Brighton Run with John C.

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Postby CaroleH » Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:29 pm

Excellent day yesterday. Highlights of the day has got to be Monty pouring tea into some old biddy's bag!! Marco's colourful language (it was getting more obscene at every hill!!) and Reigate Hill that Mr Nash made me go up - thanks for that. :shock:

Legs and arse feeling all fine and dandy so here's to next weeks sportive!!!!

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Postby Amy » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:15 pm

Good day all in all. Bum fine but my legs still ache - well my shins have been aching since Thursday evening and Huw's route march up hill and down dale...

Milometer just clocked 99 miles as I turned into my road so I left two cats to wait for their dinner a little longer and went round the block till I hit 100 miles :D Haven't done that long a ride in a while - CTC were good for good long steady rides (with stops for 11's, lunch and tea!)

This morning I thought of Huw about to start the Dragon Ride, then I rolled over and went back to sleep :lol:

Thanks John, John and Tim. Hope Michelle made it OK and I'll give her back her puncture repair kit next time I see her or pass it on to someone who'll see her sooner.
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Postby John the old'un » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:38 pm

Yes Amy, I parted company with John C, Mike and Michelle when I peeled off in Coulsdon. We had a tea stop in Horley en route via the normal way home from Charlwood, and I got indoors at 7 pm. What a great day. :D :D
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Postby Ian A4size » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:59 pm

I hope she got home ok, beer was flyin'
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Postby mlocke » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:18 pm

Well that’s two CBC in a week for me and I felt it!!

A group of six of us including Carl & Matt left Coulsdon slightly before the larger pack with the intention of an 18mph ride. At around Red hill the pace had yet to drop anywhere near or below 20mph with the work being done by the aforementioned and the complaining a being done by the rest of us :)

I thought I reasonably knew the route having ridden it less than a week before hand but this proved to be a mistake on my part as I am sure Turners Hill was not that long last time.....approaching it I knocked it up a gear and went or it (well for about 30 seconds) then everyone slowly came past me at halfway as I gagged for breathe. I must remember that there is no point in just getting half way up a hill!!!

We got separated into two groups at before Ditchlin and he group of three I was in missed the left turn to Ditchlin Beacon. A few miles down the road and a phone call later telling the others we’d meet them by the pier and the decision was made to head down the A23.

The weather on the beachfront was sunny which contrasted the conditions for the second half of the ride.

After a discovery ride round the Brighton suburbs in which we found the steepest hill in the area and travelled 8 miles to get half a mile from the seafront and we were heading back down the A23 where we lost Matt & Carl who probably got fed up with going so slow.

After the A23 was another nice ride home (apart from the rain) to Coulsdon. At that point I’d covered about 96 miles and got my puncture. I told the others to go on as I only had a couple of miles to go. Once they'd gone I snapped the valve on my only spare :( so had to hone home and get a ride home so never made the hundred.

This aside - another great ride and everyone will be flying next week as the normal club run route will seem positively short!
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Postby carl f » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:07 am

Hope you don't think we were fed up with riding with you lot!.Just got on the A23,wind behind us head down and home,looked back at one point couldn't see you all
Went back Via h.heath and same route that we came.Heavens opened and stayed opened for miles,at one point having to stop becouse we couln't see,got back to london and there wasn't a sniff of rain,but matt and i were soaked to the bone
Anyway apart from that an enjoyable trip to Brighton and back
Sorry to hear about the valve breaking,is it by chance a long valve inner?,cos iv'e had three off them snap on me lately!
Distance:110 miles
Av Mph 18.2
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Postby John Czernobay » Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:09 am

Hello Girls and Boys. :D .

As the song goes "oh it's such a perfect day I'm glad I spent it with you" lot. What a fantastic bunch you are :D . Absolute Agreeable day :D . What a team, everyone looking out for each other, helping each other along and making it such a fantastic event. A big thank-you to you all.

Just the one thing :) can I have what Jim is on please :D ; what an inspiration that man is.

Have a great week and see you soon.

