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Postby -Adam- » Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:21 pm

So I can't ride a bike, but i can take photo's!

So here you go...


















What more can I say. I thought going along this morning would make me depressed that i couldn't ride! Well it didn't, i actually had a brilliant time. Was great to see everyone. And towing 'the man who's name i don't know' [sorry!] across to the faster Box Hill group was cool. Then waiting on the hairpin and acting like a crazy dutchman jumping in front of the riders! Then shouting the team orders as i passed them again havng jumped back into my car 8)

Addiscombes new Directeur Sportif come Photographer signing off :wink:
Last edited by -Adam- on Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby huw williams » Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:27 pm

Thanks to absolutely everyone who turned up.

After a massive 40 riders turned up for a seriously hilly jaunt round the lanes last Monday I thought this had potential

With 2 minutes to go and only 70 odd people in attendence I thought we weren't going to make it but a massive influx of riders at 9.00am on the dot swelled the ranks to around 120

120 !!!! All expectations surpassed and there were a lot of CR regulars not present due to other commitments/crash rcovery etc. Good to see some faces we haven't seen for ages though.

Thanks to everyone for their patience and playing their part. Now we ave to do it all again next week cos there was no film in the camera

just kidding :-)

The first pass was too strung-out and a little too fast at 12mph (AJ got dropped :-) ) so the photographer requested we slow it down and condense the group - I have it on good authority that that did the trick and I'll post some pics later. Did you see all those people taking pics in the high street around Regalinos?

Hope everyone had good, safe rides - I had to swing off early to get back for work so missed out on the cafe. (Reports please?) Actually after an hour riding at threshold staring at Paul Hone's scrawny ass dissapearing up the road a couple of hours in the office seemed like a good option :-)

Other highlights:
Looking over our shoulders from the front of the group on the bypass and seeing riders about half a mile away yet still in the same group as us
Paul Tunnel's new Felt
Joyce on a bike
Rob Wilson on a bike
Keith Knight on a (motor) bike
Christ on a bike (all right I made that one up but everyone else seemed to be out on a bike)
Tamar out on a (non TT) ride
A ton of potential 'newbie' mambers
The bad headwear contest (Only two entrants for this, Adrian's bandana vs Andrew Green's cap. Still awaiting the judges decision on this BUT REMEMBER, YOUR VOTES COUNT)
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Postby Colin Steadman » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:06 pm

[quote]So I can't ride a bike, but i can take photo's!

Maybe.......but it seems you have trouble publishing them on the net :wink:

"image not available"

A great day out, though!!!
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Postby Yohan » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:07 pm

Hi Adam I can't view the pics, anyone else having prob?
maybe its my security settings.

great day out by the way, amazing amount of yellow jerseys today, especially snakng around Coulsdon via the by-pass

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Postby -Adam- » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:16 pm

Try again now...

Forgot to make it a public gallery :oops:
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Postby Colin Steadman » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:44 pm

still can't see most of them
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Postby -Adam- » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:51 pm

Don't know whats going on there, nevermind, try...

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Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:32 pm

Crikey I'm cattled!

It was fantastic looking forward and seeing a huge ACC peloton motoring along the bypass and then through Coulsdon. I can't imagine any other UK club even coming close to the turnout today.

After the luvvy bit I went with the 17s which was very enjoyable but I felt I rode well within myself on the way to the caff. That smugness was to come back and haunt me later. After a digestive chocolate thingie, similar in size to a paving slab, and a banana, and a juice, I decided to go with the Box Hill bunch, stupid factor 1 captain.

After failing to remove cleat covers prior to departure (stupid factor 2 already!) I found myself carrying the lanterne rouge. Asked the few around me if anyone knew the way (I didn't :oops: ) and having got a resounding no to that, realised that we needed to get a shift on. As the paving slab crashed around in me stomach I thrashed along the road at a painful 24.5mph (factor 3) for longer than I, or the slab, wanted to. Just as I thought I had no more left I saw the end of the bunch and screamed for someone to hang back a bit. A very kind gent riding a blue GB obliged. He saved the day, for without his help I fear me and a few others would still be out there pedalling.....somewhere. Sorry Sir, I know not your name but thank you most sincerely.

Rode up Box Hill quite well (for me) and after a stop for a twister (that's the ice cream not the game or the weather system) headed off. My stupidity factor then rose to an all time high of 4 as I pushed far too hard on the last few miles home, tanking along the flat at up to 35mph, and for me that's fast.

A great day out although I was disappointed to note that Ian had not been out early doors and retarmacced (sp?) the road surface around Merstham :)

I now feel like sh1t and wouldn't have changed a minute of it. Great stuff.

