ACC Announcements

A Place to idle the day away talking about anything you fancy. Expect to find cycling and non cycling topics inside

ACC Announcements

Postby monty » Fri Nov 29, 2002 3:40 pm

At the AGM in Nov 2002 the new kit design was decided which can now be bought from GB's of South Croydon contact George Clare (owner) on or 020 86 88 50 94. The full range of Santini offerings are available (summer then winter kit) I suggest you go into the shop to try on Santini kit for size - male or female & pay your deposit. So far this has been an unbelievable success with the 1st order to Santini in Jan. for £7,000 & 3 other orders since.
By June/July you will also be able to buy ACC Caps & Bottles.
Last edited by monty on Mon May 19, 2003 11:10 am, edited 7 times in total.


Postby monty » Fri Jan 03, 2003 6:29 pm

Unless you've been living on another Planet you must realise if you haven't paid your subs for 2003 by 31/12/02 you are no longer an ACC member. For those who haven't paid, you've had all of Nov & Dec to pay me by cash or cheque, or via Web Banking & Standing Order. You will now receive a letter from the Gen Sec, if no payment is rec'd by the end of Jan then we will assume you no longer wish to be a member.

Name: Addiscombe Cycling Club
Bank: National Westminster
Branch: Addiscombe
Account Number: 87235617
Sort Code: 60-01-04
Amount of Payment:
£19 Nineteen pounds Senior Member
£10 Ten pounds Senior Citizen Member
£10 Ten pounds Second Claim Member
£13 Thirteen pounds Full-time Student Member
£10 Ten Pounds Junior Member
£7 Seven pounds Social Member
£5 Five pounds Juvenile Member
Reference: Your name
Date of first payment: Today
Date of next Payment: 30/11/2003
Frequency of payment: Yearly there after
Final payment: Until further notice
Last edited by monty on Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

ACC Comittee

Postby monty » Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:05 pm

President - Joyce Smith
Captain & Treasurer - Andrew Montgomery
Gen Sec - Rob Royale-Evatt
PR Sec - Marco Framboli
TT Sec - Dave Palmer
Track Sec & Insurance co-ordinator - Dennis Gillen
CycloCross Sec - Richard Munday
MTB Sec - Sylvian Garde
DH Sec - Jason Thomas
Road Sec & Promoter - Paul Tunnel
Road Sec - Chris Colford
Rollers Sec - Steve Dennis
Triathlon Sec - Dan Benson
Welfare Officer - Andrew Smith
3-UP Promoter - Glen Watts
10TT Promoter - Jonathan Hemmings
25TT Promoter - Linda Good
Members admin - Alun Williams
Social Sec - Eddie Mundy
Gazette Editor - Chris Watts
Members rep - Rik Oberoi
Vice Captains:
Alex Protasiuk
Tim Coales
Phil Nash
Jayne Toyne
Richard Claridge
Dave Kennett
Daren Lowdnes
Last edited by monty on Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

ACC 75th Presentation Dinner (2004)

Postby monty » Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:12 pm

Anyone wanting to influence the venue/format/content etc of the 75th Club Dinner next year should contact Joyce Smith ASAP, as there is a sub commitee set up which includes several Commitee members but we also need some from the general membership to make a contribution.
Last edited by monty on Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Captains annual comments

Postby monty » Wed Jan 15, 2003 9:38 pm

Captains yearly round up (ACC yr starts 1/11) as of AGM 27/11/02:

Total for all ACC clubruns (on & off-road) ? c2,800
Total racing for ACC - ??? c300

New Membership growth
1998 - 2
1999 ? 0
2000 ? 16
2001 ? 54
2002 ? 54
2003 ? 13 (so far)

Current membership total ? 172
Target for end of Oct 2003- 200
Recruitment momentum av. 1 newbee / week for last 2.5 years

Some of non-racing highlights
Tour of Flanders
Calais clubrun

Alps Freeraid
Aston Hill

Road Clubrun Organisation

Postby monty » Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:02 pm

I've been thinking we need to improve the organisation of our road clubruns, keeping the correct balance of fun & training but taking into consideration safety & insurance implications & I welcome any positive suggestions on this matter. I know some have found it difficult to believe because of the sheer numbers attending but this is an exclusive ACC clubrun PERIOD & NOT an open ride for anyone.
There are only 3 types of people allowed, ACC members, Prospective members (someone who is trying out ACC to see if we are right for them) & Guests (e.g. friends of ACC members or members of another club). On their 1st few clubruns all Prospective members & Guests should introduce themselves to me (Captain) or a Vice Captain in my absence.
I'm not saying you have to be a member before you can join our clubruns but I think after a reasonable amount of time all Prospective members have to make a decision whether they want to join ACC or not, & so whether to continue riding with us or not. Also if you have been a member of ACC & have not renewed your subs so your membership has lapsed, then unless you inform me of a good reason why you want to take a sabbatical I suggest you ride with another club.
Dependant on the numbers @ CSS & abilities we need to continue to split into 3, 4 or maybe 5 grps with a max of c15, this makes it easier to maintain a well drilled peloton. As stated this is an ACC clubrun & the quality of the riding & the conduct of individuals reflect on the club, so for e.g. I don't want to see anyone riding 3 abreast or on the opposite side of the road. If anyone consistently disregards the highway code or shows lack of respect for other cyclists/road users, whether you are a member or not I will be asking you to ride elsewhere.
Last edited by monty on Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:18 pm, edited 11 times in total.


