Pyrenean adventure report...

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Pyrenean adventure report...

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:09 pm

well that was brilliant. i didnt ride as much as i wanted to though as a few days it was to hot and humid to move, and a couple of other days were freezing cold and pooring with rain!! i managed to get out on 5 rides out of 12 days.

ill just write about the rides with mountains in though....

mountain ride 1:

so i set off on i think a tuesday afternoon. it was freezing cold, about 13 degrees, and light drizzle.

i headed over to the col du mente which is abot 4400 was great riding through all the french lanes. between getting from latoue to where the land startes to ramp up i went over about 3 hills/small mountains, all about twice as big as box hill.

with about 20 miles to go before the summit of the mountain the land starts to steadily rise at about 2-4%.

i then reached a town called aspet and the climb started properly with all the hairpins, and gradient more along the lines of 5-6% so nothing too bad.
then with 7 miles to go until the summit (11km) it ramps up to an average of 7.5% (this was on a sign).

so up i went, and into the clouds. it was cold, wet, lonely and no pretty views! then with 3miles to go it started snowing!!...crikey i was unprepared! i was only in shorts and arm wamers. i started to head back down immedately and was frozen to the core for about 5 miles until it warmed up slightly.

the ride back home to latoue didnt go well map fell out my pocket whilst going down the mountain somehwere, and the sat nav from my dads car that was in my pocket shouting out the directions to me was running out of battery! :shock: i cained it to st gaudens and thanfully the sat nav held out and got me through the town. from then on i new the way back.

so 55 miles and a failed summit but a good training ride.

mountain rides continued on next post....
Stu Merckx Man
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:17 pm

mountain ride 2, return to mente:

a few days later and on a nice warm day i decided to re visit the col du mente. i got a lift to where the land starts to ride properly (20 miles from the top).

it was a wonderful day and as i got the sign for 11km to the summit (7 miles) and 7.5% i was loving every minute of it.

i didnt see any other cyclists going up but plenty were descending it and shouting out encouragement to me. also the cars that came past me shouted out encouragement to like, allez allez allez!, and somthing like bon or bomb courage, and veet veet veet. (sorry for the spelling).

as i got higher and nearer the top the views got more breath taking, it was amazing, and to add to the atmosphere there were names painted onto the road from the tour de france of yonder.

eventually i got to the top and had some energy gel, before heading back down and back to latoue. the funny thing was though i struggled more on the hills leading up to latoue than i did on the col du mente as they were much steeper and i was completely shattered!

total distance of 50 miles

last mountain ride continued on next post...
Stu Merckx Man
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:44 pm

mountain ride 3:

i fancied the col du Peyresourde and so managed to get a lift off the parents to luchon. the plan was to do the col du Peyresourde and then climb up the mountain and luchon which i think is called luchon....

it was absolutely scortchingly hot when i set off on the 9 mile (14.5km) climb.

the first 3 miles or so were the worst. the tarmac was jet black, and the houses along the side of the road just seamed to create an overn to ride into. after a while though the houses stopped and the tarmac became grey, and the heat was not too bad. there was also a great atmosphere on these climbs with cycling staues, names painted on the road, and the usual encouragement from drivers and people coming down.

with about 4 miles gone i over took my first person who had started off as a tiny dot way on in the distance. i shot passed him on a real steep section of the climb, and i was pleased to see he looked fairly fit. he stuck to my wheel for about 200m before dropping off.

again the views where incredible and i even recognised some of the views and sections from watching the tour de france this year.

as i got to the last couple of miles to the top on the zig zaggy section i over took another person who i had also seen from miles away before.

as it was the last couple of miles i was giving it full bore and he only stuck to me for about 5 seconds before giving a loud scream and saying something in french.

with 1km to go 3 american riders who were coming down gave me some very good encouragement cheering and shouting to me.

200m to go and i sprinted to the top to be greeted by yet more amazing views. i climbed it in 53 minutes, what do the proffesionals get?

the descent was great fun, and i got a new top speed of 69.5mph (could this be a mistake on my speedo as it seams a bit too fast?). which was pretty cool and scary. it was so fast the bike was wobbleing slightly, and my eyes were streaming with water even under my glasses and i felt like i was going to loose the back wheel so i slowed it to a more manageable 55mph 8)

in the end i didnt do luchon as i had run out of water and had no money to buy some so i met up with my family, got changed and had a nice meal.

the end

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Postby Toks » Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:21 pm

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]mountain ride 3:

there was also a great atmosphere on these climbs with cycling staues, names painted on the road, and the usual encouragement from drivers and people coming down.

Cool!! so much better than the - WTF are you doing looks you sometimes get over here or indeed the get out of the way car honks :twisted: [quote]

the descent was great fun, and i got a new top speed of 69.5mph (could this be a mistake on my speedo as it seams a bit too fast?). which was pretty cool and scary.
Yikes! If thats true then you're now officially a top notch pro descender. :D
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Postby Marek » Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:01 pm

That sounds great Stu, now you need to go and try and set a new record on Box Hill as with all those mountain miles in your legs you should be flying.

How cool are your parents for giving you a lift to the bottom of all the mountains, like the fact you took the Sat Nav with you. That is a good idea on those rides where you are not sure where you are.

See you soon.


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Postby Andrew G » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:16 pm

[quote]i climbed it in 53 minutes, what do the proffesionals get?

Don't know but your time sounds bloody quick. Nice reports, can't wait 'til my Alps trip.

Sat Nav trick was a great idea. I wouldn't want it on when climbing though....left in 400 metres....left in 390 metres........still waiting to turn left!

Your speedo might be a bit optimisic but probably not too much. I remember King Kelly saying once that once you hit 60mph the wind is pushing you back so hard that it's difficult to go too much higher, takes a lot more effort that it did to get there. If you were in a low tuck and had carried a lot of speed on a straight section then you probably weren't far off though. Let's be honest can you tell the difference between travelling at 65mph and 69mph on a bike. :D
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Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:09 pm

[quote="Andrew G"] Let's be honest can you tell the difference between travelling at 65mph and 69mph on a bike. :D

I reckon I could tell, or at least my pants could :shock:

Snoop Doug

Postby Maria David » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:57 am

Good to hear you enjoyed yourself Stuart.

I enjoyed reading your report on going up the cols as I'll be doing col de Mente and Peyresourde very soon. It gives me something to look forward to. (Well maybe not the snow and rain).

We (Aodan and I) will start in Pau and then work our way east to Port Bou (right next to Cerbere) on the Spanish side of the mediterranean coast. (I'll then look forward to a well deserved siesta in Barcelona !)

Hopefully the weather will be ok most of the time. With so many cols to do I hope to improve my descending skills - I doubt I will be able to reach your impressive speeds though !

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Postby Robh » Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:54 am

[quote="Stu Merckx Man"]mountain ride 3:

i climbed it in 53 minutes, what do the proffesionals get?


Ferrari on the 2003 TdF:

"Vinokourov and Mayo climbed the 13 km of Col de Peyresourde in 30'20", with a VAM of 1800 [vertical] m/h. The group with Ullrich, Armstrong, Basso and Zubeldia climbed in 31'15", performing a VAM of 1747 m/h. "
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:32 am

ive got a bit of work to do then :shock:
Stu Merckx Man
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:01 am

oh yeh, i supose if we take the er...assistance out of it, we are pretty much on par 8)
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