Marshal Law - Whassup?

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Marshal Law - Whassup?

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu May 10, 2007 9:02 pm

Reading Gavin's plea for marshals for his upcoming handicap race reminded me of the bother we had trying to get enough folk out to help with the ACC Open 25 TT a few weeks back. :( This in turn reminded me of so many other times past when we've struggled to get anough assistance to put on a race. :cry: :cry: Too often it's the same willing people who put something back into a fantastic club that so many of us take a lot from.

It's like groundhog day only it goes on longer :!:

Enough I say :!:

I'm sure that folk way cleverer than li'l ole me have tried to crack this before now but what the hell, let's have another go.

Option Number One - The Carrot :idea:

So - supposing that everyone who helped out (gave up their precious time and other resources) at say two events or more in a season got a seeeeeriously reduced membership the following year, let's say they pay a quid. Stuff it - let's say they pay nowt. :D Maybe we could put the general membership up by a couple of pounds to offset this so the club doesn't lose out financially. Might that encourage a few more to come forward?

Option Number Two - The Stick :idea:

Amend the membership rules so they state that as a member of ACC, you MUST contribute to at least one event a year. Note - I say event, not race. So for example Guru Paul or Marco who shineth forth enlightenment on all things bike maintenance and bodgy fixer uppers (donating their own precious time) should be able to count that as their contribution to the cause.

Trouble with the stick is....whaddya do if folk sign the form then don't deliver....? Would a public naming and shaming be enough..? :oops:

How about a few more ideas so that we can have a real go at sorting this once and for all? For what it's worth I'm willing to whip things up on the forum asking for help on behalf of whoever. I'm also happy to turn up at CSS before the club run and do a bit of press ganging on anyone's behalf. I have no shame or reluctance in asking people to do their bit.

Ideas on a postcard please (I'll get me coat).

Cheers - Escargosnoop
Last edited by Snoop Doug on Thu May 10, 2007 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Snoop Doug

Postby Andrew G » Thu May 10, 2007 9:30 pm

Couldn't agree more Snoop, it's disgraceful. On average 80 members every week out on a club run, membership of 250. Ask for 25 to give up a morning/evening etc and there's a phrase about blood and stones that rings a bell.

With a membership our size it wouldn't be one event a year, it would be more like one event every third year! You want to ride with ACC for 4 hours every week, I don't think it's much to ask that you give up 4-6 hours once every 36 months!

Option 3
Every member to donate their time for one event every 3 years. If short of numbers for marshalling an event then draw names out of a hat. Is this too draconian? We all like belonging to a large active club, but how active can we be if we can't fulfil our obligations to promote events?

You mention what to do if the stick doesn't work Snoop...cancel membership? I now all this doesn't sound very agreeable but then neither is always taking without giving anything back.

I shall now go to another country to dodge the missiles.
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri May 11, 2007 8:48 am

[quote]Amend the membership rules so they state that as a member of ACC, you MUST contribute to at least one event a year.

Cap'n, here is an extraction (painful I know) from the Agreeable Rules Handbook.

[quote]12. EVENT DUTIES (Marshalling, pushing off, results board, canteen etc). The club expects all full racing members to undertake event duties in at least two events a year in order to help promote cycling and cycle sport. Additionally non-racing members are encouraged to assist in at least one event or to assist in the promotion of cycling locally or nationally. A full list of events and requirements will be published as available

Because of the size of the club and it's agreeable nature, we have not gone down the route of enforcing this (tried once, but it takes someone a lot of time and effort, ha, another volunteer :roll: - who in turn then gets lots of abuse) :cry:

I don't know what the answer is, but it is so frustrating when trying to organise events, like the JBS Memorial Road Race that I struggled to get enough people to commit themselves to helping.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Fri May 11, 2007 11:53 am

Guru Paul - thank you for even more enlightenment. I'm willing to be that pain in the a*se on behalf of ACC :shock:

As long as I had a list of members I'm sure this could be co-ordinated by my good self. I would also need to know when our events are and who is organising so I could help those people rally the troops. Simply a case of logging who has done their bit and then pestering those who ain't :wink:

Bring it on, errrr, I mean......
Arrrr, I'll make 'em all walk the plank :twisted:
Snoop Doug

Postby Dominic » Fri May 11, 2007 12:13 pm

like the JBS Memorial Road Race that I struggled to get enough people to commit themselves to helping.

