Club Run 10/11/07

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Postby George » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:13 pm

Sean your welcome to line some poncy designers pocket if you like
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Postby Alex P » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:41 pm

[quote]Cheers ears

I think that is short for "cheers big ears" a very good friend of Noddy :wink:
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Postby Graham O » Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:02 pm

I'm with george. Gore looks pretty good. Just wait until you crash whilst wearing your rapha....
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Postby Sylv » Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:18 pm

One never crashes whilst wearing Rapha, as one is extra careful knowing the price of the garnment worn.

But yeah when a car rode into me Rapha patched my jacket for £10 :D
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Postby Steve B » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:48 am

Wot no reports yet :o

Well, there was only one sprinter in the club today, oh yeah and it wasn't Adam :wink: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Did the extra 25mins with Huw this morning, taking a loop up to Banstead and down on to the Chipstead valley rd, doubling my journey time to Coulsdon. Went in the 19 group and intended not to stop at the cafe, carrying on with a 30min loop and re-joining the groups again as they left the cafe for home. But this intention soon went pear shaped when the average speed started to creep above 20mph and I didn't much fancy not stopping for tea and cake. :(

The group rode well, with lots of changes at the front, but it wasn't a strict rotation, leaving it up to each individual to decide how long they wanted to stay at the helm. This worked quite well. :D
Up the Reigate steps Huw stepped in at the halfway point and held back the front half a dozen, as they were chomping at the bit and ready to explode and race off to the top. Well, this was supposed to be a good steady 19 pace :)

With the pace being a bit quick, and getting even quicker as we reached the trees before Partridge, I was a bit worried that we might drop someone. And we did, a group of 5 or 6 were about 70metres back. They looked to be ok and weren't dropping any further back so we carried on, hoping they would close the gap at some point. Well done to them, cos they did :D

For some reason I didn't fancy a balls out ding dong sprint today. Adam was looking strong and the thought of sprinting my guts out and getting beat by 'the only sprinter in the club' (again)( well, again sounds like it happens all the time. Infact he may be 1 or 2 up), didn't appeal. So I turned to Adam and said I would lead him out. Into the final half mile, I got to the front and started increasing the pace. More and more I was winding it up, thinking Adam was on my wheel, but as I looked round it was someone else (Kevin). I kept the pace going and then sprinted when at the left kink in the road. I expected to hear the whooshing noise of another bikes tyres, but WAHAY :o , no one came round :D .

We were the first to the cafe so Huw suggested we do a short 5 mile loop to keep us warm and to get a few more miles in. This meant going round the block and coming back up the road to the sprint again. Crikey I didn't fancy doing another sprint. The first time round took enough out of me :shock:. Adam was smarting from the first beating :wink: and wanted sweet revenge. He jumped off the front, at the plane spotting area, taking Sylv with him. They were gone, and I couldn't be ar$ed to give chase. But Kevin did so I jumped on his wheel, encouraging him to close the big gap. Brilliant piece of work Kevin :D . Coming up to the final sprint section and Adam looked behind. I gave him a "look who's here" kind of smile and sprinted past. Sylv went too but I just managed to hold him off :D :D

Tea and cake was double nice today :wink: 8)

Left the cafe late again, meaning a long chase to catch up to the group.
I was feeling a little fatigued now :shock: and started to worry about the rest of the ride and whether my legs would hold up. Up through the golf course Adam came flying past me, catching the front group, who had 50m, and took a good first to the top. My legs had gone, so I just span my way up and on to the church.

5mins rest did the trick and my legs were back :? . Up the Merstham drag, 5 of us got away. Sylv led most of it and we all shared the rest down in to Coulsdon. I think I rode off the front at one point, which really pleased me :)(or were the others taking it easy, probably :wink:). Anyway, great ride again today. Same again next week Adam :wink: :?:

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Postby Toks » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:53 pm

[quote="Steve the shadow"]More and more I was winding it up, thinking Adam was on my wheel, but as I looked round it was someone else (Kevin). I kept the pace going and then sprinted when at the left kink in the road. I expected to hear the whooshing noise of another bikes tyres, but WAHAY , no one came round .
:oops: Thats 1-0 to Steve

[quote]Adam was smarting from the first beating and wanted sweet revenge.
Yeah love it!

[quote]Coming up to the final sprint section and Adam looked behind. I gave him a "look who's here" kind of smile and sprinted past. Sylv went too but I just managed to hold him off
:oops: Thats 2-0 to Steve

Is this the same Adam that came 3rd in the Club Road Race? :wink:
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Postby huw williams » Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:42 pm

Great ride chaps

What with the extra 45 mins at the start - the extra loop at the cafe and coming back via every hill between Charlwood/Outwood/Bletchingly/Caterham and Chipstead I clocked 70 miles (as opposed to 48 on a normal cafe and back CR) and still got back to Regalinos at the same time as everyone else

The ride down resulted in us getting to the cafe at 10.25 :shock: (Renata was still putting the chairs out) and despite all best efforts of keeping the speed under 20 it was still edging closer to 21mph average by the time we got to Charlwood. Despite a strong headwind it was the usual suspects on the front for the most part - all the small, thin blokes - Sylv, Kev, Rob H although I did see the Shadow and Adam up there once when the speed relented to sub 20mph :D

Then Dan Gee came through with Sylv and those two just kept blaming each other every time it got so fast that people were getting dropped.

