this old topic again!!!!
ok, firstly, shaving isnt to make you go faster, and if you shave the night or morning before the race, due to your body regrowing the hair, it wont affect your performance(these are things i keep stumbling on across the web)
i, and most others remove hair from the ankles right up the leg..including thigh, just not the man area....ajay for example only does ankle to i guess its up to you.
then some, like old gilberto simioni remove also the forearm sure its all for the same reason.
if you come of you bike and cut yourself at high speeds, its going to be a huge gaze.with no hair there, less dirt is held, therefore its more hygienic on the cut.
when you plaster up your wound, and then go to remove plaster, its pain free because the plaster hasnt stuck to the leg hair.
when you sweat, all the sweat isnt held by the hair and gathering..once again more hygienic.
im sure theres more that will get posted up..but on the less serious side
when you got nice defined legs, and turn up on a sunny day with them nicely waxed up with vaseline or whatever, you look good, and last of all
cycling with hairy legs, its like being a fatty playing football, your just not serious about what you do!
wax first time, shave for the rest as you dont wanna have to leave them to grow long enough to be able to wax them again.
i grew my leg hair over winter, kept me warmer...guess the times coming again to start smoothing them over!