Season 2007: Tell it like it was!!!

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Season 2007: Tell it like it was!!!

Postby Toks » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:31 am

Ok here's your chance to tell everyone about your season. Cut and paste using my format or just tell us what it was like for you.

Goals: Its best that I don't mention them - as I confessed to Andrew at the Palace prologue and in my blog I lost my Mojo early season and never really found it again. So sadly I never achieved any of my goals. Neverthelees I remained quite positive and did what my girlfriend says I'm best at - motivating an occassionally teaching others. So with only 5/6 races and three sportivs I have to say it wasn't the best season. Well at least the ACC road Race went well and I've got a better bike now :D

Training Approach and Philosophy

Not too many ‘happy go lucky’ long endurances rides for me. They’re generally short moderately intensive rides (loads and loads of 2X20's intervals and 90-120minute sweetspot rides).

My Best Race(RR or TT) Dunsfold, nice and easy. I sat in while Phil S (mosquito bikes) got himself in a breakaway

My Worst Race (RR or TT): 2/3 race early doors I think it was Alford. If i was a footballer the crowd would've sung "your shhitt and you know you are" jason (mosquito bikes) was hammering it up front and I was literally dying at the back :cry:

Best ride/Sportiv of the year TOBM just how sportivs should be - bloody hard!

Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year TOBM puctures and bonked :shock:

Best ACC Road Racer: Its really only out of two people: Stu or George. Its so close but because of Saturday I've got to give it to Stu :D

Best ACC TT Man and Woman: Not sure, someone let me know

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: My lttle son riding his old BMX up the 10% hill in Richmond Park, Hal's ride in the TOBM, George's sheer guts at the Rapha Nocturne, Warrick Spence's wet riding skills at the Rapha Nocturne, StuMercks's storming win at Palace, Bradley Wiggins at Herne hill Stu O'grady's PR win, Bettin's World Championship win.

Favourite Club Rider :Andrew Green - just a thoroughly ageeeable chap who competes, marshals and generally does the right thing :D

Seasons Low Point: all the drug scandals, where's Eastways replacement.

Most Improved Racers: Loads!!! especially if you moved up a category or two; Paul Tunnel, Hal, Adam, Steve (shadow), Sylv, John, Paul H, Kieran, Stu, George and anyone who got PB's in their races

Favorite pro ridersD. Miller, Jens Voight and Stu O'Grady

Most improved Club Riders: not sure, let me know

Best Forum Bits: All the race reports

Favourite Cycling Websites Cycling forums, Bike radar, Londoncyclesport, Cycling news,

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Should of done more racing! :cry:

Best Seasons Quotes
Marek (during the 4up TT) "the first few minutes are gonna hurt" It lasted much longer than that :x

ACC's 'Blingiest' Rider: The coolest looking dude on a Bike? Easy - Adam.

Kings and Queens of Pain You 12 hour nutters! Sylv and that 12/24 hour mountain bike madness. George in that 5 dayer

Who went missing this season mmm definitley me!
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:58 pm

1) Nove Colli - NO err, shall we gloss over this one (I crashed in the week leading up to it so a DNS).

2) Finish in bunch in RR - YES, at Chertsey x3 but misjudged the verrrry long home straight every time so no placings. Did seven 3/4 races at Palace, didn't quite make it to bunch finishes but got better each time, and damn close towards the end. Just really enjoyed racing here regardless of where I finished. Can't recommend CP enough.

3) Race at Palace - YES x 7.

4) 25:30 on a road bike on Holmwood 10 course. - YES. Didn't honestly think I'd do this as my pb at the start of the season was 26:50. Clocked 25:28 in the ACC open event. Enjoyed my TTs this year as I got my head round them and was consistently around 26mins (10s), had struggled with the mental side before.

5) 2:30 on Bec Hill Climb. - NO, went to the IoW instead and didn't know if I was going to get back in time.

Training Approach and Philosophy
LSD, fixed wheel. Nothing overly specific to take the enjoyment away. Basically ride my bike as much as possible and with quicker riders to get quicker.

My Best Race(RR or TT) RR = final Palace race was my best performance, and the Sutton Crit was fantastic for the atmosphere. TT = ACC Open 10, pb and friendly faces marshalling, what more could you want.