Postby monty » Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:52 pm

Below is a list of the 2002 members who haven't paid their 2003 subs yet. If I have made any mistakes pls let me know ASAP, this is not an easy job with c200 members.
Over 1/2 of the ACC year has now passed, all those that haven't paid their subs now are ex-members. So please DONT come on the Sat. road clubruns or even THINK about doing any (on or off rd) racing under ACC**
Collins Danny
Lockett Peter
Mosby David
Smith Graham
Whiting Samuel
Whyton Paul
Last edited by monty on Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:13 pm, edited 23 times in total.

Clubnite Specials

Postby monty » Thu Apr 03, 2003 1:49 pm

So far this yr:-

John Ibbotson on Road Racing
Huw Williiams with Lance Armstrongs 2001 TDF bike
Steve Bayliss on Triathlons
Keith Butler on Road Race tactics
Race Secretarys on Planning your Racing Yr
Phil O'Connor on Cycling Photography
Paul Tunnell on Beginner & Advanced bike maintenance
Bring n Buy Bike n Bits sale
Phil Cavell and Julian Wall on BikeFit
Last edited by monty on Mon May 19, 2003 11:08 am, edited 3 times in total.

31/5/3 Clubrun there were 63 riders - new Club record!!!

Postby monty » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:24 am

5/4/3: Wow 60 out & a new club record, on an absolutely superb ride. Inc several 1st timers, some becoming members on the spot , several MTBers & even a recumbent - it just doesn't get any better. What more can I say - great weather, great company, great work-out, great club, the only thing missing was er great kit

31/5/3: The ink had only just dried in the records books but its now time to re-write the numbers for the largest club run in Addiscombe's history - an amazing 63 Agreeables on last Saturdays road clubrun. No one has yet to tell me of any other current UK club that comes within a light-year of this turnout
Last edited by monty on Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Neovite discount

Postby monty » Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:32 pm

Joanne Hutchinson
Product Manager

I have been referred to you and to the Addiscombe CC website by John Ibbotson. We sponsor both Team Endurasport (of which John Ibbotson is a rider and Russell Williams with this product - for testimonials ask either John or Russell, or see our website for Russell's testimony

So, what is neovite and what does it do?
neovite is a natural product from first-milk containing colostrum. For
endurance athletes, use over an extended period (2-3 months) has been shown to improve recovery times, increase lean muscle mass and boost the immunity. For more info, see our site or phone me (or John or Russell !).

What's in it for the club?
If club members place an order and state that they are club members, we will give them 10% extra free. For a product that has been checked in numerous studies, and does produce results, that's a pretty good deal!

Dave Kennett is co-ordinating members orders on
Last edited by monty on Fri May 30, 2003 4:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.

SIS Discount

Postby monty » Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:27 pm

The deal is quite simple - anything you want for 25% discount, Huw Williams is collating all members orders & will buy from SIS on a regular basis e.g every 2-3 mths

Check their website for product listings and details or ask me if you want to know more about what each thing does - I used just about everything at the training camp.

New Saturday Clubrun format from 7/6/3

Postby monty » Fri May 30, 2003 2:26 pm

New Summer format:

9.00 - All aim to arrive @ CSS, espec the Training grp

9.10 - 55 mls @ 19 MPH av - Usual route but now adding a few more miles by going right in Rusper to meet the dual-carriageway further down with a longer thru n off session back to the cafe

9.20 - 50 mls @ 17 MPH - Usual route straight thru @ Rusper, joining the dual-carriageway @ Faygate St.

9.30 - 45 mls @ 15 MPH - Usual route going left @ Partridge

9.40 - 40 mls @ 13 MPH - ONLY on 1st Saturday of each month. Going direct to the cafe

Leaving the cafe in 2-4 grps also.

ALL FIRST TIMERS (whatever their ability) are funnelled into the 15MPH or 17MPH grp & are NOT ALLOWED in the 19MPH grp until they have learned the Agreeable Code of Conduct, which inc's riding in a bunch, only looking backwards when @ the front, rotating @ the front to share the work effort, maintaining a consistent pace, riding predictably, riding 2 abreast max, maintaining a cohesive grp, no half-wheeling, communication/signalling up & down the grp on hazards or movement, holding a wheel, adhering to the highway code & thru n off

Tim Lawson's nutrition presentation - date to be confirmed

Postby monty » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:06 pm

Tim Lawson from Science in Sport (SIS) has agreed to give us a talk on Sport nutrition. This is not just an "eat more carbohydrate" speech but a complete evaluation of what modern eating habits mean in relation to performance and what you can do to improve yours. Tim's agreed to come down from Manchester specifically to give Addiscombe the benefit of his experience. Watch this space for which Wed eve in summer

The fastest growing CC in the UK!!

Postby monty » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:15 pm

I know some of you think its propaganda from 'Monty's Marketing Machine' so I thought you would like to know I've just had verified from Mission Control in Manchester that we are again the Fastest Growing CC in the UK, for the 3rd consecutive yr. When you are on the inside its easy to think what's taking place @ ACC is the norm for Clubs, nothing could be further from the truth. Most clubs have found it challenging to hold their No's, some have lost significant membership but thankfully there are a few pioneering clubs who are leading the way in rejuvenating Cycling in the UK. ACC has been the 'quite revolution' but I think even that's about to change over the next 1-2 yrs as more clubs/cyclists/officials realise what's going on in the suburbs of Croydon.....

ACC are 3rd largest CC in the UK

Postby monty » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:16 pm

We are now the 3rd largest CC in the UK with 200 members. We've gone from 230th to 3rd in just 3 years, that's a staggering achievement by any standards & even more remarkable when you consider we were in terminal decline & about to expire by the turn of the millennium. Some of you may be aware I've a game plan to take ACC to the largest club in 5 yrs, at this exponential growth rate we may achieve it in 4.


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