Sat Club run 18mph interval extravaganza!(sp)

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Sat Club run 18mph interval extravaganza!(sp)

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:57 pm

A quick phone call on friday afternoon confirmed the worst- " Hello Ian, are you out on the CR?" enquires the Shadow, Yep , provided its not raining, ruins me locks- dontcha know.
Well how about doing some interval sessions, then recovering, then going again- no prob I says.
Spent all night running round with a large stick doing raindance type thingys.
A restless night tossing :wink: and the day dawned grey, gloomy and damp- just like montys pants :shock: ( I know he doesn't read the forum and I have had a pint of Belgiums finest!)
We had just the right amount of riders, 8 and a what a fine group they were as well, Shadow, Connor, Nigel( capt. cadence)Big Jon H, Brian R, Phil with mudguards( :roll: ) Paul B and little old moi.
With this size of group its quite easy to communicate and the Shadow called out the various disciplines we were supposed to carry out. Mucho out of the saddle stuff ensued as we duly sprinted for hill crests and sometimes it seemed just for the fun of it.
When the shout came break-a -ways were encouraged and much effort was put thru the pedals and in my case some good high HR were achieved, reminiscent of my lighter, thinner days :cry: .
Jon "haystacks" H was a vision in white! :shock: , he is prob the smoothest rider in ACC displaying power and superb pedalling technique as he shot past my vain attempts at glory.
Riding like this is great fun as we did do recovery bits along the way- I know Phil enjoyed the workout- you could tell by the grin at the cafe.
The sprint was fierecly(sp) contested( cripes and blimey I sound like STU, only 30 yrs older-a ft taller and (censored) heavier) but Brian took it from the shadow with me about a bike behind ( well i had just done a mammoth turn at 450w for 6 mins@LT@190bpm)
A black coffee for me please Renata- no sugar- and a...FCEK off piece of walnut sponge :twisted: please.
The ride home was great, just after the road works I heard a shout from the shadow "sprint" -into auto mode I creaked outa the saddle and gave it some- Cadence king nigel came along and we gave it some- for some reason I found my legs working well (?) and shot off the front, ahh what the hell interval out- interval home. Head down @rse out giving it max. I managed to stay out all the way home- the others probably gave up when they saw my awesome display of controlled power and aggression on the bike.
I had a great day and many thanks to the Shadow for suggesting a different approach to the CR.

Note to self

Write up reports when you are sober.
Ian A4size
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Postby Steve B » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:43 am

Yes good ride today. A mixture of short and medium hard efforts, longer steady efforts and a couple of sprints thrown in for good measure, all with a recovery between them , made for a very enjoyable but tough club run. An ideal group for the '18's' to up their pace and efforts without the fear of being dropped off the back of the 'training' or '19' groups.

Everyone contributed in the thru & off stints and no one was impatient during recovery/regrouping, which all made it run pretty smoothly. Good job guys.

Brian just pipped me for the sprint to the cafe (must be the luck of the Irish today, don't mention the rugby), Jon was just 'Too Smooth', but rider of the day was unquestionably Ian Munnery. Strength, stamina, speed, he had it all today. Very impressed. He also set off from the cafe at a great pace, going off the front of the group on his own and we never saw him again. Let me know what your on Ian cos I'll have a pint of it. Great effort.

Ride back was tough with aching legs from the outward journey. Up through the golf course felt ok until the last kick where I tried to stand up and power over the top, only to sit down again immediately cos my thigh muscles felt like they had been injected with lead.

A welcome couple of minutes rest at the church and then off again for the final blast up Merstham and down into Coulsdon. Three broke away, including 'Too Smooth' Jon, but I couldn't go with them and three of us, me, Brian and Monty, made our own threesome trying not to let the gap grow. Lights at Hooley brought us back together and a final full on effort took us down into Coulsdon.
Great day!

The 7 miles home from Coulsdon felt like 20

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Postby Toks » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:00 pm

[quote]Brian took it from the shadow with me about a bike behind ( well i had just done a mammoth turn at 450w for 6 mins@LT@190bpm)
Munnery you're a speed Demon! :D
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Postby Jon H » Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:27 pm

The smoothie maker I got for Xmas must be working :wink:
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