George Brent in Hospital Following Racing Accident

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Postby Andrew G » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:59 pm

Great to hear from you George, and clearly no damage to your sense of humour.

Just relax and enjoy the nurses company for a few days. 8)
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Postby -Adam- » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:07 pm

George, i know exactly how you feel!

Anyway, just keep your chin up, you'll be amazed at how the time flies! :)
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Postby Brian Robinson » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:09 pm


Sorry to hear about the accident but good to read you are on the forum allbeit from the hospital ward. Wising you a speedy recovery.

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Postby Sylv » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:10 pm

That's great news George

I ran out of jelly beans but would this cheer you up (have you got a dvd player)?


I will try and live up to the George legacy at Palace tonight by running corners wide, taking to the grass and smiling to everyone :-)
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Postby Alan M » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:13 pm

Good to hear that you are on the mend George. It seems like you can't legislate for the improbable and just have to accept it as a consequence of the sport. I'll catch up with you soon - best wishes

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Postby Tony » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:21 pm

Hi George - Good to hear that your recovery is going really well and you don't need surgery. Hopefully hospital life is not too boring.

I still can't believe we drove you back home with a broken neck. It's not the sort of thing to focus on for've definitely used up one of your nine lives this time.

Do you know what day they plan to let you go home? I guess it would be Friday, if not before, coz they like to clear everyone out before the weekend.

Finally, switching to nanny mode - please ensure you get GB's to check over your bike before you use it again. Superficially, it looked OK - but we didn't examine it that closely. We wouldn't want another accident as soon as you start riding it again.

Catch-up with you soon.



P.S. John - I think your TT helmet is safe. The final stage was a road-race not a TT in which George was injured. I remember seeing an undamaged TT helmet in the back of George's van.
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Postby ajay khandelwal » Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:33 pm

George seems like a natural time to hang up your racing shoes - for a few weeks - and think about starting a family ! :shock:
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Postby -Adam- » Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:38 pm

[quote="ajay khandelwal"]George seems like a natural time to hang up your racing shoes - for a few weeks - and think about starting a family ! :shock:

Oi, we can't afford to be losing another one to the family excuses :wink:
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Postby Kevin Rynne » Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:45 pm

George I'm gutted to hear of your accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Now about "starting a family" I'm not so sure thats the best way to look after your back / neck.
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George -- The Unstoppable.

Postby John Czernobay » Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:30 pm

Hey George, great to hear from you :) , it really is we are all worried about you. So sorry to hear of the incident and whats happened but there fix you good real soon. As someone said earlier, take it easy, don't rush it; and remember when your ready and signed off your always welcome in the Super 15's but that's the average not the minimum :lol: .

Hey Sean, let us know when your going away again mate, we can put Surrey Ambulance Service on notice :oops: .

Best wishes.
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15th September !

Postby John Czernobay » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:27 pm

Okay Sean, that's three inner tubes, a tin of band aid and half bottle of JD :) ; anyway your like this one, the Rapid Response Ambulance driver on looking to Ian turns to me and says "what's he been drinking"? I'm, "well we've just had tea and cake at Charlwood" and with that oh so look of a nods as good as a wink "is that all". I mean what did expect ................... half a pint of cows haemoglobin? :shock: This is the ACC CR :D .

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Postby Steve B » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:44 am

George, I was totally shocked when I heard of your accident. I just cant believe how much of a freak accident it was. Glad to hear you don't need surgery, and that you will be able to go home to recover rather than stay in hospital.
Take care big guy and DON'T rush back, there's plenty of time.
Keep smiling

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Postby Richard (Apples) » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:26 am

I popped in to see George last night , he is in good spirits and still had his trademark smile . :) :)

He's in a neck brace but they've said he can go home if he wants !!

It seems like the ambulance on the scene thought he was fine and didn't warrant going to hospital..... scary :shock:

I told him to wait till his neck heals before he starts trying for a family :P
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Postby Sylv » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:49 am

[quote="Sylv Choufflard"][img][/img]

I forgot to mention - this is a documentary film about motorbike racing in all its forms in the early '70s.

It includes a mental enduro stage race in Spain that I was amazed at finding out that George has completed in the past.

Apart from Steve Mc Queen one of the main characters is a guy called Malcolm Smith who won most races he entered and was renowned for always smiling even when he lost races due to mechanicals.

Does this remind you of anyone? ;-)
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Postby Sylv » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:29 pm

Message from George: he is being discharged from St George today, in case anyone else was planning to go visit him tonight.
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