Recently I have been getting a bit of a dull ache in my left knee around the knee cap on the outside of my leg when exerting myself. I first noticed it a bit on the last day or two of my recent L2P ride. And a little last week when I did some commuting, but I noticed it the most on a 30 mile ride last Sunday, the longest since Paris. When I use a much lower gear it didn't really trouble me.
I did pop to Docs this morning. She said I should take it easy, do some exercises to strengthen my quads and she also mentioned that some athletes take Glucosamien for such things.
I really don't want to have time off if I can help it, so was just planning on taking it easy and riding in a lower gear. But I have always been a bit of a spinner anyway. And for now running training for a sprint tri I have entered in mid Sept is definitely out, not that I had started.
I was just wondering if anyone on here as had any similar trouble and if so how they managed the problem?