The WHO ARE YOU thread

A Place to idle the day away talking about anything you fancy. Expect to find cycling and non cycling topics inside

Postby Elliot M » Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:23 pm

Elliot Merrony


Likes: [url=]Beastway MTB series[/url]; having a go at track, time trials, whatever;

Dislikes: Mud, paying full price for bicycles

Bikes: Kona eBay special seen above; black Cannondale road bike ex-demo from BikePark

Top excuse for slowness: Offroad -- I'm a roadie really; onroad -- I'm an MTBer really.

Aim for 2004: Attempt to race at least once in each of: road race; TT; triathlon; MTB XC, downhill and track; CX

Top race result: winner, Surrey Cub Scout sack race championship c. 1983

Now Gazette editor so feel free to send me anything everyone else should see, news, upcoming events, race roundups and pics.
Elliot M
lives on this board 24/7!!!
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Postby Jason » Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:42 pm

Jason Thomas

DH Secretary; if you want to hurt yourself, talk to me.

Likes: mtbing (DH, Freeride, North Shore)
Dislikes: Road riding (sorry, but I do)

Bike: Santa Cruz Bullit
Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2002 9:53 am
Location: Croydon

Postby JayneToyne » Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:21 am

on left

Hello, I'm Jayne, I dont have many pics of me actually riding, you'll just have to take my word for it, I ride mtn XC, road and track.

Im a club coach, BCF affiliated, qualified motorpacer/ derny rider (level B) and a member of Prime Coaches.
I also look after any women and youths/juniors who want to ride with the club.

Apart from running a regular coaching schedule for Addiscombe I also coach over at Hillingdon
I offer one to one coaching as well as the group coaching sessions.

Other than the coaching thing, Im going to race this year, primarily on track and a bit of road and possibly mtn bike for fun.

Things i like: chocolate, motorbikes, big boots, dr pepper, getting muddy, sailing, playing fiddle, guiness, going extremely fast, semi naked men, semi naked women :o)
Things i dont like: trench foot from riding in the rain too much, cold hands, punctures in the rain, riding with a hangover, lad-ish music ( its rubbish)

see you out there chaps and chapesses

aka miss moneypenny
Last edited by JayneToyne on Mon Jan 19, 2004 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby rollerskate skinny (sylv) » Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:56 pm


I'm Sylvain (yes, that's V, A ,I , N ), and my surname is on the numberplate.

I'm the mtb secretary, which is funny in a way because, I probably ride more miles on the road than off it, commuting as I do every day of the week. So don't you ever, ever tell this to any mountain biker. Understood?

As you can see from the pic I like my bikes to be light, which again is ironic because my favourite bike is a rock-heavy steel 1955 Schwinn beach cruiser.

I originate from France, so yes, I do eat pigs' inner bits, snails, frogs (with lots of garlic).

I'd really love doing a likes / dislikes but I have to get ready for a xmas party right now - oh, yes I looove champagne.
rollerskate skinny (sylv)
Posts: 153
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Postby Rory » Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:55 pm


likes: hills
dislikes: flat terrain and flat tyres
Aim for 2004: do the Crist Alp and feel no pain
Posts: 52
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2002 2:47 pm

Postby Simon J » Fri Dec 05, 2003 9:32 pm


Hi I'm Simon J

Club Track Sec
I don't know what pic I have as Marco found it and sent the link probably one of me looking constipated from the rollers comp so cheers geez

I'm 24 originally from Fulham though now in Addiscombe joined the club in July so faily new

Likes; Anything 2 wheeled, Food, Snowboarding, Running, Food, Watching Films, Scuba Diving, Food, Anything; fast Flying, Driving, oh and did I mention Food

Dislikes; Taxi's, Busses, Lampost's and anything else I can crash into
Last edited by Simon J on Sat Dec 06, 2003 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Paul Shields

Postby Paul zimzum » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:16 pm


Hi there, I'm Paul. I join in with club runs and the odd timetrial. I live in Central London so you will meet me on the train from London Bridge.

Most of you won't have seen me for ages, that's cos I'm living in Tanzania at the moment, bit of a long ride to get there for a clubrun, but I'm working on it.

See y'all in April.........
Paul zimzum
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Postby Climber » Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:15 pm


Name: Brett
Age: 27
Riding for: 5 months
Likes: Hills, winning, eating, music & smoked cheddar
Dislikes: Time trials, turbo trainers, rain, steak n' kidney pie & shaving my legs
Coach: Jayne Toyne
Mentor: my mum
Favourite past time outside of cycling: cooking
Most valued possesion: Bottle of 1975 Chateau LaTour
Thing that annoys me most: ignorant motorists
Cycling hero: Djamolidine Abdoujaparov
Posts: 48
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Location: Battersea

Postby Alan B » Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:57 pm

If this works i'll eat my hat......

Alan B
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Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:43 pm

In fer a penny....


Name: Doug (aka Snoop)
Likes: The Clash, Belgian Beer, Tranmere Rovers
Dislikes: cold weather, diet anything, gimme full fat
My hero: The late great Joe Strummer

Why I Don't Get Out Much These Days: Too Busy Having A laugh With My 1 Year Old Daughter, Keira Joe. She is not really as small as this photo, I think I blew a fuse on the smart group thingie...que??

Snoop Doug

Postby simonfrench » Tue Jan 20, 2004 1:44 pm

Simon French

No pictures of me riding but here's one of my mug at least.
(Link tbc)

Red wine, cheese, big dinners. i.e. Anything that makes me go slower and tastes good.
Carbon fibre stuff I can't afford

Trying to keep up with everyone after a big Friday night.
Taxis...Actually, London drivers in general.
Punctures - usually commuting home in the dark

Stages of the Giro, Vuelta & TdF even.

See you on the club runs. I'm on the old black Cannondale R400.

Cheers, Simon
Posts: 124
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Location: Tooting & Richmond

Postby duncan » Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:28 pm

I am Fahim Al-Neshawy Massoud, bigging up ACC from Basrah

My favourite type of cycling is playing chicken with Challengers and Bunny hopping machine gun placements.


BTW, ficticious name, Pic supplied by MOD. :wink:
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Postby Dom » Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:10 pm

Dom (aka Sidewinder, G.Strop etc)

Acc member for 2+ years, mainly play/crash about on Muddy bikes:


Bikes: MTB: SC Bullit, Rocky Mountain Element Race, Old Kona
Road: Scandium no name

Secretly likes lycra (only do triathlons to give me an excuse to wear Lycra and Rubber)
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