Snoop Doug

Postby Alex P » Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:03 pm

What a great day...what a great year for the club.

Thanks goes to Huw Williams for galvanising the idea that was had at the cafe and the rest for making it happen. Even with such a large number of riders the groups were well organised and disciplined and no incidents that I know of to the extent it felt like business as usual.

A big thanks must go to Renate at the cafe as she is one of the reasons that we consistently get high numbers turning up week after week as it gives us somewhere to go; who else would cope with the numbers and give us the kind of welcome that we get. :)

What to do next?????
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Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:34 pm

I'll do a write up for the croydon advertiser. If anyone got a really special photo from today please let me know and I'll send it with the article.

Cheers - Snoop

PS - also - any suggestions for a title for the article muchas appreciadas.

"Hundred up for the Addiscombe"
"Ton up for the Addiscombe"
Sure someone can do much much better - keep it clean eh :wink:
Snoop Doug

Postby Andrew G » Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:36 pm

I could only make the photo call loops as I had to get home to get ready for Herne Hill. Got a tow to South Croydon from the young chap who works in GBs. George had said he could have an hour and time was running out. I therefore hung on while he knocked out a steady 25-30mph in to a strong headwind all the way back! One powerful young man.

What do I find when I get back, my headgear getting knocked, hurrumpf.

Good to see Sean in ACC colours rather than his recent Italian tarts look :wink: .

Good pics Adam, looks like you played a blinder nipping up ahead and snapping all day. Well done as it'll be good to have some photos of the run itself rather than just stationary or posed ones.
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Postby Grahame » Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:07 pm

[quote="seanieh.Piano_Condor©"][quote="Andrew G"]

Good to see Sean in ACC colours rather than his recent Italian tarts look :wink: .

You bitch :P

:roll: Oh, get a room, you two. :twisted: :wink: :P
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Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:55 pm

[quote="marco"]one word


The polish bloke on the shopping bike.He is phenominal
He hasnt ridden for 2 years. His bike weighs a tonne. . . . . . and he is 63!

He hasnt ridden for 2 years - find that very hard to believe !

His bike weighs a tonne - I don't doubt that !

and he is 63! - you have got to be * joking ! ! !

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby Ian A4size » Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:58 pm

A good day out.

Well some one has to start the ride reports......

Out with the 19 group today for my sins, i have had a niggling, half hearted cold ( full blown man flu) that has never quite materialised into anything much for the last few weeks, and this was the first time i have felt good.
A well schooled group joined myself on the usual run, we even had "stealth" Lombari out with us- the first time I have ridden with him for quite a while.
Why is there always a head wind up the col de motorway?
Anyhoo we all stayed together, and people were prepared to come thru and do their bit.
All together over the humps- yep even me!
Along the way we picked up a few waifs and strays from the two faster groups swelling our numbers.
A few nice long pulls from Nick and Stephan had us whizzing along and the pace was brisk, but comfortable.
I felt fairly good so gave it some welly on the drags- there were a few groans but everyone dug in.
Mr Dewis was flying along today- how he makes such good progress into the wind is a mystery to me- he was always the first to come to the front dragging the groaners behind him. Must be the wheels :lol:
We decided on the shorter thru and off along the way, so we could get to the cafe before the cake had run out.
A few casualties had by now been dropped along the way as we approached the small rise to Rusper - still feeeling OK i gave it some welly, "stealth" sneaked past me- i never heard him coming :wink: and it was not too long before i was the back marker :roll: .
For some reason i am fairly fast down the hill the other side- (mystery # two)
Paul B shot off and caned everyone up the next hill and was first to the dual carraigeway start, the lazy b'stard 20ers were still scratching, so we sent them off first.
A quick pep talk about thru and off with 19er virgin Bill- who picked it up without a prob despite my garbled explanation.
Fairly smooth T+O with not too much surging, one cooked rider- no not me - just hanging on.
2nd in the sprint for me , i lost by about a wheel (mile)- deliberately held up by team Paul D whilst team mate Paul B scooped the gold.

A nice tidy ride with a good working group, really enjoyable.

Thanks to all who had a hand in arranging the event, but remember if you hadn't turned up it would not have happened.

Chapeau the club!
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Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:47 am

[quote="Snoop Doug"]I'll do a write up for the croydon advertiser. If anyone got a really special photo from today please let me know and I'll send it with the article.

Cheers - Snoop

PS - also - any suggestions for a title for the article muchas appreciadas.

"Hundred up for the Addiscombe"
"Ton up for the Addiscombe"
Sure someone can do much much better - keep it clean eh :wink:

A reminder folks - any contributions greatly received - copy going to local paper this evening. Snoop the Scoop
Snoop Doug


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