Yes it went ahead!!! - Huw's Dartmoor Classic Report

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Yes it went ahead!!! - Huw's Dartmoor Classic Report

Postby huw williams » Mon May 14, 2007 11:21 am

“The Army has been drafted in to ‘escort’ hundreds of walkers off Dartmoor after this year’s Ten Tors Hiking Challenge was cancelled due to extreme weather,” said the radio as I approached Kingsteignton for the start of the Dartmoor Classic. It continued, “Conditions on the high moors are thought to be too dangerous to continue with the event and for the first time in its 46 year history the decision was taking to cancel it.”

“What?” I screamed aggressively at the radio “A drop of rain, a few kids fall in the river and you cancel a Sunday walk over the fields, which has a 46-year pedigree. F***ing lightweight ramblers.”

It was drizzling at the start but within 20 minutes of the off it was hammering down. Roads were like glass and you couldn’t see through the spray. I went with the leaders up the first climb after 12 miles but on the descent got my first puncture. Got freezing cold changing it and had to sit in with a slower group to get up to speed again. After the first control at 31 miles we hit the rolling moor lands across the north side of Dartmoor where it was raining so hard I couldn’t see on the descents – it was like having hot needles poked into your eyes every time you went over 20mph – we were praying for climbs to relieve the pain and warm up. Punctured again at 45 miles and this time got VERY cold changing it. A marshal point had a track pump in the car (I was carrying a mini) but he had to phone his mate down the road to get him back to open it – I figured it was worth waiting to get the correct pressure in but it cost me about 15 minutes in total. Saw Daniel from ACC riding past and when I’d fixed it rode too hard to chase him down and got a bit tired.

Hard rolling countryside here for 20 miles in heavy rain but I was back up to speed through Tavistock and preparing for the big climbs up onto the high moors. Then pffsssst! Third puncture of the day and BANG! The sound of my head falling off, just before the third checkpoint at 65 miles. Put my last of 3 tubes in but there were 40 miles left, including all the big climbs, and no way I could chance riding over the high moor lands without a spare tube. I waited eating and drinking for 10 minutes for Daniel to arrive and borrowed a tube off him. Just as I set off up the climb to Dartmoor prison the rain eased after 4.5 hours of solid soaking. The climb was a real drag, there were army trucks all over the place pulling ramblers off the moors, the rivers were swollen with floodwater and raging torrents – you could see why they’d cancelled the Tors walk.

Troops were giving us loads of applause and the endless climbs on the moors past the prison were torture. Postbridge was like a grey wall to the top of the moor. But at the top and with 30 miles to go the rain finally stopped and the psychological effects were incredible. The waterproof came off, and it was liberating. Good preparation should mean your at your best around 60 - 70 miles into a sportive and I felt like I was – tested the new Merlin to the full on the way down, hitting 57mph on the descent to Moretonhampstead. Awesome front end on that bike!!!

After the descents stayed strong to the end, caught a trio of riders on a real draining climb out of Moretonhampstead and a couple of guys came up from behind so we had a proper ding-dong on the flattish 10 miles back to the finish. Just started to cramp in the final two miles due to the high speed finish.

So, consummately one of the most awful rides I have ever done but only due to the rain - not the course which was excellent, hilly but sportingly so – not stupid – 9,000ft of climbing but you could go very fast round here in dry conditions I reckon – I’d certainly recommend it for next year, great organization and marshalling, perfect early season sportive (if it doesn’t rain.)

Very happy with the riding time which was well inside 6 hours but overall time was down because of the punctures, waiting around and getting warm and back up to speed after them, but can’t complain given the conditions.
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Postby Grahame » Mon May 14, 2007 12:54 pm

But will you be going back there again?
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Postby huw williams » Mon May 14, 2007 12:56 pm

oh yes - I must see that course in the dry
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Postby Grahame » Mon May 14, 2007 12:59 pm

[quote="huw williams"]oh yes - I must see that course in the dry

And there we have the strongest recommendation ever given to a sportive - Huw is willing to go back there :!:
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Postby Jon H » Mon May 14, 2007 1:50 pm

Good "character building" weather by the sounds of it.

