The Bognor & Back EPIC

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The Bognor & Back EPIC

Postby Andrew G » Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:56 pm

A report to follow, I too dead now and will probably be in bed by 8:30!

Stat attack as a prelude though:

Time: 7 hours 45 minutes
Distance: 136.5 miles
Average Speed: 17.5mph (it was 19 to Bognor but the savage wind nearly killed us on the way back.)

Easily the longest day I've had in the saddle, both time and distance.
Next time a 17s is called at CSS you may want to check which route you'll be taking :wink: .
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:11 pm

Well I made it until 9 before going to bed, and slept straight through 'til the alarm went off at 6.30 this morning. Needless to say I didn't cycle to work today.

Right here goes...

Those present and correct at CSS were Polish Andrew (don't know surname), Adrian, Jonathan, Chris Kay, me, and our host Paul Tunnell. Sorry we missed you Brian.

My route details are sketchy but then Paul does offer a tenner if anyone can retrace the route (no GPS allowed) so it's not the easiest to remember! We set off behind the Tunnelling machine at the usual blistering pace, starting on the club run route. We then headed out and past the HQ for both last weeks sporting TTs which made me think Paul had left something behind he needed to collect.

By Loxwood I think we'd hardly dipped below 20mph, occaisionally dropping to a pedestrian 18 up the drags! It seemed this wasn't going to be a stroll to the seaside.

After Loxwood the only other place name I can remember is Ellens Green because of the comically huge village sign. Adrian remarked "Proud of their village, then" as we rolled in. At first it didn't look like it was going to live up to its signage, but then we went past a vast sprawling pile with a little wooden sign by the gate simply saying "Ellens". Ellen is no relation that I'm aware of so cycling past will be the closest I get.

Shortly outside Bognor we wiggled through some bollards on a cut through, but unfortunately Adrian clipped one and came down. He says he thought it was the lesser of two evils as he'd had his eye on a bus coming round the corner, perhaps not as it turned out.

His finger had a nasty cut and was dripping red stuff in fairly sizeable quantities. Paul and Chris nipped in a shop for a bandage while I administered first aid by squeezing water on it. (Adrian had lemon in his bidon which might have made him scream a bit.)

Finger swathed in bandage and tied to the one next to it and we set off again. Unfortunately as the injured digit was his index finger, and very painful, gear changes and braking were extremely difficult eliciting a howl on a couple of occaisions.

Paul's intended drop in to Bognor had been up a big hill and straight down the other side. As this would have meant quite a steep drop, and heavy braking, we made a slight detour. We still had to climb the hill, which wasn't overly steep but was a fair length, and I failed to get any rhythm at the bottom so had to grapple over the thing. The descent in to Bognor was then less bumpy, smoother, gradual, and more finger friendly.

Down to the seafront for coffee, bacon rolls, chips and a gaze out to sea. I was keen for us all to get in a childs teacup ride and have our photo taken spinning round in full ACC lycra, but sadly the others were less keen.

Unfortunately there was no way Adrian could cycle back, his finger was looking a bit fatter and blood was seeping through the bandage, so we despatched him to the station and made our getaway before he found out there weren't any trains. (Only joking, I've spoken since and he got a train back to Clapham quite quickly).

Everyone had been going well and strongly on the way down, but we knew the wind would be bad on the way back. It was horrendous. Paul towed us along for most of the time, Chris did a share, and I tried to hide from the gale blaming a lack of route knowledge for my disgraceful shirking.

We headed along the coast towards Brighton, turning up just before to head back inland. T'other Andrew did a long stint on the front through some countryside, Chris was always there or thereabouts, and I even managed to get involved from time to time, but Paul had done nearly all the towing in to the galeforce headwind along the front.

Jonathan was starting to struggle with a sore leg and was dropping back on the hills. We eased up at the top to let him back on but unfortunately I think he was struggling to put much power down and keep up a high pace.

Jonathan finally dropped off the back permanantly at Horsham, so was close enough to home, but sadly we hadn't noticed until a few corners later so weren't sure exactly where we'd lost him. Hope you got back okay.

We then picked up the club run at Rusper and came back the reverse of the CRs out leg. I was going through a bad patch and had been shovelling an energy bar down for the last few miles. From Rusper Chris and Paul were towing us along but then started playing half wheeling games and tearing off up the road. I could hold the wheel 'til 25mph but then my legs were saying no. I'd carry on head down to catch back up when they eased off, but then they were off again. Andrew was suffering even more than me by now and was just hanging on my wheel.

