club run

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club run

Postby Alan M » Sun May 13, 2007 12:32 am

Not an unusual session today. Arrived a bit late with Phil and Robyn (I can't recall the name of her perfume but it may have been a high point of the morning). At the last minute I opted for the 19 group with Paul, Andrew, Sylvain, Matthew et al. I didn't feel too strong (wrong bike) so I was pleased that the pace seemed quite moderate.

Mostly I hid from the wind and lost it a bit on the hills but just about coped. I think the so called 18 group powered by Mark Mc. was on our tail. 3 of us peeled off through Lambs Green and we managed to be first at the cafe. Paul and Stuart vied for the sprint and I watched from a distance - I believe that paul won it. The 19.5 average against a strong headwind was not too bad. Soon after the 18 group arrived and then the TnOff 19s with Steve reporting an unusual 2nd place.

The return was OK, but set off at a pace, which moderated until we reached the golf course. Again, I lost touch a bit over the hills and by the church I was dreading the final push home.

Dave was set off as a rabbit - he stayed away for some time benefiting from a lucky traffic light change, but was caught on the Merstham drag. Slightly before that a group kicked off and Mark asked "is that the move?" with no great enthusiasm I said "probably" but went with it anyway.

In the event it was too much for me and I dropped off near the top of the drag and was eventually caught by a second group, including Dave who had done amazingly well to stay with it. By the bypass I felt strong enough to take a lead and then we coasted to Purley. Phil and I headed back to Sanderstead and I caned him up the last hill of our road for a victory of sorts.

A goodish ride - we just about missed the rain - good to see the other Robin back and to hear that Brian is recovering well.

I had planned a ride on Sunday but the forecast looks bleak.

Thanks All
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Postby -Adam- » Sun May 13, 2007 2:03 am

Alan, it is not an unusual thing for Steve to report a 2nd place when im around :wink:

The thru'n'off with Steve, Sylv, Kevin and Andrew was one of the best i have ever done. We were working together like clockwork. Which is more than can be said for some of the teams in this afternoons Giro TTT...
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Postby Ian A4size » Sun May 13, 2007 12:50 pm

Alan - you sound depressed, none of your usual verve on the write up.

Perhaps you need a break from the normal CR, i know i do- thats why i only do about 2 a month, then i really enjoy the ride and company.

I guess the weather is a bit of a downer- i got soaked yesterday- pity the poor guys and gals on the Fred Whitton and the Dartmoor classic, they have airlifted people from the ten tors dartmoor thingy this morning :shock:
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Postby Alan M » Sun May 13, 2007 11:01 pm

No I am fine - I prefer the dry and sun but my performance felt a bit off and I failed to mix it with the best up the drag. I like to stay with the front of the action but age and unwillingness to race, hence fully commit, will always be a limiting factor for me. I notice this time of the year that the racing brothers improve markedly and I plateau somewhat. Such is life but it doesn't present a problem for me. I always vary my cycling diet and am looking forward to a 1000km off road in Spain come the beginning of June. Thanks for the concern though.
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Postby Steve B » Sun May 13, 2007 11:26 pm

I think that's 1-1 for this year Adam! :)

Strange cub run yesterday - probably down to the bad weather, or rather the threat of bad weather.
No training group, so the '19' was made up of the training group riders plus me and Alan. Luckily the pace wasn't too bad, although me and Alan struggled up the Reigate steps, but kept up the rest of the way.

A niggling calf strain, from previous weeks, started to show itself again, but as before wasn't effecting me or getting worse.

Stu and Paul (racing today, sunday), and Alan turned off before dual carriagway, leaving 5 for the thru&off.
With a strong tail wind it was fantastic. The first part of the DC the wind was directly behind and we were absolutely flying. The best thing was that we weren't even trying - brilliant.
As seems to be more usual these days, thru&offing stopped shortly after the new roundabout, and tactics took over. I thought I was going to be the last to go thru, being on the front for longer than normal but Sylv then Andrew came round and then no one else, leaving Andrew to do the long run in.