My Worst Race (RR or TT) RR = Palace after Italy crash, left my legs at home - the only time I bailed from a race. TT = Kent Open 10. Up early to get to the area's fastest 10 course. Finish was put at 9.7miles :roll: and lots of pi$$sed off people at the finish.

Best ride/Sportiv of the year Tunnell's Alpine Adventure, and the UK Etape. My first proper sportive and had a good ride with David Lombari for most of the way at a good pace.

Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year Easy, A great ride over the hills around Riccione which came to a spectacular halt thanks to sliding down one of them on my side. Good Italian nurses though :wink: .

Best ACC Road Racer Paul H deserves mention as the 1st ACCer to get 2nd cat this season. George for all the obvious reasons, but even before Saturday my vote would've gone to Stu. 2nd Cat, racing in Europe for SE England team, and still only 17. Amazing. 5 ACC became 2nd Cat this season, not bad for a club that doesn't race :) .

Best ACC TT Man and Woman Man - RichV, MrPVT et al, sorry but this year pipped by Snoop putting himself through the mangle.
Woman - Tamar was impressive as ever which probably means her achievements don't get the credit they deserve, but a new contender is waiting in the wings - Carole knocking great lumps off her 10 PB and a 1h12m in her first 25.

Most Impressive Riding I witnessedGeorge's win at Palace. Wasn't racing so got to watch this one. Left the bunch behind and then powered all the way up the hill out of the saddle every lap 'til the finish. Actually increased the distance from the field lap by lap.

Favourite Club Rider Way too many to mention.

Seasons Low Point All the Addiscombe crashes, someone had it in for us all this year.

Most Improved Racers Steve "Shadow". Huge gains at Palace and a strong showing at Sutton.

Favorite pro riders Cancellara, Voight and McEwan.

Most improved Club RidersTwo stand out. Dan G has become really strong lately, and Mark Locke who started with the 15s this year and has since moved to 18/19s, done a Hilly 50 and at least one CBC.

Best Forum Bits Anything by scribe in chief Adrian always makes me laugh. The to and fro between him and MrPVT on the "Best Clean Joke" thread was brilliant. Race/ride reports.

Favourite Cycling Websites Cycling forums CyclingNews and Pez.

Best Seasons Quotes Paul T "It goes up a bit, and then it's a bit rough at the top". Understatement of the year, even by Paul "steady" Tunnell's standards.

ACC's [size=150]UN[/size]'Blingiest' Rider Anyone who insists in wearing black socks on a bike.

Kings and Queens of Pain 12 hour riders, and Huw for riding without complaining about his cottage cheese camelback.

Who went missing this season I didn't see them. :D
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:08 pm

See separate thread on 2008. Have to say though that after 2 years away from racing, and the pain I had throughout that time with rheumatoid arthritis, I never thought I would ride a bike any distance again, and when it cleared up, went for LS rides to lose the eenormous amount of weight I had put on.

Training Approach and Philosophy

Long steady rides over the winter to get the weight off. Will inject a bit of interval training for next season

[quote]My Best Race(RR or TT)
Surrey League Handicap at Wivelsfield, with a cracking finish, only beaten by top sprinter Paul Allen, and going past Paul, George and Stuart on the way!!!!

[quote]My Worst Race (RR or TT):
First road race of the season. Making a "comeback" I really didn't know how much fitness I had compared to everyone else. I spotted Marek and Max sneaking up the road, and told George he ought to get up with them (he did and stayed away) I spent a miserable time sulking in the bunch having realised afterwards, I could have gone with George.
OR there was the SCCU 25 where even the marshals had gone back to the HQ not expecting anyone to be THAT slow :shock:

Best ride/Sportive of the year Only did one and did that twice!! London-Canterbury tour route. Enjoyed our own version better - riding with Apples and Paul (after watching Sean get through that Full English a couple of pints and a coffee) and Jon. (Hard luck on that day Brian)

[quote]Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year
The official Tour de France ride - Hal and ???? dropped me early on setting off at a blistering pace, and despite picking up groups along the way, hardly met up with any other Agreeables.

[quote]Best ACC Road Racer:
Its really only George. Stu has come good, but Hillingdon is a crit, not a road race.