At Leigh Paul and Chris eased up on the "blue-arsed-fly" cycling and my energy bar had kicked in so I could stay with them and even start to do some work. Sadly Andrew could take no more and slid off at Leigh. It was a bit dambusterish by now "we've lost another one chaps!" but I was determined to hang in as if I dropped off the group I knew it would take forever to get home.

Through Reigate Paul had a bad spell and while Chris nipped up the Merstham drag, and I spun up quite well now re-energised, Paul dropped right back paying for all that work in to the gale.

A re-group at the top of the drag and then a nice spin back home.

It has to be said that all day Chris was amazingly strong, just powered along on the big ring all day. Only used the inner ring for the bigclimb and another steep one, everything else was just cruised over! When we waved good bye at Coulsdon he still looked fresh, like he'd just been for a normal CR.

Fantastic day even if it was hard work. Thanks to the gang for the company, and Paul as ever for his Ordanace Survey-esque knowledge of the south east.


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Postby Alan M » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:17 pm

Sounds like an epic Andrew - I think I made the right decision!! - Chris is strong - you will recall that he pulled me round Eastaway at last year's race and I has real problems hanging on - You fell off the back after several laps at that point in your training , but right new you are well in the groove.
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Bognor Epic

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:41 pm

Thanks Andrew, that's saved me a lot of typing.
Just to add Adrian had his argument with a bollard at Petworth, then we went up Duncton Hill.

Got to darts match OK and ACC won just about everything!!!!

I rode in today and legs felt fine albeit a bit sluggish - no top end, but managed to roll along at 20-22mph on the flat bits. Just ran out of steam sprinting up the last hill to my office.

That should put in a good base mileage, and looking forward to TDF route reccy ride on April 21st - should be good for 130+miles again.

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Postby adrian » Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:32 am

Finger is broken - spent all day (9am-8.15pm) yesterday at first Guy's and then St Thomas'. Have got to have an operation - general anaesthetic and all - on Thursday morning. Rats.

Still, they said that healing time is 4-6 weeks, and I should be able to be back on the bike in half that time, once the swelling has gone down.

Shame, really - was enjoying the ride on Sunday, and while not exactly relishing the ride back from Bognor in that wind, would like to have done it. Well done to those that did.

Would like to do PT's TdF recky ride, but we'll have to see.

All things considered, it would have been better to have looked where I was going :roll:
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Postby George » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:45 am

Sound like a good day out,

sorry to hear about your digit Adrian, it must be pretty painfull.

Go and see DOCTOR LASER ... php?t=3724

He'll fix it up quick :wink:
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Postby jon avery » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:52 am

George are you on commision with Dr Laser? :lol:
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Postby Matthew Ives » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:22 am

Perhaps George IS Doctor Laser?
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Postby Richard (Apples) » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:28 am

George, why dont you see if Dr. Laser can mend your frame :wink:
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Postby George » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:30 am

Dr Laser pointer :lol:
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Postby Chris K » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:37 am

A great day out, thanks to Paul for organizing it and navigating us though every lane and village enroute to the coast.

Andrew, it was an epic ride followed by an epic report - is there no end to your talents!!

It has to be said though this ride was originally advertised as a sportive preparation ride!
I may seriously consider doing a couple of sportives as preparation for Paul’s next ride out to the coast.

Adrian, sorry to hear about your finger, hope it’s not too painful and you are back on the bike soon.
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Postby Andrew G » Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:31 pm

I'm just full of a lot of hot air Chris, I suffer from a severe case of verbal diarrhea. Apologies to those who nodded off half way through.

Sorry to hear about your finger Adrian. Makes your muted swearing at the time seem very very restrained as I've heard doing that hurts a LOT.

[quote]It has to be said though this ride was originally advertised as a sportive preparation ride!
I may seriously consider doing a couple of sportives as preparation for Paul’s next ride out to the coast.

:D Too true.
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Bognor Ride

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:38 pm

At least I'll qualify for the 18's on the clubrun now.

I haven't done a sportive, but Huw tells me they are a lot faster than my rides, so maybe I'll try one soon to see.

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