Best wishes.
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:25 pm

Sounds like you all had a good time, and plenty of you getting in some decent mileages. Unfortunately I was enjoying a day out in France, but will be getting down to Brighton again later.......
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Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:38 pm

Thanks to John, Tim and everybody else that had a hand in organising the day. Great fun. Is this an annual event? :)

First part of the ride through Turners Hill spent in Jim's group (about eight of us) cracking out a killer pace - as you say, John, the man's an inspiration. 80!!! Blimey! :shock:

Haywards Heath - Sam got the coffee and hot chocolate while I minded the bikes. Sam last in a very long queue. Scolding hot and absolutely impossible to drink!!! I popped over the road to get some water, and next minute Alex was telling us to move out. By the time I got back - waddling as fast as I could - everyone had gone bar Marco and a couple of the others. :cry:

Got on my bike and immediately shed my chain but not before some little Haywood Heathian oik had called me and my bike crusty!! Nearly got Sam to clock him one but thought better of it as we were rather conspicuous in our ACC dayglo yellow!! My hands were now covered in crap so smeared oil all over his face instead. (I wish) :twisted:

Ditchling Beacon - although 10 minutes behind everyone else Sam and Marco set out to try and catch the rest of the group on the climb!! As I watched them head off Pantani-style into the distance I dropped into the granny ring (at times like this I love my triple), kept a steady temp, changed up for the corners - out of the saddle and then dropped down and continue to grind it out. Passed John 'the old un' and Michelle on the way up. 8)
Got to say I found it relatively easy - the hardest part was avoiding the jam of support cars following Sam and Marco. Like riding the Giro!! Marco spent 20 minutes giving Sam tips on how to climb - Sam repaid him by beating him to the top - precocious 13-year-olds don't you just hate 'em!! :D

Haddock and chips was delicious. :P

Honey, I lost the kids! :!:

The phone call you never want to have to make? I made it. "Hello, darling. Hi. How's things? What's for dinner? Curry? Great. Yeah, really good ride. By the way, just one thing... is Sam there? O, s**t i think I've lost him." :oops:

Yep. he'd gone tearing off ahead towards Croydon with the rest of the group. I was riding back with Tim and Monty. Everything's cool. He'll be waiting just around the corner, the next corner, Purley, South Croydon, Geoffrey Butler's, he's probably gone home. That's it, he's made his way home. But he hadn't! aaaargh!!!

No, he was waiting at Coulsdon South and we'd taken the by-pass!!!!! and he'd forgotten his phone and had no money.

Perfect end to a perfect day. 8)
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Postby Alex P » Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:13 pm

Looking at the number of views that this topic has, is it the forum record? 8) I wonder - do the moderators have access to this info???
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Postby Robert » Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:34 pm

Great day, lucky with the weather. :roll: When can we do something similar, maybe not necessarily to Brighton. Another resort maybe? :D It was good to get the miles in and not at a breakneck speed. Got home feeling quite fresh, :twisted: fresh enough to dash in dash out to the Smithfield Nocturne. Thanks to those who organised it.

Postby Alex P » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:17 pm

Sean, is 3237 the record?
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Postby Bo-Gilly » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:33 pm

" you'd have to go pretty far back to find anything remotely close "

Now there's a challenge for someone who's sitting at home bored . . . . .

[color=blue]The Following ACC Racers Have Switched teams For 2007:
[ Goto page: 1 ... 6, 7, 8 ] 107 Toks 3629 Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:43 pm [/color]

And 'cos I'm really bored I might keep tapping the refresh button to bump the Brighton thread past that.

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Postby Bo-Gilly » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:58 pm

Ah yes, but that had a rather sad 33 replies, whilst this had a wopping [size=150]130[/size] replies.

[color=green]The Ian Munnery World Cup Thread...
[ Goto page: 1 ... 7, 8, 9 ] 130 Toks 5329 Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:01 pm [/color]

[size=75]God I'm bored[/size]
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Postby Sylv » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:00 pm

[quote="seanieh.NearlyNewCondor©"]Actually I can beat that:

[quote]Vasaloppet 90km xc ski race - 2006 edition!
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1, 2, 3 ] 33 sylv 12850

8) Wow how did that happen?! Maybe people doing searches on "Vasaloppet"?
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