Captain's Comments

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Captain's Comments

Postby Daren L » Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:38 pm

I'm starting tis thread to, hopefully, give voice to what I'm sure is the silent, and contented, majority within the ACC. I have read the previous thread with emotions ranging from surprise to disappointment, and mild amusemant through to growing disbelief.
I know some of what Monty has done for the club, and while I don't intend this thread to be a defense (of him or the club), I feel that we need to be reminded that whatever our opinions or beliefs; at the core is a group who have the best interests of cycling in the Croydon area.
Monty doesn't deserve the personal, and often vitriolic criticism of himself or the club.
At the centre are a group of people who are passionate about cycling in all its forms. Mistakes or otherwise, I feel that their integrity and their dedication is beyond question.
I for one want to go on the record in both my support of, and sincere thanks for all Monty has done, and I hope will continue to do, for what is the best cycling club that I have ever been part of.
Daren L
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:18 pm
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Postby JayneToyne » Thu Jan 29, 2004 7:21 pm

So why didnt you post your thoughts in the other thread? it was/is an open discussion, that hopefully wouldnt get censored like the other one did.

the aim is not to disembowel the club and its club run or captain, but to make heard some views that were brought to a head when certain respected friends of people in the club were banned from the forum.. and are still banned.

Ive met some decent friends throught the club and been encouraged greatlly in the past when I first started by none other than el capitain as well just about all the vice captains currently on the listings. ( in particular Alex P, Phil nash and Tim Coales who I never fail to enjoy riding next to)

I will be racing in club colours like the rest of you this year but wont necessarily be seen in it at any other time... doesnt mean I dont support the club though.
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Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:25 pm
Location: Croydon

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