ZIPP it...

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ZIPP it...

Postby -Adam- » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:46 pm


So for those inquisitive souls amongst you, i just thought you'd like to know what happened next.


Evidently i bit the bullet this week and made the choice, all by myself, to get these stunning zipps.

Picked them up this morning, having negotiated a reasonable discount. So i returned to my house at 11am, trouble was a couple of mates wanted to go and play pool. To be fair, it had been a while so i obliged. While attepting to play (sometimes im ok at pool, but today my mind was just elsewhere) i was contemplatng whether i had made the right decision. Anyway, after a couple of hours of pool, we decided it was far too nice out to be in the basement of rileys in sutton. One of the boys says 'Im thinkin we get a crate and go play some football.' I was thinkin, ''sounds great guys, but ive got an appointment with a sh!t hot pair of wheels'' They duly took the piss and said off you go then bike boy, and off i was, like a shot.

So im thinking, what a beautiful day to be ride my bike, and what a day to road test my new wheels. I rolled of my drive feeling very apprehensive about how they would ride. Now i know my local circuit intimately now, as ive ridden it hundreds of times. So i knew there was no pothole that i couldnt avoid. I did however know of many sections that are as rough as a... well rough. I was incredibly nervous rolling over the cobbled 'traffic calming measure' just around the corner from my house, but here in came my first sign of reassurance. The wheels felt incredibly solid, and even felt more comfortable on the rough stuff than my now 'training' wheels. The cobbles almost felt like they had been chamfered to leave just a small rise in the road.

So off i rolled, very slowly mind, dont want to tire myself before the weekend. Though i was seduced into giving it some gas at one point or the other... As i approached the first fast section of my ride i noticed, for the first time, the magical hum the wheels make when at speed, especially whilst accelerating. I felt good, and the wheels felt even better. And so to the first section of rough stuff...

I was nervous again, i even turned my ipod off to listen to what was going on beneath me. I was pleasantly suprised, the wheels took the surface, and swallowed it whole. To say the rough stuff felt like silk would be taking the piss, but it certainly felt smoother. This theme continued over and over again.

Then i come to the first 'climb' of the day, a shortish drag up from bookham to ranmore. I have to say, they felt disticntly average climbing, but i had no expectations that they would feel any different. They are after all only a fraction lighter that my Bonty Race Lite's. So climbing wasnt the strong point, but the descent...

Oh my, what more can i say. The wheels are so sure footed it felt like i was descending on rails. Absorbing each lump but providing just the right amount of feedback also. I also glanced down at the speedo, 58.8kph. That is the first time i have gone down there faster than 54kph. Im sure this difference had a little to do with the adrenaline of wanting to push the wheels to the limit (after all how do you know what the limit is if you dont go beyond it?). But i am also convinced that the sublime stability of the wheels helped no end. While the distinctly better aerodynamics of the wheels proved wonders.

This became the standard until i got near home again, and onto flat, straight roads...

Down past the back of epsom hospital i can usually hit 55kph (the road comes off a brief descent), today i hit 60kph. I flew past a commuter and i was thankful there was no cars, as given the speed limit, they may have held me back. :oops: I then swung off up chalk lane, to my hotel, to say hi to the chefs, who are wannabe mountain bikers! LOL

As i reached the final kilometres, nearer my house, i swing onto Horton lane. I dont know if anybody knows the road, but it is slightly downhill (towards hook rd arena). And thus always gives an opportunity to 'put your foot down' or should that be feet. Anyway, an dodgy looking white van man overtook me just before the 1st roundabout. Fair do's i say, he thinks he can get through the roundbout faster than me. So i chase him down as he brakes, and hey presto, ive got one humoungous derny pacer. Love it! So i follow him up to 42mph, here comes the next roundabout. I knew i could have the roundabout quicker than he could. The question was, could i overtake him in time to prove it...

Hell yeah, i stuck my head out into the wind and committed. I was through, right then, so the penultimate roundabout is here... I absolutely flew through it, never touched the brakes, who needs 'em! I couldnt believ how fast i went round it. The next roundabout is home, and same again, id staved off the van this time. Another empty roundabout to attack, i swept through it like a hurricane. Testament to the fantastic handling of a brilliant set of wheels.



Now this will be one of the rare occasions i use these wheels for anything but competition, and the will get there debut on sunday, at 11.30 at dunsfold park. But it was a most enjoyable ride.

Paul, I highly recommend Zipps, I can imaging the tubular versions are even better (being that much lighter an all)

So there you have it, money i hope, will prove to be well spent. I am eying a powertap though, for those of you who suggested it previously. Maybe sometime in the autumn, i like to plan.

In fact one thing my uni has tought me, Dream, Plan... Achieve.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:12 am

fantastic post Adam - a most inspiring read and a great way to slice through this monster hangover I appear to have inherited from my time down the pub yesterday. Great stuff - hope you and your zipp erty doo dahs get along fine for many years to come.

Snoop Doug

Postby Ian A4size » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:36 am

They sure look pretty Adam, but at my weight i think i would destroy them!


Pity about the shimano

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Postby Andrew G » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:43 am

They look okay.


Seriously they look fantastic, hope you both (you & the wheels) go well in the 3 day, good luck. Your reports on it should make great reading after this post was just about a little training loop.

Now if we can just talk about that groupset you've got in the bike... :wink:
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Postby Robh » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:56 am

Very nice Adam....

Personally I would have gone for the tubular version for racing which are much lighter than the clincher version which are like lead bricks. Rotating mass is where people should be looking too loose weight.

Like you say above you are only using them for competition so why not tubs?

Have fun and enjoy.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:59 am

quality adam, they look am amazing!! :P

and good review :D
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Postby -Adam- » Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:41 am

Well rob, the thing is, if they were tubs, that would mean an absolute no no when it comes to say... my trip to the alps, where i am already having dreams of carving down the mountain side on these hoops! so i guess it was swings and roundabouts, but they are just as aero, and thats what matters! Maybe the extra weight compared to the tub version aids the handling though?
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:27 pm

They look like 404's?

Very aero, but questionable for road racing? Wouldn't 303's be better?

See you tomorrow, when we can see what they can do.

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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:29 pm

And we did see what they can do - 2nd place at Dunsfold.

Triffic ride Adam,

Well done.

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Postby -Adam- » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:29 am

Ahem, well that was actually (1st)... But nevermind ay!
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