Alpine Adventure - The real thing...

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Alpine Adventure - The real thing...

Postby -Adam- » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:42 pm

Part One...

After a marathon 670mile drive yesterday I finally made it to La Riviere Enverse. And what can i say but its amazing, the moutains just tower above you and the atmosphere is really quite grand. Even the road to the Chalet up from the main road is like Ditchling, hairpin after hairpin. Brilliant.

Woke up this morning to look out of my window to see clear blue skys and sunshine, the day could not have been more perfect. (at least until this evening when the rain came and its been raining ever since :? the forecast for the next couple of days is a little dodgy also :cry: ) Oh well, a good ride i had today.

Did the col de la Ramaz, last used in le tour in 1999 i think, and a few names were still visible on the road, Halgand, Virenque, Lance, Jan. It was the druggie Virenque that took the summit, and to be honest, i needed what ever he was on today! First time ive touched my bike since Tuesdays 15min Palace effort, lets just say it was a rude awakening for the legs. But good though, seemed to go on and on, 14kms, which took me 57min :shock: .

Height 1615 m Height difference 990 m
Distance 14.0 k Average percentage 7.0 %
Distance >= 5% 13.3 k Minimum percentage -2.5 %
Distance >= 10% 0.0 k Maximum percentage 9.5 %
Maximum percentage 1k 9.5 % Maximum percentage 5k 8.5 %

A few little gems on how hard it was, and they get harder! Lets just say i really had to think about pedalling at times.


Anyway, a few pics from the chalets terrace...

[img][/img] [img][/img]

The view from the top of the col de la ramaz

Thats all for now, off to rest so i can go get wet tomorow, but i guess it aint everyday you can get wet in the alps. So ill get over it!



By the way, given the current fashion for new bikes and showing off pictures of them on here. I thought i would open up a new challenge, the most artisic picture of your bike. No more kitchens or garages in the background! Needless to say im the early leader...
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Postby Ian A4size » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:02 pm

Very nice Adam, in a field of one you are first :wink: .

I will try and post some of my pics and out-do you, until then you are top dog!
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Postby -Adam- » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:38 pm

Part Deux...

The weather couldn't have changed more today, well short of snowing anyway. Lets just say, i got wet, i got cold. And it was a x more kilometres and im in the shower sort of a day!

But was still good, a fantastic route, lovely tree lined climbs. 2320m of ascent today in 107kms. 5 main climbs kept me honest, well, rather humble actually. I can't quite get over the majesty of the place. Even when you get to the top of a climb the moutains still tower over you. Although i am rather tired now. I must admit im finding it tougher than i expected so far. But im gonna have some pretty good form when i get back hopefully, Box Hill will be but a speed hump :wink:

Anyhow, a couple of pics to demonstrate the change in weather...

[img][/img] [img][/img]

And the first col sign ive manged to actually find, im sure they've moved them all so i can't take a self-congratulatory picture next to it!


Ah well, gonna have a bit of a recovery day tomorow and enjoy the delights Annecy has to offer (the weather forecast is a bit dodgy again tomorrow.) But ill be back on Wednesday for some big tour climbs, Col de Colombiere, Col de Aravis, Col de Saises... and wait for it the COL DE JOUX PLANE. The only climb to make lance suffer :shock: I'll show him how its done :wink:

There was one descent today where the cloud had rolled in and i could only see the next hairpin with 50m to go. Now bearing in mind it was pi****g down at this point meant when i went to brake nothing happened for about 10seconds while the water cleared off the rim, then the power was applied. It was a most bizzare feeling, quite un-nerving at times. But an experience, all this while shivering from the cold too! Ah well, bring on the better weather!
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Postby Sylv » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:52 pm


But what we want to know is - what do you get up to in the evenings :D
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:10 pm

[quote] the most artisic picture of your bike.

Great idea, but it's going to take some to beat your starter, that's a great shot.

Sounds like a very nice trip. Out of interest what's your lowest gear (and are you in it all the time). You use 53/39 chainrings don't you? I'm off to the Alps later this year and am curious about this sort of thing for obvious reasons. 8)

BTW I have a cassette which would give me 39/29 bottom gear - small enough?

Apologies for the slight hijack. :oops:
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Postby Sylv » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:38 pm

Is it open to mtbs? :D

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Postby -Adam- » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:40 pm

[quote="Sylv (Tonton Tapis)"]Cool!

But what we want to know is - what do you get up to in the evenings :D

A couple of glasses of the old Vin, then i pass out until the next morning!

Andrew, i climbed the Ramaz using mainly a 39x23/25 combo. Which was a bit of a grind. Used my 'training wheels' today which i specifically fitted a 12-17 cassette on, and i used the 27 a lot! And even so was grinding a lot, was tough going at times (though the weather was a big factor today)

Next time i come here, im using a compact! No doubt about it. Ive been thinking about getting one for a while anyway, Guy at pearsons says a 50/34 with a 11/23 will give me a bigger top gear than a 53x12 and a smaller bottom gear than a 39x25, sounds good. He said he uses a compact even for racing on, and he's sh1t hot!
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Postby -Adam- » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:42 pm

Sylv, if thats actually your bike, then maybe :wink:
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Postby Sylv » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:45 pm

Can't you see the French flag near the headtube?
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Postby Rob C » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:42 am

[quote="Andrew G"][quote]Out of interest what's your lowest gear (and are you in it all the time). You use 53/39 chainrings don't you? I'm off to the Alps later this year and am curious about this sort of thing for obvious reasons. 8)

BTW I have a cassette which would give me 39/29 bottom gear - small enough?

Apologies for the slight hijack. :oops:

You could try using a compact, although struggling on long climbs adds to there charm. :shock:
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:08 am

[quote]Next time i come here, im using a compact!

Wouldn't be as presumptious to say "told you so" but.....

Glad you're having a great time. I've ridden all the cols you have mentioned so far. Did you find descending through the snow tunnels a bit surreal?

Can't wait to get out there in September
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:09 am

[quote]Part Deux...

Your French is improving. C'est bon, n'est ce pas?
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Postby Andrew G » Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:30 pm

Wimped on the gears. Managed to get the last Record 30/42/53 triple at Bike +. Bargain £78.
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Postby -Adam- » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:29 pm

[quote="mrpvt"][quote]Next time i come here, im using a compact!

Wouldn't be as presumptious to say "told you so" but.....

Glad you're having a great time. I've ridden all the cols you have mentioned so far. Did you find descending through the snow tunnels a bit surreal?

Can't wait to get out there in September

Ok ok Guru! Its just i thought that these climbs would be like box hil, just 6/7 times longer. Well they aint! There definately steeper, and do you reckon the altitude actually has an effect on your performance?

Sean, nope, not even close, i said bikes not riders! Ugh!

Andrew, I honestly don't blame you.

Claimed the scalp of the Colombiere today, all be it in a car. On the way back from Annecy which is well worth a visit when the weather is sh1t, which it was today. Now i don't mind the rain, but descending while soaking wet, at 5degrees and shivering violently is just not good. I didn't come out here to risk my life! Still, could be worse, i could be in Yorkshire :?

Having said that i will be on my knees praying for sunshine for the next three days. The weather forecast looks a little more promising...
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