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Postby Sylv » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:27 pm

[quote="kieran"]I would be curios to know if others have been approached?

Mmmm maybe it was the other way round ;-)

But all the best Adam, hope it's a good motivation for a big comeback.

I should have known this last night too but the truth is I completely forgot about the committee meeting! :oops:
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Postby Toks » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:37 pm

[quote="SimonH"]Tony I think John Saddler has been wearing a TSN shirt, maybe he coud ride at E12 level ?!
Oh I forgot all about you Simon. Ya coming back or what? :wink: Hows it going?

PS Also what happened to that other Simon (Boy Band looks) he got injured early doors and we never saw him again. Potentially he was really strong :D
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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:19 pm

toks- boy band looks simon did come back again in the summer, came out on a few clubruns, but then i think he crashed again or something!!
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Postby -Adam- » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:23 am

Well, that was a mixed reaction. Nothing short of what I have expected though to be honest. I actually wasn't going to make a big deal of my departure, but since I have been thrust into this position, I will take my opportunity to set the record straight.

Firstly, In the defence of myself and my new team, I would like to respond to a few specific comments. With regards racing, what Paul has listed was merely an outline of what, not TSN, riders were looking at doing this season. In fact they have completed in a large number of other races also. And like you pointed out Tony, there were no riders in the Revolutions 5 day. But John Saddler did indeed take a stage victory and a 6th place on GC away from the Jaunts in June. Additionally some might fail to see that at least half the team are soley triathletes, some of which compete at an international level. Im sure they can teach me a thing or two.

Also, like Marco pointed out, I am not the first ACC rider to move, and I probably won't be the last. probably do more per member to promote races etc. than many other clubs. I know David Palmer was already planning our efforts for next season the last time I spoke with him. Though I don't think there is anyone in the world that can rival Marco in terms of recruiting new cyclists!

On the subject of free inner tubes and servicing, actually I get neither. But I do get some far more favourable deals on many items. The amount of cash I have saved on my new bike for example would probably make your eyes water.

That is not even my real reason to leave now. I have chosen to leave because there are 5/6 of us at that are planning to target certain races as a team. Something which hopefully will pay off for all of us. For example, I will probably go to the Jaunts 5 day and do little else but work my ass off to keep John high up the GC, hopefully as high as he can get. Like wise there are other team goals that I look forward to attaining. This kind of organisation and ethic is not something I have witnessed at Addiscombe over the past year or so. Though im sure now somebody puts their neck on the line and points it out that there will be changes. But I said the same last year when I called to have a 'road captain'. Nothing happened, which I suspect was because Toks was wearing baby blue at the time. And so through the season I and many others have turned up here and there and done OK in races that as a team we could have murdered. But being with next year should be a good place for me to achieve what I want out of my sport next season.

I hope to learn a lot from the experience of people like John Saddler and all the other guys/girls which have buckets of experience in their disciplines. I also see as a tighter group of individuals and see more of a team spirit, which I look forward to being a part of. Racing is not everything, we also plan to tackle de Ronde in April as a team. Which im very much looking forward too, belgian beer for 4 days, fantastic! And there are other rides/adventures in the pipeline.

But I also want it to be understood that I'm not deserting Addiscombe as I have been made to feel like. I have still elected to be a 2nd claim member, and as such will be around just as much as I always have been. The fact that I might be wearing a different jersey doesn't really justify some of the comments that have been made on here. I'm still willing to help out at races when inevitably the promoters of Addiscombe struggle to get commitment from the actual membership (all 250+ of them right?). I would still like to continue the way in which I have acted as an ACC'er, ie ill still lead the 'slow' training group on Saturday, and ill still be the same cocky student that you all enjoy taking the piss out of. Although obviously I now cease to be the sprinter in the club. A role which I pass onto Steve, my old rival!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all at Addiscombe who over the years have guided me in whatever shape or form. And especially thank those who make it possible for us to race. And to single out Joyce for being so Agreeable. I sincerely hope not to get one of the 'looks' Toks mentioned earlier the next time I see her :? Of course I won't rule out the possibility of a return at some point (if you'd have me back that is.) Though right now I am completely comfortable with my decision.

