by Snoop Doug » Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:18 pm
S'OK folks - you already do yer bit. Please see below a note from a previous thread on this subject... P'raps we need to tighten up the rule and ask all members, regardless of whether they race or not - to contribute...? Seems a bit draconian I know but hey - we go through this same rigmarole EVERY time we need help.
We still need two volunteers - hey y'all why don't a couple of folk offer to break their marshalling duck??
Sean - any chance you could do a note out to those who don't routinely access the forum but have email (assuming you can tell who they be..?). Volunteers should contact Tamar or me and I'll pass 'em on.
I'm hoping to pull together a list of ACC events and people who've already done the decent thing so I can "encourage" the others to do their bit
Cheers - Snoop
[quote]Amend the membership rules so they state that as a member of ACC, you MUST contribute to at least one event a year.
Cap'n, here is an extraction (painful I know) from the Agreeable Rules Handbook.
[quote]12. EVENT DUTIES (Marshalling, pushing off, results board, canteen etc). The club expects all full racing members to undertake event duties in at least two events a year in order to help promote cycling and cycle sport. Additionally non-racing members are encouraged to assist in at least one event or to assist in the promotion of cycling locally or nationally. A full list of events and requirements will be published as available