It was brought up at the last meeting about minimum ages for kids out on the club runs and social rides.
Now as far as I can see we are left to decide this as a club.
I would say the youngest to be allowed without a parent on a club run should be no less than 13.
I have a parental consent form that should be signed for anyone below the age of 16, which basically covers us for guardianship over said yoof while out on a ride with us.
I would also recommend as a point of safety that anyone below 16 should at the very least be seen riding by a coach or vice captain, and be given a brief introduction to road riding. Remember, kids can't drive so theres every chance they have no idea about the highway code.
As part of this recommendation I would say the best place for an assesment is on a closed road circuit. ( ie Hillingdon or Eastway.)
The same goes for MTB, an assesment first before being taken on an epic adventure down hill or cross country. Beastway and the Hillingdon off road trail is another good place to check them out to make sure they arent a liability to themselves. ( or others)
Helmets are mandatory for anyone under 16. This covers all disciplines.
As part of the parental consent form we are required to have a parent or guardians contact number in case of an emergency. This should be carried on the ride by a responsible adult.
There should also ( at my recommendation) be a basic first aid kit carried on the ride. ( especially so for the MTB DH and XC)
(the first aid side of things is to be sorted out seperately.)
I also need a list of all members who have some form of child protection training and would be happy to accompany a yoof on a ride now and again.