CR 13th October - Thanks to the 19's

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Postby Ian A4size » Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:34 pm

As I have had a tough training week, and I'm doing the "Ibbo" ride tomorrow, I thought I would downsize(sorta A3ish) and go for a nice and easy 18er.
Headmaster Grahame gave us all a stern talking to before the off, saying what he wanted and expected- and for the first time in ACC history everyone took it onboard 8)
As usual he took off like a rocket, i was tucked in nicely behind.

Everyone kept it together on the 3 humps, rotations, holes, cars etc were all duly pointed out. Excellent stuff indeed.
The 5 minute rotation policy was working well, with about 20 in the group it seemed I was never destined to do a "pull".
As luck would have it though, it was my turn just as we came to the rusper drag, ah well a nice recovery period for most of the group.

Grahame came past say "it doesn't hurt" over and over.

Huw lead out the sprint for Grahame to take- I took about 6th.
A very steady ride, about 19.9 to the cafe( according to Alex's computer) with no one struggling, I must have spoken to nearly all the group for a change, instead of just the front group workers.
A really good buzz around our group today.

The ride back was a blast as well, avg 20.3 by the time I got home.

I guess the highlight of the ride for me was seeing Alex tearing along, he does a terrific amount of work with the slower groups and it was great to see him get a fast ride in.

PS another highlight for me was Sylvs cap, worn at a rakish/raffish angle.

Oh and those socks. :roll:
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Postby Grahame » Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:43 pm

Well, if everybody's stopped bickering :roll: , can we get some ride reports in? :twisted:

I'll give my perspective on the "18s"

We were called forward by Alex after saying "19s? With Alan and Adam in it? Pah. It'll never stay at 19mph!"

I gave the now seemingly mandatory "Everybody takes a turn at the front, call the cars, holes and other hazards. Etc." talk and promptly set off up the ride out of Coulsden at what felt like a comfortable set-off pace (with Ian glued to my back wheel). Where the road widens Huw pulled alongside me and said "I suppose it's a bit wrong for an 18s group to be heading off uphill at 19 1/2 mph?" We checked back and everybody was stil on, and looking fairly comfortable, so we decided to continue and see what happened.

Good discipline until the right turn for the "steps" when there was a slight gap 'cos of a car coming the other way, but the front group eased off and let the rest get back on. Then a good, steady climb up the steps with everybody holding their places in the group well (except for one guy having gear troubles, but he was still hanging on the back at the top, so no problem there) and still having enough breath to call the holes.

OK through Reigate except for a car driver who thought he could bully us out of our lane at the last set of lights. There was a comment of "He's heavier than us." I looked round, saw Ian, glanced back with an "I'm not so sure" and we held our ground.

Onto the lanes and a good, steady rotation kept the pace high(ish) but comfortable enough for everybody to take their turn. One chap stayed on the front for a little too long on the false flat between Newdigate and the climb up to Rusper, faded a bit after the rotation and struggled to hold the wheel for a minute or two, but he recovered before the main climb, so that was OK.

Through Rusper and turn left, an easy minute to let those who can't/won't descend quite so manically as others of us get back on then a continued solid ride through the run in to the airport.

Final junction and people are starting to maneuver for position for the sprint, the pace drops a bit (to 18mph!) and Huw, thankfully, decides to do the honourable thing and sacrifice his chances by shouting "I'll be the leadout for the sprint," sticking his head down and accelerating. Three of us (at least) caught his wheel and we were off - staying behind until after the corner of doom and still calling out the holes!

Round the final corner and time to go for it. Click up through the gears, stay seated for maximum "spin", edge past the main rival and try to hold off the lactic pain until the line. Edged it by a length or two with a maximum speed of just over 34mph.

We arrived at the cafe with an average speed of 19.8mph :oops: and an intact group :) :D all saying how much they'd enjoyed it.

A bacon french stick (with no butter) has rarely tasted so good.

The return trip and there's next to no takers for Box Hill so Alex and I decide we'd better set a reasonably quick pace to stop this huge group bunching up too much. When Alex faded a touch, Sylvain came through and we got to the bottom of the climb to the church in double-quick time (I think an average along the "flat" of about 22mph :shock: ).

I thought I'd pay for that effort on the church climb and I was right. - I think I went up it in reverse gear, so many people came past me. Some had the decency to say "Thank you" for the tow, so that was OK.

I still wasn't properly recovered by Merstham drag, but was in second or third gear rather than reverse. Coffee and banter at Regalina's was good, then a steady trundle home with Paul on the Pearson.

