Catford and Bec Hill Climbs...

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Catford and Bec Hill Climbs...

Postby -Adam- » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:56 pm

I'm not riding them, but would be interested in riding out to them to watch/cheer/scream at/encourage all the riders...

Could anyone show me where they are on a map so I can plan a suitable route...?


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Postby Jon H » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:50 am


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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:55 am

I was just going to do that....unfortunately, we will be on the Isle of Wight for the weekend otherwise there would have been a Tunnell adventure :cry:
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Postby Sylv » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:44 am

I did the Bec last year, it was extremely painful. But somehow I signed again for this year. Was planning to do it on the road bike, then "someone" on the clubrun on Saturday told me there was a prize for first mtb. So during the ride I started thinking about turning that 1992 Klein frameset I got a few months ago into a fixed-gear hill-climb machine.

I'd take off any unnecessary parts like rear brake and derailleurs and find the perfect ratio for White Lane, and people would surely cheer twice as loud when they would see that crazy bike with its orange/purple fade paint.

After enquiring with the organiser I found out that it was actually the Catford climb that had mtb prize. I was really disappointed but decided to go through anyhow with the build - I was halfway down the field of results last year so it's not like I'd be messing up a chance of doing well on the road bike.

I worked out that the gear ratio I run on my singlespeed mtb - 36*17 would be ok especially with the reduced diameter of the wheels with the 1" slicks. Built the bike and took it out to Titsey for a trial. If you know White Lane you are aware it starts out with a gentle slope then gradually builds up to super steep. I was ok at the start, just about able to stay in the saddle. But as it got steeper and I got out of the saddle, slower and slower I went, coming to a crawl on the steepest part. Even though I was taking it fairly easy I was hurting and puffing. The gear was waaaay too high.

So I went back to the drawing board and looked at what other chainrings I had (only have one fixed sprocket for the rear). 34 would not make much difference, and to fit a 32 I'd have to swap the standard-sized cranks to a compact model. But I did have a 26 granny gear so went for the "spinning" option. Have only tried it out on a steep hill just down my road so far, not quite as steep as the top of White Lane but still decent. Was able to get to the top in the saddle, not too out of breath. Bike felt good with wide handlebars and bar ends to use a bit of upper body. The gear is equivalent to the 39*27 which is the bailout gear on my road bike, I'm sure I used it last year by the time I came to the top of White Lane. I will probably lose a bit of time at the start, but hopefully might make up for it on the steep part at the top.

I think I'll need a good warm up before the race on Sunday to bring the heart rate up. TRouble is I won't be able to ride the bike to the event, so might take another one in the car. Or, just run up Titsey Hill. We'll see.

See you there!



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Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:27 pm

Great stuff Sylv, really wish I could see it on the big day.

I only went as low as 39*26 last year and then only for a little bit before back to 39*23 for the "sprint" at the top - mind you I was a lot slower than you :) .

If you want to try some other gears, or take some spare sprockets with you for options, then if you're running 1/8 pitch I'm pretty certain I have a full range from 20 down to 13.

If you're going to the committee meeting tonight give me call or post here and I can bring them.
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Postby Jon H » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:50 pm

I did a recce of White Lane yesterday too.

Didn't have to resort to the 39 x 27, I used the next sprocket (24?) all the way, but wasn't pedalling very fast or moving very fast on the steep bit at the top.

I'm assuming the finish point is just where it levels off at the top, but how far up from the junction at the bottom is the start?
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:56 pm

The finish is just on the brow where it levels. I'm afraid the start is quite close to the bottom of the hill, just far enough in to not block Titsey with cars etc.
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Postby Sylv » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:05 pm

Andrew - that could possibly be very helpful thanks. Yes it's a track chain/sprocket I have.

36*20 would still be too high I think (=39*23 on big wheels), but 26*16 (=39*25~26) could well be the best gear for me (and so light :-) ).

Do you have the tools to remove sprocket lockrings too? If so, I could bring the wheel (or ride the bike why not) tonight.

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Postby huw williams » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:12 pm

Tip from the top

I have it on good authority that a previous winner of the White Hill event is considering running with no saddle/seatpost in the quest for extreme weight saving.

I guess he feels he won't be sitting down for that length of climb anyway but you wouldn't want to forget you'd removed it would you?
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:22 pm

Okay Sylv. I'll bring a 16 and also a 15 and 17 to give you an option, think I can remember where they all are :roll: .

I'll also bring tools - Chainwhip, small screwdriver and a hammer (it's all very hi-tech).

Looking at the rear axle I can't see track nuts, does it use allen key bolts? If you want me to do it tonight can you make sure you bring what you need to remove the rear wheel.
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Postby Sylv » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:50 pm

Great thanks, I have the whip all I need is a splined tool to remove the lockring.
My hub is bolt-in (allen key), with an excentric cam. Very nifty, you will see.
Plus the dropouts on that frame are horizontal so with a bit of luck going from 17 to 16 shouldn't need to shorten the chain.
Last edited by Sylv on Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sylv » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:52 pm

Don't know if you've ever tried to battle a bike uphill without a saddle or post Huw, but it's a bit unsettling.
You ususally have the saddle touching the inside of your legs which limits the amount the bike is rocking from side to side,
will be interesting to see how he fares and if he stays upright.
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Postby huw williams » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:55 pm

Agreed - apparently he's been practising and reckons it's a goer

Puts me in mind of the guy who snapped his seatpost after 43 miles on the dragon ride - and finished! The long ride!

You've gotta love riding your bike to do that :-)
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:47 pm

Remind me of a picture I saw earlier this year of Christian Yates in a TT. He was riding, I think a sporting course event, his saddle came off the post (think the top of the post snapped). He clearly didn't want to lose his saddle so he ripped it off and rode the rest of the way, with the saddle tucked up the leg of his shorts. Still put in a time that would put most people to shame.

If I can re-find the pic I'll post it.
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Postby Grahame » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:54 pm

Cindy Whitehead once did a similar thing - broke the seatpost on her mountainbike at the start of a 50 mile cross country race.

She went on to win, and become the first woman to beat a certain Jacqui Phelan in a NORBA sanctioned mountainbike race.
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