Brighton Run with MRPVT 7/5/07

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Postby George » Mon May 07, 2007 4:57 pm

I couldn't really class it as a drag Andrew,

Cos I had to use the small Chainwheel for the first time :lol:
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Postby -Adam- » Mon May 07, 2007 6:39 pm

Was a great ride today, nice to get out on some lanes that i didn't know existed! I was totally lost at times but it was great, with Paul T around there was no danger.

I didn't feel good from the moment i left my house. A whole day spent paint-blaiing yesterday had had its toll. Leaving me not wanting to get out of bed this morning. So i just made it to coulsdon in time to jump on the Tunnell Train as it was rolling out of the station.

So off we went and a combination of a hard weekend so far and a somewhat blustery wind meant that i was not particularly enjoying the ride at times. And when george came to the front, i actually half thought i want a puncture now to slow him down! Low and behold Richard did, great i thought. I don't think he was quite so amused! I even had to remind George that the Chip shop was open all day but i don't think he heard :?

So on to ditchling and i wasn't the slightest bit interested in fighting it out with George and Paul. So i just sat down and rode my own tempo. Which was enough to rid myself of Polish Andrew and claim the third spot on the Ditchling podium! It was stupidly windy and misty at the top mind. The decent was frought with danger and we were fighting the bikes to stay upright at times.

Onto the Prom and all i wanted was a bacon sandwich, but it was not to be unfortunately. So i settled for the old Flake 99 with my can of Lilt, totally tropical, which was more than could be said of the weather.

At times on the way back i was suffering big time, and Dominic is spot on when i suggested that the pace should lower a little otherwise i was going to drop off and do my own thing. Duly the pace was lowered to a little closer to what it was supposed to be. Thank God! By the time we got to Redhill, the heavens absolutely opened and i got a second wind as a result of desperation to get home! Luckily by merstham the rain had ceased, but the roads were still rather wet. Up the drag Paul T and Polish Andrew seemed to want to hammer it a little, (well it felt like it anyway) so i then hung back with richard, paced it over the top ready for a charge to get back on, on the way down. We did.

So at Coulsdon we went our ways and i duly slipped into the little ring and crawled home. The last 20miles seemed to go on forever!

Got home with 165.5km (103.25miles) under my belt. Easily my longest ride by about 20miles, managed to burn up almost 4500 calories, ouch. Anyway, my dinner is nearly ready, and boy its gonna go down well!!!

P.s don't expect much from me at Palace tomorow, i might be young but my recovery is not that good!
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Postby Paul H » Mon May 07, 2007 7:27 pm

Well it was better than sitting indoors (just).

George is going very well as usual eventhough he has been working all hours the last few weeks. I reckon George put out 450w going up Ditchling so he should give John a run for his money at Palace.

Not sure it was the best thing to do the day before a race so Palace will be more of a "training" race for me I think.
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon May 07, 2007 9:22 pm

[quote]Cos I had to use the small Chainwheel for the first time

and I have a picture to prove it :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Andrew G » Mon May 07, 2007 9:26 pm

I think George and Chris K should just fit 54 or 56 chainrings to their bikes and have done with it. :wink:
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon May 07, 2007 9:38 pm

Thanks guys, another memorable day out in good company, even eating outside on the beach although le soleil was sadly missing :cry:

Thanks to George for towing us along at 25mph into the wind :roll: Now he's got a BIG chainring (53) he's even faster :!: although I spotted his use of the small ring TWICE :wink:

We made use of some lanes, but not as much as usual as they were a bit mucky and gritty, but wiggled down to sneak out part way up Ditchling. The amazing strength of the wind at the top meant creeping along at 16mph leaning over at 45 degrees. The descent to Moulescomb was taken steady (40mph) due to the wind.

Average 18 mph as stated :D

Steady pull home until Gatwick when Dominic deided to use his tri-bars and the speed increased a bit. Adrian also got carried away, before getting stopped at traffic lights. Adam suggested we might like to slow down a bit, ao I sat on the front for a while - actually all the way back :!:

Got back home after 99 miles, so a quick spin round the block to make 100. Average was 18 as promised(well 18.99 :roll: ) steady ride
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Postby -Adam- » Mon May 07, 2007 9:42 pm

I'd like to second the fact that it was what it said on the tin, i.e a steadyish 18 ride. It wasn't the speed that got to me in the end, just the distance! The last 20miles were almost agonising!
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Postby adrian » Tue May 08, 2007 12:06 pm

Adrian also got carried away, before getting stopped at traffic lights.

Not guilty, much as I'd like to have been there. I've got a firm alibi and reliable witnesses placing me at least 40 miles away at the time of the incident.
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Tue May 08, 2007 2:37 pm

That's "polish" Adrian - sorry i cannot attempt his surname
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Postby adrian » Tue May 08, 2007 2:45 pm

Ah, you mean Andrew. Not sure if that's the correct spelling. But in any case, there's no confusing us, sadly :(
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Postby Richard (Apples) » Tue May 08, 2007 8:35 pm

Another great day out thanks to MRPVT :D

It started badly for me with a puncture in Mitcham when I was running a few minutes late anyway .

I phoned to say I would be late and shot off at full pelt to CSS.

I arrived to find half the training group including George grinning from ear to ear :shock:

Off we went at a pretty decent pace when we were joined by Adam, and I started to think this was going to be painful.

I'm not sure how long we'd been going when I got another puncture ,and it seems I wasn't the only one glad of the pit stop .

After plenty more unknown country lanes we arrived at Ditchling .

George and Paul powered up with George getting the honours .

After a quick rest at the top George and Paul rode back down to the cafe at the bottom and we carried on through fog and a sidewind so strong you had to lean over at a crazy angle just to stay on the bike :!:

We got down into Brighton and had a spot of lunch on the seafront .
Sitting ouside in the cold and wind ,passing tourists must have thought we were mad .

The way back was through intermitent rain and sunshine until an almighty downpour had us all soaked .

The pace was getting furious by now and I was begining to suffer as we flew through Gatwick at about 30 mph and I kept tasting my jacket spud :!: :!: :twisted:

I have to thank Adam for dragging me back to the others a couple of times without his help I think I might have thrown the towel in :cry:

At last we reached CSS .

I turned off up that bugger of a hill over towards Wallington .

I got home with 103 miles on the clock and an ave of 18.6

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Postby Ian A4size » Tue May 08, 2007 8:40 pm

[quote]The pace was getting furious by now and I was begining to suffer as we flew through Gatwick at about 30 mph and I kept tasting my jacket spud

Aaahh i see you were getting your monies worth :lol:
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Postby -Adam- » Wed May 09, 2007 2:04 am

No problem Richard, half the time i was just making sure i was going to have someone to ride with when i got dropped!
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed May 09, 2007 8:37 am

[quote]No problem Richard, half the time i was just making sure i was going to have someone to ride with when i got dropped!

Come on guys, this was just a steady ride 8)

Where was Sean when you need him :?:
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