A good day.
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Postby Grahame » Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:45 pm

Must type faster, or be more concise.
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Postby Andrew G » Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:55 pm

[quote="Ian MunneryA1size"]I guess the highlight of the ride for me was seeing Alex tearing along, he does a terrific amount of work with the slower groups and it was great to see him get a fast ride in.

Oh and those socks. :roll:

Yes big up to Alex, a lot of people don't realise how strong he is as he's always riding within himself as a group leader.

He also tows people all the way home at 5mph when they blow up spectacularly after picking the wrong group on their first CR. :oops:

Socks? Please tell me they weren't long black ones, the most heinous of crimes.

[quote="Grahame"]There was a comment of "He's heavier than us." I looked round, saw Ian, glanced back with an "I'm not so sure" and we held our ground.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:47 pm

ian- nothing wrong with my socks :lol: ....all the pros are doing it now days 8)
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Postby Sylv » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:53 pm

Good ride today! Nice to meet Keith "the legend" and see all the others again. I was worried about getting dropped after reading the recent reports but it was ok! (just).

Shadow and I had a good laugh watching the sprint from the 3rd /4th place didn't we :wink:

Did another 55km this afternoon 8)
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Postby Keith » Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:12 pm

Cheers Sylv. "the legend" - I could get used to that!

A report for the training group?

It did exactly what it said on the tin - training. Everyone gave all that they had to give. Flat out on the front, tucked in behind. Attacks on the climbs. Relentless pace on the long drags. Everyone looked a little relieved when Stu thought he'd a puncture & we all stopped.

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What does the non-cycling world do for their "fix" :?:
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Postby Marek » Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:11 pm

Watch England play Rugby I guess.
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Postby Paul H » Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:35 pm

[quote]So, a good CR for me, the Prima Donna is back.

The only place the Prima Donna is going is back to Hospital if carries on riding like he did today. I dont mind as long as you dont take me with you like you nearly did today. :lol:
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Postby Alan M » Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:26 pm

I am probably a bit late with this reply but thought I should do it as it will be my last club run for a while.

Suffice to say if the 19mph group had been like the 18mph group it would have been a better morning but like the curate's egg it was good in parts.

We went off at a blistering pace and with Simon and Dave Kennett in the group there was both strength and depth. In fact the group became somewhat strung out on the A23 and I went to the front to calm things a bit, mainly and as a form of self preservation. Anyway, we arrived at the turnoff as one and entered into a steady period with long turns at the front by Brian and Brian and others.

I will draw a veil over the Adam incident except to acknowledge that he 'fessed up at the cafe and for me there is an end to it.

When we got to the beginning of the through and off a big group just went straight onto the dual carriageway without a moment for assembly as is usually the custom - this seemed a bit impetuous but I understand they were chasing down the training group.

I think 8 of us held back and made up a more steady group keeping together with one having a puncture near the end and after that a little battle for the sprint which was keenly fought after the dying embers of my lead out.

The return seemed very swift and I lost it a bit on the hills and was stuck behind traffic a couple of times. I just made the second selection for drag but we were never in danger of catching the others, but it was an enjoyably fast ride with many people seeming to have gained speed and fitness over the past few weeks.

Good coffee at the second stop while I waited for Bridget to arrive all smiles from her ride back with John et al.

See you all in the new year (except if I see you on Wednesday in the beer circus)

hasta luego

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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:28 pm

[quote]Cheers Sylv. "the legend" - I could get used to that!

A report for the training group?

It did exactly what it said on the tin - training. Everyone gave all that they had to give. Flat out on the front, tucked in behind. Attacks on the climbs. Relentless pace on the long drags. Everyone looked a little relieved when Stu thought he'd a puncture & we all stopped.

Cycling never ceases to inspire or fulfill, yet drive ambition.

What does the non-cycling world do for their "fix"

You must be joking, that wasn't training, that was flat out racing - Surrey league events are slow by comparison (I need to do more training to ride the club run!!)
Great stuff Keith, keep it up.
The only time the group slowed up (by that I mean dropping below 27mph) was when we managed to dislodge Stu from the front - I'm bringing a bungee with me next time, then Keith took over (bugger).

Adam, you only got that sprint because you'd had an armchair ride to get there.... :wink:

Thankfully, we've got IOW next week, then Hillingdon.

Even riding back we had a group of about 20 riding at 20mph UP Merstham drag - something that only the racing group were doing last year - great stuff guys and thanks to everyone for the ride.
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Postby -Adam- » Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:19 pm

[quote="mrpvt"]Adam, you only got that sprint because you'd had an armchair ride to get there.... :wink:

Yawn :wink:
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:21 pm

and because I like your dimples :shock:
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Postby -Adam- » Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:29 pm

Maybe you'll get to see them in a couple of weeks...
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:43 pm

You're such a tease.. :shock:
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