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Postby -Adam- » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:25 pm

Just wondered what peoples views are on antibiotics and cycling?

Im now on antibiotics for my damned ear, which seems to be getting a little better, touch wood. Amoxycillin 500mg, which according to the packet is the strongest Amoxycillin you can get. Used for 'more severe infections'. This leads me to suspect my immune system is going to take one huge kicking in the process of getting rid of my ear infection.

So the question is... How hard can i push myself while im on the bike, during and immediately after the course of antibiotics?

I get home next wednesday evening, and was planning to ride hard on thursday, easy on friday, then do the Chertsey Mod 3rd cat race on the saturday (5/5). I will finish the course of antibiotics on the friday morning. Is this pushing it too hard too soon? Would i be better off taking it easy until the Tuesday when i plan to make my Palace debut...

Help me... please!


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Re: Antibiotics...

Postby Robh » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:52 pm

Shouldn't you have asked the doctor?
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Postby Ian A4size » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:59 pm

Adam the antibiotics are not the problem. It is a higher dose of Amoxycillin but nothing outstanding . the ear infecton itself is what may cause the trouble as your balance may be affected,

As for your immune response the Antibiotics will kill off the "friendly" bacteria in your gut as well as the bugs in your ear but as long as you eat well and dont have any stomach upsets from the medication you should be ok.

It is one of those occcasions that you have to listen to your body and be honest with yourself as to how you feel.
It's more to do with you ability to hydrate and take on nutrition as a result of the medications impact on your gut.Your immune response will be knocked by overtraining whilst having poor nutrition/hydration ability- so you just have to be honest with yourself as to how well you feel.

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Postby -Adam- » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:00 pm

Yes well i thought of that after, i only saw a doctor in hospital anyway. And to be honest, i think she was a student. I asked her about going to a concert last night and her answer was so vague about whether it was a good idea or not, bit of a joke really.

So does anyone have any personal experience on the matter!? Please!?
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Postby Robh » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:02 pm

Unless somebody is qualified not really the right place to ask...

Best to ring NHS direct
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Postby -Adam- » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:03 pm

Thanks Jo, last post's obviously crossed in hyperspace!

I went out for a spin this evening and felt ok, the biggest problem was a scary lack of awareness of traffic over my right shoulder due to the ear. But thats why i left it till the evening so the roads were quieter... Wasn't really pushing hard though, but i will listen (with my left ear obviously!) to my body and see how it goes.


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Postby mlocke » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:42 pm

Firstly I am no doctor bt I have been a student (with the student lifetyle) and as a result I have had to visit the doctor and receive antibiotics as a resuly and I would say that if you are on anitbiotics there is a valid reason for this as they dont just hand them out for no reason. Therefore I would sugest not pushing yourself too hard and if you really want to do the race save yourself more for this as opposed to other riding.

(professinal disclaimer: I work for a bank - i am not a doctor and I struggle to ride a bike!)
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Postby skippy » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:34 am

Speaking as a nurse of 28yrs with ent experience i would agrre with Ian, rest up eat well, don't push it. You must remember to keep an eye on how you feel generally and wait for symptoms to settle. Also remember the ear is very close to the brain and if the infection doesn't settle in 3-5 days go see your GP.
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Postby -Adam- » Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:04 pm

G'day Skip, thanks for the professional advice!

So i was on my bike again this evening for a while and i feel fine, fine on my bike and fine in general. Just my ear feels like its full of water or something and my hearing in the effected ear is muffled, so i was checking over my shoulder constantly while on the bike!

Also the ear hasn't caused me any pain since friday afternoon. When it statrted to get painful around the same time on the wednesday. Which means today is the 5th day you speak of, so it should begin to improve now right. Otherwise back to the GP, oh joy.

Ok well im now resting, and eating, so hopefully all will be well. Thanks again,

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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:22 pm

Must be the noise of those Zipps whirring round :lol:
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Postby skippy » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:52 am

Thats ok Ajc the other thing to say is that if you dont improve completely or it comes back quick you may need antibiotc/ steroid drops, but as they say out'll be right. :D l
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Postby -Adam- » Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:01 pm

Since my last post the hearing in my right ear has improved quite a bit and is nearly back up to normal, yay :D

So with a bit of luck ill be good to race on Saturday... :twisted:
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