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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:37 pm

Why can't everyone draw a line and forget what's gone on in the past, but throw out any cheats for life from now on.

If you start going back, how far do you go? Anquetil et al openly doped themselves to the eyeballs and yet no-one suggests they must be stripped of their titles :roll:
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Postby Alex P » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:35 am

Trial, judgement and found guilty by soapbox.

Don't get me wrong if they are caught and found guilty then nail them to the wall, lifetime bans, penalties on the teams, prosecute them, the whole nine yards (why wasn't Vino arrested instead of putting his feet up in his appartment in Monaco), the penalties must be harsh enough to stop the crime. All countries also should adopt France's stance on prosecution.

But I believe in innocent until proven guilty, I do not agree with trial, judgement and guilty by soapbox (or media) based on information from reading a lot of magazines, in turn based on tittle tattle...innocent peoples lives are ruined by this manner time and time again and I have seen it happen.
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Postby David Lombari » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:14 pm

I've got a kind of love/hate thing with Lance:

Love (initially at least) -
A Cancer Survivor
Transcending the sport and taking cycling to the masses
A genuine lover of the bike

Hate -
No real respect for cycle sport history
The "cancer wasn't going to beat me"-type those that it has 'beat' just rolled over and died?
Concentrating on one race and one race only, training on Xmas day? Well some domestique's slogging his guts out racing from April to October to make the mortgage payments so excuse him for having a rest (although he's probably been for a ride on Xmas day but doesn't feel the need to declare it to all and sundry).
The bullying of Simeoni, who was proved right in the end re:Ferrari
Long white socks and black shoes
His use of a helicopter to get back to the hotel after mountain-top finishes - one rule for the rich......
The Lance clones who think that cycling begins and ends with him and 'the others' don't train as hard, aren't committed as much, etc which I've always thought was rubbish, bordering on chauvanism
The bleats about Ullrich not waiting for him in long did he hang around for Beloki? (He wouldn't have known Beloki was badly injured)

I would like to think that he did race clean but there seems to be a lot of circumstancial evidence to the contrary.
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