By the way, any word from the Fred Whitton boys, or did they all drown?
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Postby huw williams » Mon May 14, 2007 2:46 pm

Haven't heard anything yet
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Postby Alan M » Mon May 14, 2007 4:51 pm

I can finally forgive you for that totally dry ride last year and your somewhat smug grin when we all returned to Crystal palace soaked through. Well done, but I now feel a total wimp because I cried off of Sunday's 50 mile ride in the drizzle with SW Surrey Cycle club!!
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Postby huw williams » Mon May 14, 2007 5:18 pm

Certainly an element of payback in the air Alan

It has to be said there's a unique sense of achievement from completing a massive ride that you started in the rain - its different when you get caught in the rain half way through - doesn't seem so bad when you're out there already - but when you're on the line and its already p****ng down, and you know from the forescast that its going to KEEP p***ing down - that's the point I normally wimp out.

The mental turmoil far outweighed any physical demand. When you're soaked through after just 20 minutes and you know you have to ride hard for another 5-6 hours - that's when you lose it in the head. The first three hours were seriously depressing. You just have to keep telling yourself its only water, its uncomfortable but not life-threatening, and that every pedal revolution is taking you closer to the finish.

The punctures just added another dimension of misery - acting as a reminder that no matter how bad you feel, things could still be worse.
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Postby Matthew Ives » Mon May 14, 2007 5:49 pm

sounds, well...awful, actually.
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Postby Sylv » Tue May 15, 2007 8:16 am

Epic ... wish I was there ... only for the 57mph bit though!
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Postby Brian Nolan » Wed May 16, 2007 11:03 am

I see you were “ taking it easy “ Huw ? even with 3 punctures you still went v quick – I had no punctures ( with quite g condition Michelin Pro Grip2’s )
but I had a ride time of approx 6:15 … Still waiting for the official times to come out but I reckon on adding about 20 mins to my time to account for the feed / timing stops and numerous comfort breaks due to the wet weather !

I had to wait for about 45 mins after you set off as it took the organisers a little time to get everyone into their allotted start times / pens etc.. I felt good at the start despite the deluge - after a week of poor weather in Plymouth and not many miles done on my so called ‘training week ‘ I was eager to get going and get stuck into my first sportive of the year.. My good mood lasted well , felt pretty comfortable with the riding despite my feet getting a bit swollen / numb after a few hours… The course was pretty good I thought with excellent sign posting and marshalls that got in front of cars at certain junctions . This was reassuring given the road conditions…

I didn’t feel so good when I was climbing ‘ out of the saddle ‘ cos my knees felt a bit stiff / tight due to the cold wet conditions. Fortunately the course was not too tough – there was a couple of long climbs but nothing too bad. Because the weather was so bad a couple of times I only recognised where I was right at the last minute ..
One thing I was glad off was the lack of wind .. Even though it was raining stair rods luckily it was coming straight down without a gale making it harder so all in all it could have been a lot worse.. I was thinking of the upcoming Etape du Dales and what a shocker that was last year .. Now I have done this one I feel better about the Dales …

I was glad when the rain finally stopped and the sun made an appearance.. Started to dry out a bit so stopped to take off my rain cape and have another ‘comfort break ‘ and stepped onto what I thought was a grass verge - I think the water went well over my ankle and my momentum saw me do the same with the other foot – so just when I should be getting drier I took an ankle plunge bath !

Near the end I was just hanging on really – I was at the back of a fairly large group and was wishing the miles away .. Was glad to get back in one piece without any mishaps.. The bike looked the sorriest I have ever seen it after a wet sportive with bits of blossom and crap everywhere…..

Hats off to all the Fred Whitton riders from the club - well done everyone and Tim , that is a stunning ride you done ….

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