Reading Gavin's plea for marshals for his upcoming handicap race reminded me of the bother we had trying to get enough folk out to help with the ACC Open 25 TT a few weeks back. This in turn reminded me of so many other times past when we've struggled to get anough assistance to put on a race. Too often it's the same willing people who put something back into a fantastic club that so many of us take a lot from.
It's like groundhog day only it goes on longer
Enough I say
I'm sure that folk way cleverer than li'l ole me have tried to crack this before now but what the hell, let's have another go.
Option Number One - The Carrot
So - supposing that everyone who helped out (gave up their precious time and other resources) at say two events or more in a season got a seeeeeriously reduced membership the following year, let's say they pay a quid. Stuff it - let's say they pay nowt. Maybe we could put the general membership up by a couple of pounds to offset this so the club doesn't lose out financially. Might that encourage a few more to come forward?
Option Number Two - The Stick
Amend the membership rules so they state that as a member of ACC, you MUST contribute to at least one event a year. Note - I say event, not race. So for example Guru Paul or Marco who shineth forth enlightenment on all things bike maintenance and bodgy fixer uppers (donating their own precious time) should be able to count that as their contribution to the cause.
Trouble with the stick is....whaddya do if folk sign the form then don't deliver....? Would a public naming and shaming be enough..?
How about a few more ideas so that we can have a real go at sorting this once and for all? For what it's worth I'm willing to whip things up on the forum asking for help on behalf of whoever. I'm also happy to turn up at CSS before the club run and do a bit of press ganging on anyone's behalf. I have no shame or reluctance in asking people to do their bit.
Ideas on a postcard please (I'll get me coat).
Cheers - Escargosnoop