[quote]Best ACC TT Man and Woman:
RichV is head and shoulders above everyone else in this game, but I think Dominic must be at the top of the list for the sheer bad luck he had.
Tamar Collis (no surprises there :?: )

[quote]Most Impressive Riding I witnessed:
George's win at the Palace was awesome. Cancellara's time trial. Sven Nijs incredible bike handling skills bunnyhopping two sets of planks at incredible speed, and flying down the road section at 30mph+

[quote]Favourite Club Rider :- Hmmm, what a toughie, although I think if I was pushed, I would say Huw Williams, and the best man.....

[quote]Seasons Low Point: Poor performance in ECCA 100.

[quote]Most Improved Racers: Where do you start, in road racing, TT's and off road so many people have made huge improvements, and the clubrun has progressively moved up from 20mph to 22mph to now 27mph (when Stu's on the front).

[quote]Favorite pro ridersD. Boonen and Cancellara

[quote]Most improved Club Riders: I think in terms of all round riding and helping, not just racing, I think Jointly John C and Andrew Green

[quote]Best Forum Bits: Mo makes me LOL. Adam winding people up. Jon Hemmings one liners. Huw's quick retorts.

[quote]Favourite Cycling Websites Cycling forums, British Cycling, Londoncyclesport,

[quote]Pedant on here ..... Could haves....should haves....
Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Should have included speed work in my training.

[quote]Best Seasons Quotes One of mine: "We'll start off at a steady pace so any latecomers can catch up" (they chased us all the way to Ditchling!!)

[quote]ACC's 'Blingiest' Rider: Jon Lovell with his super carboned TT machine.

[quote]Kings and Queens of Pain 12 hours isn't so bad (I have to keep repeating that to myself all winter)

[quote]Who went missing this season George and Adam. Best wishes to both of you. Back with a vengeance next season....
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:43 pm

1- was to make it to 3rd cat- managed to surpass that and get to 2nd
2- was to go under 24 in a 10 tt- did that- managed 23.26
3- was to not crash- errrrrm :roll:
4- i think i said i wanted to win a race, and i managed it once at palace
5- was to win the charlswood signs from the duel carriage way- does the plane watcher stretch count?!? not realy. GOAL FAILED :cry:

i think thats was about it! ive had a pretty lucky first season really. fingers crossed for next year!
Training Approach and Philosophy
here is what i ended up doing training wise, after looking bits up on the internet, asking for advice etc etc.... so here is a good week from back in the summer would have included- endurance ride of 3 hours. - tempo (is that the right word?) ride of 2 hours, at a hard pace. - threshold (ish) ride of 1.5 hours as hard as i can. - another tempo ride of 2 hours.

when i did a race it would usally fall into one of those catagories so i would not have to train it that week again. eg- palace would fall into the threshold ride, including the ride home, so i didnt have to train that again that week.

My Best Race(RR or TT)
my best result was the win at palace. which i thouroughly enjoyed of course. but my most enjoyable races were in decending order-
1st- the crit in belgium
2nd- one of the kent road races back in the spring, it was wonderful!!
3rd- tour of wales

My Worst Race (RR or TT):
definately the crash at chertsey!!

favourite crit
definately palace. whenever i think of it, all i get are happy memories and good feelings!

Best ACC Road Racer:
it has to be paul H and george...their antics in the road races where inspiring. they were and are a fantastic racing offering the braun, and paul the brains! (and braun up the hills)

Best ACC TT Man and Woman:

errrrm. the only time trial i was involved with was the presidents 10... so dominic for the men as he won it. and tamar for the girls (is she the only one??)

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed:
the 3 hour break paul H got into, and then getting a podium place in 3rd

Favourite Club Rider :
there are too many to choose!!

Seasons Low Point:
that fateful day at chertsey!

Most Improved Racers:
probably hal-
from hanging on at the back of the pack at palace for the first bunch of races. then come july hes leading from the front and getting podium finishes!