Adam was on my wheel, and I knew it was going to be tough to beat him from where I was. I listened for the break, but a car was overtaking and I missed his initial spurt of energy. He got 3 lengths on me as I went past Andrew and Sylv, chasing him down, catching, catching, damn too late. 3/4 of a bike length short. Good win Adam :wink:
Sh1t, my calf feels like it just exploded! :shock:

There's probably lots of people who are thinking "why do these guys worry so much about a club run sprint to a road sign, and "it's not a race so who care's about who wins". Well to be honest, I absulutely love the sprinting part of cycling and most of the year I only ride once a week, on the club run, so it's the only chance I get. I know its not a race and I wouldn't do anything dangerous just to be first. It's just that I love the speed and would still sprint for the sign if I was riding along with my nan.

Anyway tea and cake was good. Chatting to Joyce I went to get up to leave and my calf totally seized and was really painful. I thought of ringing someone to pick me up but in the end I decided to see if I could ride easily and loosen it up, which it did.

Found myself, along with Sylv, 20metres off the lead group coming to the bottom of the Merstham drag. Sylv closed the gap but I couldn't quite make it and so saw the big boys riding away from me, leaving me in no mans land blowing like a trooper. Somehow caught them at the lights at Hooley and joined in the blast down in to Coulsdon.

Got home and iced, re-iced and re re-iced my calf. Bit sore today. Hopefully will be ok for next week! :?:

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Postby -Adam- » Sun May 13, 2007 11:45 pm

Just like to add that it was me who escaped at the Hooley traffic lights, thanks to a witty piece of manouvering around the traffic and TT'd away on my own until the last lights before the new roundabout :wink: having staved off the marauding group behind me!

Steve, last time i was racing the next day, so wasn't really trying. Pah, who am i kidding! When its Adam v Steve, theres no question is 100% competition!

I happen to think the club run sprint is one of the best bits. Particularly for the racing boys, when else can you simulate a race finale?

Plus since i joined the club way back when (feels like a long time now...) Steve was one of the first guys i got to know. Since then we have fought out some epic battles in the sprint for charlwood. And i love it! If i win a sprint but Steve isn't there, it is in a way a hollow victory. Likewise when he beats me, i dont like it, not one bit. Anyone else in the club and i wouldn't really mind, but Steve and i just have this fantastic rivalry that will go on as long as his legs allow i would have thought :wink: But when he does win, i can't help but have the utmost respect as he is undoubtedly one of the greatest sprinters i know, better than a lot of 3rd cats (that actually just end up causing crashes when they die with 50m to go :shock: )

So come on Steve, get yourself promoted and you can have my wheel at every race we do together. That way you can stop any other b******s being on it!
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Postby Steve B » Mon May 14, 2007 8:27 am

Cheque's in the post Adam :)

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Postby Alan M » Mon May 14, 2007 4:56 pm

I suspect he sees you as a paternal influence Steve, sort of a father figure that he wants to beat the **** out of!
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Postby -Adam- » Mon May 14, 2007 5:01 pm

If Steve is the Father figure, what does that make you Alan...!? :wink:
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Postby Alan M » Mon May 14, 2007 5:17 pm

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Postby -Adam- » Mon May 14, 2007 5:48 pm

I was thinking more along the lines of Uncle Albert!
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Postby Steve B » Mon May 14, 2007 11:37 pm

Don't know how we got to Uncle Albert, but by my reckoning that makes me Del Boy and you Damien, Adam :?

What a plonka :!:

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Postby Alan M » Tue May 15, 2007 8:35 am

I think I'll mind my own business in future - clearly I am being outclassed in populist TV comparisons!
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Postby -Adam- » Tue May 15, 2007 11:58 am

Damien the Devil Child, sounds about right...

... So who's Rodders' then!?
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Postby Brian Robinson » Tue May 15, 2007 12:52 pm


Nice to get a mention on the club run :D despite my absence.

Looks like it will be June before I'm allowed to participate in the club run again (over 3 months without the wind in my hair :cry: ). Have been doing no road cycling at all but have managed to knock quite a few turbos in. I could probably hit the road but for the sake of a few weeks I'll listen to doctors orders :evil: .

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