I mean lets face it, I was talking to guys at Norwood Paragon at times during the season also. So be glad im only going to!

Lastly I wish a great season to all at Addiscombe next year, in whatever discipline you pursue. See you there...

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Postby Colin Steadman » Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:47 am

so, basically what you are saying is that you are sick of not being the only sprinter in the village...errr, club, sorry? :P
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Postby Colin Steadman » Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:41 am

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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:43 am

[quote]my new bike

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Postby kieran » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:29 am

[quote]But I also want it to be understood that I'm not deserting Addiscombe as I have been made to feel like. I have still elected to be a 2nd claim member, and as such will be around just as much as I always have been. The fact that I might be wearing a different jersey doesn't really justify some of the comments that have been made on here. I'm still willing to help out at races when inevitably the promoters of Addiscombe struggle to get commitment from the actual membership (all 250+ of them right?). I would still like to continue the way in which I have acted as an ACC'er, ie ill still lead the 'slow' training group on Saturday, and ill still be the same cocky student that you all enjoy taking the piss out of. Although obviously I now cease to be the sprinter in the club. A role which I pass onto Steve, my old rival!

Adam, most prople here probably don't think you're deserting ACC, we're not some regilious cult after all and most of the comments so far seem tongue in cheek more than anything and just taking the p*iss, as usual. Your comment about the difficulty of getting marshals etc is valid but then most of the membership only do the club run and don't partake in track, RR, MTB, cyclocross, (BMX) or TTing so probably see no reason to help out either for these events, although some of them do regularly.

I think one of the 'problems' you might have experienced here is because the road racing has just recently taken off again and the group is finding its feet, and it wasn't always obvious who to support and if you should expect support anyway. One problem is you don't get BC points for burying yourself so a teammate can win, you don't get your entry fee paid for by the club etc., or the glory of having your name and photo in LCN! In TSN you have a more established team with clear leaders so hopefully these problems aren't such an issue.

Anyway some protour teams have the same problem, hence postals (Discovery) winning ways.
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Postby tel » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:31 am

First of all I would like to wish Adam all the best for next season. TSN are, all-in-all good people, with an ACC pedigree.

I like to think of Addiscombe as a sort of feeder club, where riders come in and are pointed in the right direction and then go on to become seasoned racers with other teams, before eventually returning to pass on their experiences to newer riders, etc.

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Postby Toks » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:37 am

[quote="Adam"]That is not even my real reason to leave now. I have chosen to leave because there are 5/6 of us at that are planning to target certain races as a team. Something which hopefully will pay off for all of us. For example, I will probably go to the Jaunts 5 day and do little else but work my ass off to keep John high up the GC, hopefully as high as he can get. Like wise there are other team goals that I look forward to attaining. This kind of organisation and ethic is not something I have witnessed at Addiscombe over the past year or so.
Hey thanks for providing such a comprehensive and well reasoned explanation Adam. Personally like most others I wish you all the best. Some people will poo poo what you've decided to do and that maybe cause they don't fully apprecaite that everyone thinks differently. In short - the current ACC training/racing template no longer appeals to you. Well for me we either say good riddance or ask mmm has this guy got a point?

Quite simply you're alluding to the fact that the training group "hang on if you can" mentality and just do your best when racing neglects team tactics which would possibly ensure better results. There will undoubtedly be indiviuals who naturally gravitate towards that kind of hell for leather kill'em in races approach but it won't be everyone.

However we can't deny that it hasn't been very effective. Just look at results and category upgrades. But how often are Stus, Georges, Pauls, Sylvs and Jons gonna turn up? ACC have had large club run numbers for a few years and we haven't unearthed these guys.

