Ade Merckx

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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:53 pm

how do you go above 100%?
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Postby Robh » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:56 pm

[quote="STU BIANCHI BOY"]how do you go above 100%?

The percentage is based on your average HR during a 1hr time trial.
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Postby Brian Robinson » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:09 pm

The % I have quoted are based on max heart rate.

Based on the % Rob has quoted I've converted them to %MaxHR

LT - 85% - 95%MaxHR (Based on 90% of Max average for a 1 hour time trial)
Tempo - 75% - 85%MaxHR

This would suggest that I am barely riding at Lactate Threshold. Anyone else?


P.S. Forgive my ignorance, who is Dr Croggan?
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Postby Matthew Ives » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:31 pm

[quote]LT - 85% - 95%MaxHR (Based on 90% of Max average for a 1 hour time trial)
Tempo - 75% - 85%MaxHR

This would suggest that I am barely riding at Lactate Threshold. Anyone else?

I think those figures are only a general guide.

Lactate threshold isn't really recordable except in lab conditions where someone can take a sample of your blood and measure lactate levels.

A better working measure is FT or functional threshold. This is the level of power that you can sustain during a 1 hr TT. Different riders get to their FT at a different percentage of their max HR, so don't automatically think that you HAVE to hit 90% max HR to be at your FT. :)

You'll probably know when you're at FT during a threshold workout by whether or not you could hold that intensity for an hour.

Andy Coggan is a bit of a physiology guru for cyclists. He developed the notion of 'sweet spot' training and often posts over at
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Postby Brian Robinson » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:52 pm

Cheers Matt (and Rob).

Hadn't come across Functional threshold before. Just shows how easy it is to create mixed messages on these topics.

I suspect that I am there or thereabouts re: 100% FT (i.e. 1 hr TT pace).
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Postby Ian A4size » Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:14 pm

[/quote] intricately ribbed architectural phenomenon[quote]

what the hell is going on here....

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Postby Toks » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:59 pm

Hi Brian, Lactate threshold *, Threshold and Functional Threshold are all pretty much describing the same thing. Its that point during exercise where there's almost an equilibrium blood lactate removal and production.

If you ride above that threshold intensity you're gonna have to slow down after roughly 5-10 minutes. (hence you can blast up Box Hill above threshold but you couldn't keep that intensity going for much longer). If you ride below threshold intensity all thing considered equal you could keep the effort going for hours within (cyclosportivs, club run etc)

I've put an axterix next to * Lactate Threshold because by its true scientific definition its actually below Threshold/Functional Threshold or indeed Critical Power. Lactate Threshold intensity can be maintained for at least 2/3 hours. However this term Lactate Threshold has been misrepresented by most 'cycling coaches' so when people (not Exercise Physiologist or Sports Scientists) refer to Lactate Threshold they are actually referring to THRESHOLD

Depending on your fitness levels your threshold heart rate can vary between 84-92% of your max. Finally if it feels like this then you're doing a 2 x 20 at threshold Threshold intensity: Slight/mild burning in the thighs, you're able to mutter a few sporadic words but not hold a full conversation, breathing is laboured, it takes a lot of concentration to maintain the effort

By the way, well done mate. I'll be watching this space carefully :D
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:13 pm

[quote]Loosely translated, that says too me 'more pressure please I'm loving it' - happy to oblige Andrew.

Oi! I 'll only take my abuse in person so you'll have to get down to a CR :wink:

Where are you kicking off your season Toks so I can start applying some pressure?
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Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:26 pm

Hey Toks have you had your body fat precentage measured?

I did it for free before my ski race, with the machine that sends a wave through from one foot to the other.

I was astounded to get 8.5% - was expecting something like 15! But I've read that this method is not the most accurate, can be affected by how much water you've been drinking before.

If I'm 8.5, you must be 3%!
Dr Frigo

Postby Toks » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:39 pm

Andrew - As long as my racing license arrives in time I think my first race will be the 2/3 Surrey league race next sunday (18th) afternoon. The pressure's on! 8)

Sylv - I've no idea what my body fat percentage would be. Contrary to popular belief I'm always eating but it never seems to turn into fat though
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Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:54 pm

Le blog sacrebleu!
Diary du jour

I don't have time for a 2*20 at lunchtime (thank dog), so decided to do a single 1*20, my second ever. Had planned to do this yesterday, but my legs were hurting too much from my first run in more than a month on Monday. Felt good on the bike though, different muscles etc (I rode to work two days after the 90km ski race but could hardly walk), slight thigh pain above the knee, but that's what you get from gym bikes with 1.5" between saddle height adjustment slots.

Warmed up for five minutes watching footage of the plane crash, sigh, then went for it. Five minutes in I realised those bikes actually have a low handlebar position that mimicks a real bike way better than the "chopper" position I've used till now, wehey. I adopt an aerodynamic position which puts my HR watch about 1" from my eyes (but didn't make me go any faster). HR is at 82% for the first half, then 86% for the second. Power output is 250-260 Watt, this at 100rpm (at the moment I couldn't sustain this at 90rpm for 20").

Finished with a 20 sec sprint @ 420w which had the machine shaking from side to side.

Felt pretty good, think I could've done another set, well maybe I'll do it on the commute tonight. Planning to do this once a week now (twice if not racing), hopefully decreasing the rpm to 95 for the same power output.

Voila. Oh and this is a blog so don't mind the changes in tense (they make it more "real life")...
Dr Frigo

Postby Toks » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:22 pm

Cool!... Why don't you set up a proper one? :D
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Postby Alan M » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:57 pm

Not sure if it counts as serious training but I enjoyed a fantastic 60 miles today, much of it very steady but with a bit of a push over Gangers lane up to Botley Hill and a 97% mhr for about 3 minutes. This makes me wonder if my max isn't higher than the highest I have ever seen it 178. And the Cakes at Bannisters near Blindley heath are to die for! It was a mixed group of 15 including 7 women mostly from Kingston Phoenix; Jackie who used to ride with ACC was there as well. This is a regular steady ride, about 15.5 mph group every Thursday which leaves at 10 on the dot from near Betchworth. There is a similar group on Tuesdays but a bit faster, 17 mph average, usually with a few sprints. Anyone is welcome to join in.

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Postby Dr Frigo » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:58 pm

Cos it's probably gonna be its one and only entry ... :D
Dr Frigo

Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:14 pm

Le petit blogue

Did a 1*20 © at the gym, after a 35" run outside yesterday. Learnt last time that I could push it a bit harder, so after 10" @ 100rpm @ 80% @ 250W, I upped the level one step which allowed me to do 10" @ 90rpm @ 85-86% @ 280W. That was much harder - don't think I could last more than 15-20" at that rate - not on a stationary bike at least. Didn't fancy a sprint at the end. La fin.
Dr Frigo


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