Favorite pro riders.
any of the clean bunch

Most improved Club Riders:
steve the shadow-
from his humble beggings of 2007 in the 19s, to becoming a regular face in the training group

Best Forum Bits:
-marco and his posts about doping. ( i find it intresting!)
-the race reports
-and these kinds of posts

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs:
could of been a bit more aggresive in trying to get in breaks on the long road races.
should of stopped getting so many dam punctures on the road races :evil:

Best Seasons Quotes
george getting told off by a 1st cat on the elmers end chaingang for going to hard on the front.
" its training" - with his usual grin :lol:

ACC's 'Blingiest' Rider:
bike- paul tunnels new one
rider- the first lady :wink:

Kings and Queens of Pain
sylv and his 12 hour mountain bike race

Who went missing this season
matt ives...where he at!?!?
(although its understandable given that he broke his back)

going for a training ride with the caiss d'epargne team!
Stu Merckx Man
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Postby Toks » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:03 pm

[quote="The newly crowned ACC Road Racing Champ"]Most Impressive Riding I witnessed:
the 3 hour break paul H got into, and then getting a podium place in 3rd
Are you sure about the timing of that break Stu?. There's not many 3hr + races for 2/3cats in Surrey League.
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:09 pm

yeh, it was a hilly 67ish mile race in the wet wind and rain. the break went almost immediately. it was one of the SERRL races....i got dropped :oops:
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Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:53 pm

Goals They're bloody great! Without them I'd never have achieved half of what I managed this year. I'm still @ the back of the bunch but I feel like I'm learning to do it in some style :oops: even if I do say so meself.

Training Approach and Philosophy I managed to do three sessions a week through the season. Some were snooze outs on the turbo, a lot were 25 mile each way rides either to/from work. Some were club runs and of course a few were TTs 8) . I've had a wee break and for the first time ever I'm going to get some winter miles in.

My Best Race Wow - this is a difficult choice. I've enjoyed a number of high points this year but I'm going with the 100, because that was the day I learnt what real pain feels like.

My Worst Race No brainer, this has to be the Norwood Paragon 25. Stayed at a mates house the night before and rode about 25 mile to the race as a warm up. Got lost, missed my slot by about ten minutes then punctured after about 4 miles of effort. Utter crap waste of time, shoulda stayed in bed

Best ACC Road Racer George takes it for me, how the hell he keeps smiling I'll never know but I'm bloody glad he does.

Best ACC TT Man and Woman Crumbs this is tough, really tough. There's a lot of folk who inspire and motivate me. Richv remains unbeatable, soopah fast. I think by a squeak it goes to Guru Paul for his National BAR certificate, you da man 8) . Tamar's 100 contributing to her storming time in the SCCU fastest team of the year blew me away.

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed The many thousands of people who clock faster times than me, week in, week out. I think Rob RE, 44x18 and Tamar have done fantastically to take the SCCU team. I never cease to be amazed by how fast and smooth Jon H and Richv are, something to aspire to. When Dominic's had the rub of the green he's put in some cracking performances.

Favourite Club Rider Lot's of folk vying for this one. I've got a lot of time for Jo and Ian, both are very good riders, both give me encouragement and both have a good sense of humour. Also willing to put something back, counts for a lot in my book. I like Sylv's spirit of adventure, and marco's of the wallification is hard to beat. My Daughter would pick the friendly ghost without a doubt :wink: .

Seasons Low Point TdF, what a shambles

Most Improved Racers Too many to mention, this has been a transformational season for a lot of people. I need to pay more attention to the racing thang next year :oops: .

Favorite pro riders B Wiggins, but only just. First reaction was to say none, I just have no faith in the pro end of this sport at the moment

Most improved Club Riders Hmmmm, although I've done a lot more club runs this year than last, I'm not really sure. Andrew Green's winter skool of hard knocks has done him good and I admire the have a go attitude, he he. Jo has ridden very well in the club runs from what I've seen. Carole's TTs are right up there 8)

Best Forum Bits All the wacko stuff

ACC's 'Blingiest' Rider Dunno, don't care much either :twisted: just ride yer damn bike

Sorry - this has tailed off a bit - I'm hungry!

Snoop Doug

Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:42 pm

[quote]Who went missing this season
matt ives...where he at!?!?
(although its understandable given that he broke his back)

Blimey when did that happen Stu? I completely missed that, terrible news. Not seen Matt for a while but I thought he was just unable to make the CRs (work?) and maybe, understandably, put off racing after his nasty crash at Chertsey.

This does remind me though that one of the true high points for me this year has been seeing Gavin back out on the CR after his unlucky commuting crash. Fantastic to see him back.
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Postby Toks » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:44 pm

[quote="Andrew G"][quote]Who went missing this season
matt ives...where he at!?!?
(although its understandable given that he broke his back)

Blimey when did that happen Stu? I completely missed that, terrible news. Not seen Matt for a while but I thought he was just unable to make the CRs (work?) and maybe, understandably, put off racing after his nasty crash at Chertsey.

