when it happens?? :lol: :lol:

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Postby Toks » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:57 pm

Oh my gosh you're worse than my students!!!. Ha Ha only joking. I think you need to do a few more threshold session over the next few weeks so you can get an idea of your average threshold heart rate. PE (perceived exertion) simply refers to what the training intensity feels like. Some bloke has actually designed a scale between 1-10 or 1-20. the lower the number the easy the exercise effort feels.

Threshold intensity usually means: Slight/mild burning in the thighs, you're able to mutter a few sporadic words but not hold a full conversation, breathing is laboured, it takes a lot of concentration to maintain the effort and if really motivated you could repeat the effort the next day. But generally 24-48 hours rest is needed. Don't even get me started on what a VO2max interval feels like :shock: :P :roll: :roll: :( :(
PS I'm loving your blog. Keep it up Dude!!!!!!!
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Postby Matthew Ives » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:12 pm

[quote]By the way Mr Bond have you started training yet

Well, I've read a lot of books on training.
Does that count?
I'm thinking of starting next week with the Elmers End chain gang.
If I can hold on for a mile or two, I'll be more than happy.
The words 'Baptism' and 'fire' spring to mind.
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Postby Robh » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:15 pm

Stop the guessing and get yourself a powermeter...If you can't afford one you could always hire one for a month see here :-
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Postby Brian Robinson » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:30 pm


Tried another LT session last night. Big improvement :D on last week (here's some data):

- 10 min warm up (60%)
- 10 min LT (80% within 2 mins and then drifted up to 85%) [approx 90rpm 53 x 17]
- 10 min aerobic (70%)
- 10 min LT (80% within 2 mins and then drifted up to 86%) [approx 90rpm 53 x 17]
- 5 min warm down (down to 65%)

Felt a lot better this time, concentrated more on my cadence and smoothness which definitely seemed to help, thanks for the tips.

Will probably aim to another 2 x 10 min next week but if I feel good at the 10min mark may try to push on for 15min :twisted: if possible.

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Postby Toks » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:26 pm

[quote] 10 min warm up (60%)
- 10 min LT (80% within 2 mins and then drifted up to 85%) [approx 90rpm 53 x 17]
- 10 min aerobic (70%)
- 10 min LT (80% within 2 mins and then drifted up to 86%) [approx 90rpm 53 x 17]
- 5 min warm down (down to 65%)

Great stuff Brian, Keep it going mate. Oh, all efforts greater than three mins will essentially be aerobic.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:46 pm

:lol: cheers toks, are you a school teacher?!?!?
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