Goals, Goals, Goals

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Goals, Goals, Goals

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:09 pm

Well that's it the season is defo over (for me as I'm not gonna make the big event next week - I'll be havin' me own like). Nice way to top it off, a visit to the Beer Circus and a succesful attempt of the Bec CC hill climb in the same week....

So how did I do (look away now those of you with a low boredom threshold)? And how did you do, y'all.....?

Go under 27 on a 10, PB was 28.27. Got down to 27.37, missed but a reasonable improvement for me.

Go under 1.10 on a 25, PB was 1.14.06. Got down to 1.11.10, missed but a big improvement for me.

Get a PB in a 50. Kerching, 2.26.37. Also did a 100 8) Thanks to Richv for nudging me into that one :twisted: didn't think I had it in me. Got me a SCCU BAR place too, well chuffed.

Do the Bec CC Hill Climb and live tee tell the tale. Tick, what an event, I'd recommend everyone try it at least once, awesome atmosphere.

Equal my PB in mrshalling events. Tick, did four of those.

Do at least ten TTs in the season. Tick.

Go to the Beer Circus. Tick.

Thanks again to Toks for getting me into this frame of mind. I'm still slow but I've had a hell of a year at the back of the pack and I can't wait for the next one, bring on the 12 hr (beerathon that is)!!

Snoop Doug

Postby Kasper » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:40 pm

What's this Snoop, an ACC event and you're not going!!!!!

It'll be chaos without the club pirate there to keep all the landlubbers in check!!!!! :lol:

Well Done on today and your whole season as well come to think of it.
Your certainly leading the way for us amateurs in showing what a true cycling athlete has to put himself through to build up his palmares (definition: fancy word for results).

Anyway congratulations on the season and if only you'd hit that pothole at the top of White Lane you could have added Lanterne Rouge to your list of achievements.Still there's always next year!! :lol:

Well Done,
Cap'n Snoopy
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Postby Dominic » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:00 pm

There is thread somewhere with my goals for the year on, can't remember many of them. I know two where get under the hour for a 25, did 58.24 and under 2.05 for a 50, did 2.00.44. Bit of a lame one this as it was based on a performance 20 years ago that has been detailed elsewhere :shock:

Did a 100 which I found incredibly hard which surprised me as I had been audaxing the previous two years with rides up to 400k. Just shows the difference between racing and riding.

But Snoop as far as I am concerned based on the above you have done the ride of the year for me with your 100. Top ride, with a placing in the Southern Counties BAR, which is more that I did after wimping out on the hundred. Well done :D
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:00 pm

A good season Snoop, great performances in the TTs.


1) Nove Colli - err, shall we gloss over this one (I crashed in the week leading up to it so a DNS).

2) Finish in bunch in RR - Tick, at Chertsey (aka the 4th cat demolition derby circuit). Did seven 3/4 races at Palace, didn't quite make it to bunch finishes but got better each time, and damn close towards the end. Just really enjoyed racing here regardless of where I finished.

3) Race at Palace - Tick x 7.

4) 25:30 on a road bike on Holmwood 10 course. - Tick. Didn't honestly think I'd do this as my pb at the start of the season was 26:50. Clocked 25:28 in the ACC open event. Enjoyed my TTs this year as I got my head round them, had struggled with the mental side before.

5) 2:30 on Bec Hill Climb. - No, went to the IoW instead and didn't know if I was going to get back in time.
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Postby Kasper » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:09 pm

[quote]5) 2:30 on Bec Hill Climb. - No, went to the IoW instead and didn't know if I was going to get back in time.

It just this kind of muddled thinking that's holding you back Andrew now if you had a head coach you could made that starting line easily.

Did you put your foot down on the way home from Iow?
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