My father in law helped out at the above. He is not a member of the club but was very happy to help and came away with a good impression of the club and organisation, but his comment was, after seeing the amount of people on the club run, 'where was everybody?'
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Postby Amy » Fri May 11, 2007 4:55 pm

In my experience of both CTC and ACC it's always the same old people who come forward and help out. It's been great to have seen some new people out helping more recently but still, as you say, with the size of the club :?

I am nearly always quite willing to help: my main problem is often getting out to help and sometimes back which is why I haven't volunteered for the evening races (I did help at Eastway but getting back home way past midnight is a shock for a girl who likes to go to bed nearer 10 :oops: ) (Tim, you are one of the same olds and you are a star - going out of your way and getting back even later to drop me and a couple of others off.)

Anyway 2 things:

How about a list of probably dates for the forthcoming year so that people can put them in their diary issued at some suitable time before things really kick off - I know the old excuse of "it's short notice" - with reminders at the cafe and on the forum etc?

and 2 If you really need an extra helper and I'm not already down to help, give me a shout - I should be available to help. I'll probably need a lift out and back though :lol:

PS I do hate marshalling road races so would prefer other roles like canteen... :wink:
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Re: Marshal Law - Whassup?

Postby John Sheridan » Fri May 11, 2007 4:55 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]
Ideas on a postcard please (I'll get me coat).

option 3 - actually send out requests for help? I don't always get on here so this is the first I've heard of it... I've just looked in that thread and memebers were only advised 2 days ago (not that I received the email)! How can anyone expect people to help if they don't know about it???
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Postby Amy » Fri May 11, 2007 5:08 pm

Having just seen the thread about a new area for the forum prompted this idea, plus John S's comment about not seeing electronic communications.

How about a calendar/notice boad at Renata's?

right, that's it, I'm signing off and ducking out the country - well, will do when I feel I can eat again properly following a scary session of d'n'v.... and can get further than the front door...
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Postby Snoop Doug » Fri May 11, 2007 8:14 pm

John - a very fair comment about comms. I appreciate the forum doesn't catch everyone and so I'm happy to take a think about how we can communicate across the whole of ACC. Not sure what you mean by 2 days notice tho, the note asking for help at the handicap on May 17th was posted on 25th April. I first asked for help on the Open 25 6 weeks in advance. Any way - the main aim of this thread is being achieved - some good ideas about how to manage this whole piece better.

So - please keep 'em coming.

Arrrrrrr - Snoopla
Snoop Doug

Postby Marek » Fri May 11, 2007 9:40 pm

I think that it is only fair that the people who race reguluarly should put their hands up first to marshal, basically they are the ones that are getting the benefit of the other races in the first place.

In relation to getting people it always seems to work out on the night when I did the Newchapel race, but it can take a bit of cajooling, think it is the same for anything. Last year I had to get my mum and dad to stand on a corner which was not ideal, but I think they kind of enjoyed it.

I used to be a member of a fishing club and they got really upset, like they would chuck you out and not let you fish on their lakes if you did not help out with the upkeep twice a year.

Gavin, as I have said, I will help if I have to, but I am marshalling later in the year at another event for the mossies and have not done a Handicap yet this year. I really want to do this one as it is my local and the one that I can actually get to in time after work.


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Postby John Sheridan » Fri May 11, 2007 9:54 pm

[quote="Snoop Doug"]J Not sure what you mean by 2 days notice tho, the note asking for help at the handicap on May 17th was posted on 25th April.

I presume you mean the original post here on the forum. I was referring to the following post made yesterday
I emailed the whole club last night, hope it helps.

I haven't received any emails from ACC in ages. Have they stopped coming out or are all the emails disappearing into a spam trap somewhere?
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Postby John Sheridan » Fri May 11, 2007 10:58 pm

I email those whose email addresses I have. I'll use the email address on your profile. My apologies.

the member database has all the email addresses... speak to Phil.
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