Adam got a pasting in the sprint despite a very classy, almost perfect, text-book lead-out. Felt a bit sorry for him so we went round again to give him a second shot at it but he just got another pasting.

Four of us went the long way back - Dan G, Jon B, Ben and myself - very scenic route up to the windmill at Outwood, along a couple of Surrey League courses, up to Bletchingly up half of that stupid hill to Caterham then left and straight accross the Merstham drag and up the climb past fannys.

Shattered legs by the end - really must either do long steady rides or short fast rides NOT ONE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OTHER :evil:

BTW The Pizzetta in Regalinos is staggeringly good :D
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Postby Sylv » Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:31 pm

[quote="huw williams"]
Then Dan Gee came through with Sylv and those two just kept blaming each other every time it got so fast that people were getting dropped.

I'm sure it's not just me though is it?

You know the situation - you are riding two abreast at the front, and feeling the pain (there was a mighty headwind too yesterday). You get the feeling it's the other one who is dictating the pace, as from the corner of your eye you can see they look calm and easy while you are out of breath and struggling to keep up (but trying not to show it).

You're only just able to keep up and feel soooo relieved when an obstacle - red traffic lights, or a horse like yesterday - comes up to give you a break.

Then, sometimes later at the café or after the ride, it's the other who tells you they had been feeling exactly the same and blames you for the frantic pace you had been putting them through!

Ha ha don't you love it :)

Good ride. I had missed the post here and thought the training group were just out for a balls-out ride to the café, which I didn't fancy on the day, but hadn't realised they were going out for a long hilly ride, which sounds good too. The sprints with Steve and Adam were good fun (I know I barely stand a chance but still enjoy putting myself through the pain ot it, two or three times that day).

And I can still remember the time (not so long ago) when Steve could barely keep up when we pushed the pace up the Mersham drag, but yesterday I knew without even turning back he'd be breathing in my neck all the way, and have the legs to come to the front when I'd exhausted myself. Good work!

Under Huw's orders I did an extra 11 hilly miles upon reaching Croydon, to clock 102km for the day.
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Postby Marek » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:34 pm

So, Sylv, Huw, Steve B and Adam, can we expect to see your lazy butts on my slightly extended hilly route next week :?:


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Postby Alan M » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:49 pm

Grateful thanks to all those who helped Bridget with her fall this weekend It seems that she really she is trying to emulate her father!! I haven´t spoken to her yet but I gather she isn´t deterred but was clearly shaken up by the experience. Thanks again.

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Postby -Adam- » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:28 pm

Marek, I hardly think I fit into your lazy bracket, you forget that im a student don't you!

Even on a standard club run im still doing 300+ miles per week anyway, I may as well be a full time pro :wink:

1st Sprint, I should have followed steve and had a 'textbook lead out' but I though... ''who the hell else am I really gonna sprint against if he's leading me out??'' So i tried it the hard way from about 5 places back, when, sod's law, the Charlwood traffic jam came the other way and I was well and truly boxed in. Oh well, Its only a club run, right!?

2nd Sprint, I didn't sprint. I went for a long one while Steve (as he admitted) wheel sucked his way across to ambush me and Sylv who had worked together to get away. So to be honest, am I botherrrd?? lol

Like has been stated, I did kick all remaining asses up the church climb and could have done more on the decent to coulsdon but then I thought. Its only November, right!?

Excuses ay, aren't they brilliant. So, chapeau Steve, and of course Sylv for having the honour to work with me anyway!
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:56 pm

[quote="A (JC) Pettachi"]Oh well, Its only a club run, right!?

Exactly, not there so it could be you'd have got a kicking anyway, but it is only a CR not a race.
[quote="A (JC) Pettachi"]Its only November, right!?

Yes, training not racing. Well for me anyway :wink:

Alan - Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident, hope she isn't put off. As you know the first off is always the worst as you've not experienced what's going on and it comes as a bit of a shock. I hope she isn't hurt other than the odd scrape, and is out again soon. She'll be in safe hands with the 2 Johns on her return.
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Postby Sylv » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:00 pm

[quote="Marek"]So, Sylv, Huw, Steve B and Adam, can we expect to see your lazy butts on my slightly extended hilly route next week :?:



I'm not around next weekend Marek, but would have otherwise, hope you have a good ride.
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Postby Sylv » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:19 pm

[quote="A (JC) Pettachi"]Like has been stated, I... could have done more on the decent to coulsdon but then I thought. Its only November, right!?

Yeah thanks for that really smart move from you and the Corridori guy to let me knacker myself at the front for about a mile to move up and battle your little duel sprint 100 yards before the Coulsdon roundabout :lol:

Did you get it though, at your third attempt of the day?

Yours, a honored Sylv :wink:
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Postby -Adam- » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:27 pm

Oh, and Toks, the 3rd placed Adam got lost in Paris!

The rider out yesterday was still fighting the effects of 5 nights out in a row between the wednesday after the ACC race and last sunday. Had an awsome time though! And met a lovely Danish girl, who, with her German and Italian friends is coming to London soon for me to show them around. :twisted: Marco would have been proud!
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