This does remind me though that one of the true high points for me this year has been seeing Gavin back out on the CR after his unlucky commuting crash. Fantastic to see him back.
i've seen him since his crash and he was ok. I don't think he literally broke his back though :shock:
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:02 pm

andrew- this was because of the chertsey crash.

toks- not break break, but he cracked one or two of his vertebrae
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Postby Maria David » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:45 am

Goals: Move up to 2nd cat ; get a podium place in a race (road, sportive, track or cross) ; top 10 place in the regional road race champs ; win back as much of my BC gold membership money as possible ; pb for a “10”; do a couple of “25”s; improve on last year’s women’s ranking in the London cross league. (last year placed 4th). Do a “fun” off-road team event.

Achieved : Moved up to 2nd cat; 1st lady in two cyclo cross races ; Third in a road race (there were a few of us racing !). Only managed 16th (out of 22) in the SE champs; Won £45 in cash, a box of wine and some limoncella ! Didn’t do any time trials – sorry, I enjoy other people’s company too much to race alone ! This year’s cross season hasn’t finished yet, though at the moment it’s not going too badly. Didn’t do any “fun” races.

Training Approach and Philosophy
Keep it structured, consistent but fun – sportives/audaxes for endurance, track stuff for intensity/sprinting, turbo for intervals, crystal palace streets for reps. Don’t get too scientific about it ; race regularly to learn tricks of the trade/game plans from your peers. Keep your eye on where you want to be and treat it as a marathon, not a sprint. Go race abroad to really find out where your are (or aren't) in the grand scheme of things !

My Best Race(RR or TT) – one round of the women’s Hillingdon race where a group of us from various teams were able to work together efficiently to get back onto the main group after a crash, and eventually contest the sprint in the finish strait. I was pleased to gain 8th out of 24 in a strong field. (Hillingdon women’s races always have a strong field.)

My Worst Race (RR or TT): one round of the women’s Hillingdon race where we raced in monsoon conditions. Most of the vets abandoned their own concurrent race, but we were too intent on being the last women standing (or riding even). I was just dreading being photographed by Mr Mullineaux for the wet T-shirt competition afterwards !

Best ride/Sportiv of the year I enjoyed all the sportive rides I did this year. At the tour of amalfi coast I got a box of wine and some other local produce, plus my photo in the local paper. The scenery was amazing. At the GF Pinarello I loved the way a group of blokes paced me back for the last 25miles to the finish line. The Tour of Flanders had a really a classy beer tent at the race HQ. My favourite sportive was the Fred Whitton though – pain, suffering, joy and friendship all within 112miles – great pies at the finish, real friendly vibe, and a chance to catch up with long lost folks from up north, and a few from ACC too !

Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year I didn’t really have any bad rides/sportives. Only thing was getting within drinking distance of some degreaser at the Dragon Ride !

Best ACC Road Racer: George, for his toughness and grit

Best ACC TT Man and Woman: Doug for putting himself through it and getting out of his comfort zone – you’re a stronger man for it – well done ! Tamar who forever pushes herself to the limits.

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: The guys who rode the Tour of Flanders. Having ridden it the day before myself and aching all over after the bashing from all the bergs it was impressive watching people race over them at double my speed. They must have rubber in their joints ! Fabian Cancellara up and down Constitution Hill in July.

Favourite Club Rider : A tie between Doug and Andrew Green – very agreeable pleasant guys who are always willing to get involved.

Seasons Low Point: the embarrassment of the Tour de France 2007. Far too many crashes in general during 2007 – what’s going on ??

Most Improved Racers: I’m not sure – I don’t know what base people started from.

Favorite pro riders: I shall stick my neck out here and say Bettini – mainly ‘cos I did a cycling trip round Tuscany, including La California, where he’s from. He puts out a lot of helpful info for local club cyclists and does his bit to encourage cycling in the local area. He’s also nearer to my age group. I can’t get excited over these young’uns !

Most improved Club Riders: Ms Heritage. I knew her before she joined ACC and she was much less of a cyclist than she is now. Her tt times have been really encouraging in this first season. Good Lass !

Best Forum Bits: Not sure

Favourite Cycling Websites London Cyclesport, Bike Snob NYC, Fat Cyclist

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Should’ve done a few “fun” races

Best Seasons Quotes
”I don’t have to tell the Danish Federation everywhere I go !” – Michael Rasmussen, during an interview at the TdF this year.

ACC's 'Blingiest' Rider: Gosh – you’ve lost me there !

Kings and Queens of Pain – I can’t think of anything more excruciating than the boredom of riding 12hrs on your own on a non-scenic road. Anyone who does that has my utmost admiration !

Who went missing this season – I do women-only road races, and no-body went missing there. Everyone’s been pretty much there on the forum too ! Did someone go missing ??
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Postby Maria David » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:38 am

Maybe I should've fitted into best ride/sportive, but I can't not mention the real highlight - the weeklong transpyrenean expedition with Aodan. From Pau to St Cyprien (near Perpignan) via umpteen cols, and then over the Spanish border to Barcelona.

Pain and pleasure all packed into 700km and some very challenging spots. It was a great buzz on the penultimate day plunging down from the peaks of the high mountains down to the coolness of the Med.

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Postby kieran » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:39 am

Goals: well, I achieved one goal and that was to get some BC points, other goals yet to be filled!

Training Approach and Philosophy

Enjoy it or stop doing it – hence I stopped turbo training early in the year! Had no coherent plan, things didn’t start well with lots of minor illnesses at the beginning of the year, things were coming together in July but too late as long holidays approaching – may try to ‘peak’ earlier this year.

My Best Race(RR or TT) One of the palace ones where I got a few points

My Worst Race (RR or TT): 4th cat only Chertsey race in July where I had my season ending crash in the second lap whilst chasing 2 points for 3rd cat , whilst family were off enjoying themselves, should have gone with them!

Best ride/Sportiv of the year Didn’t do any this year

Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year as above

Best ACC Road Racer: Me thinks George, due to his results and good nature!

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: Cancerella at the Prologue, Warrick Spence's wet riding skills at the Rapha Nocturne, Bradley Wiggins at Herne hill

Seasons Low Point: Eastways replacement, the weather – no track for me this year, tour scandals – stopped watching it.

Favorite pro ridersD. Wiggins, as he turns up every year at Good Friday for the home crowd and brings one or two others from the pro peloton with him.

Best Forum Bits: the boasting by some and the heckling by others

Favourite Cycling Websites veloriders, Bikeradar (preferred the old C+ website), Londoncyclesport, Cyclingnews,

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: same as Toks - should of done more racing, earlier in the season!
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Postby Toks » Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:07 pm

[quote="kieran"]Goals: well, I achieved one goal and that was to get some BC points,
:D :D
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Postby Rob C » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:12 pm

Bear in mind that this year I was concentrating on Tri's

Goals: Didn't have any in particular. Had pre entered a few races arse end of 06 so I guess they might be considered goals though they were all triathlons. Most of these built up to a HIM in late May.

Training Approach and Philosophy: Use either SLH for running and swimming or ACC for cycling. Did a few turbo sessions on my own

My Best Race(RR or TT) The addiscombe 25. My only ever 25 TT that wasn't part of a Tri. Really enjoyed it, I'd joined ACC so that I could enter TTs as a practice for the Tris and this was more fun then I'd expected.

My Worst Race (RR or TT): Didn't have one

Best ride/Sportiv of the year I really enjoyed the ROTFL, was more familiar with the faces of ACC and I felt like part of the club more then I had before, especially as I was in a good group that (I thought) worked well

Worst Ride/Sportiv Of the Year N/A

Best ACC Road Racer: Don't really know George to talk to but his race reports and heroics at Smithfiled put a smile on my face.

Best ACC TT Man and Woman: Don't really know any of the guys but have read Tamars reports with interest

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: George at the Nocturne

Favourite Club Rider : Jim B, when I grow up I want to be just like him

Seasons Low Point: Peaking early losing motivation for Summer. Oh and the Summer was one big low point because of all the sh*t weather

Most Improved Racers: Lots of people seem to have done well and it's inspiring to read all the race reports.

Favorite pro riders: Geraint Thomas, don't follow the Pro scene but liked his video diaries from the tour.

Most improved Club Riders: not sure

Best Forum Bits: All the race reports

Favourite Cycling Websites Cycling forums, ACC forum, Londoncyclesport,

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Should of started racing!
Last edited by Rob C on Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rob C
lives on this board 24/7!!!
Posts: 562
Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 9:19 pm


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