So will 2008 mean that its the same old 6-8 guys in the fast group week in and week out all year. If it does then that means its no longer an effective model especially since we have 70+ on club runs. I'm not saying scrap the fast group its great but we need to ensure there's a second tier of guys and michelles :wink: who are ready to step up to the plate. I personally think more moderately intensive rides rather than a single do or die training ride will ensure that ACC racing progress continues next year. This alongside better race prep will as Marco's old Texan triathelete buddy used to say be the sshit that kills em :twisted:
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Postby Tony » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:20 pm

[quote="A (JC) Pettachi"]But I also want it to be understood that I'm not deserting Addiscombe as I have been made to feel like. I have still elected to be a 2nd claim member, and as such will be around just as much as I always have been. The fact that I might be wearing a different jersey doesn't really justify some of the comments that have been made on here.

I think you're taking some of the comments too seriously Adam. Rest assured that we will all still love you no matter what jersey you are wearing - especially Colin Steadman it would seem :wink:

TSN are a good bunch of guys with the core membership all being ex-ACC and I'm sure you'll have a great time riding for them.

Despite the many merits of TSN (including John Sadler and the pro / semi-pro triathletes they have), I'm not going to be slow about highlighting my view that next year ACC is shaping up to be a better club to ride for than at any time in many years. The enthusiasm in the club at the moment regards road-racing is infectious. ACC is one of the best places for aspiring riders in the Sth London area to be at the moment.
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Postby Graham O » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:28 pm

Quote Toks 'I'm not saying scrap the fast group its great but we need to ensure there's a second tier of guys and michelles who are ready to step up to the plate'

Think you are spot on here Toks. We need a second group who are where the training group was a couple of years ago. i.e. Average 21-22 MPH with the training group mentality.

The last training group I did started with George on full gas up the dual carraige way. Very fast and as a result, to quote your good self, my matchbox is empty before reigate.

This is quite a disincentive for doing the ride again and I am not having a go at the training group because they need to do this to build upon their fitness...

Overall though - I think that the main obstacle to moving forward is Coaching....It looks likej the club is starting to get people interested in racing, but they may not know the best way to get the best out of themselves. Thats true for me anyway....
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:34 pm

[quote]I like to think of Addiscombe as a sort of feeder club, where riders come in and are pointed in the right direction and then go on to become seasoned racers with other teams, before eventually returning to pass on their experiences to newer riders, etc.

Sorry Tel, I disagree with you on this one - it is always extremely disappointing when a rider comes along not knowing anything about racing, gains all his knowledge and development in ACC, then as soon as he starts to get good, disappears to a sponsored club/racing team.

We experienced that a few years ago, when we had the mass defection to TSN and Mosquito, then we have to start all over again, rather than developing what we have, and then someone says something like "Addiscombe doesn't have a racing team"

There are many reasons valid or otherwise, depending on your point of view, why riders change clubs (some I know change almost every year), but I do not believe we should be considered a "feeder" club to another organisation.

Many clubs have nurtured home talent, for example Gethin Butler was still riding for Norwood Paragon when he was an elite rider and they still have experienced RR riders at 1st cat level.
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Postby Robh » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:48 pm

[quote="Graham O"]Quote Toks
The last training group I did started with George on full gas up the dual carraige way. Very fast and as a result, to quote your good self, my matchbox is empty before reigate.

In a road race you time your warm up so you only have a couple of mins before the race starts so your ready for any hard efforts that might come from tht start.

On the ACC runs you could be waiting from anything 0mins to 15mins for people to turn up as no one leaves at 9am from what I've read on the forum. The longer the wait more of a shock to the body when you start from the gun in the training group.

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Postby Robh » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:54 pm

Maybe this setup may have been better for Adam (maybe Stu aswell) :- ... 845022.htm

Ingear Development Squad Constitution

1) To develop Youth, Junior and U23 riders into better racing cyclists through the expertise and experience of the coaches.

2) To develop conduct and behavior both on and off the bike.

3) To provide a race and training programme that is both exciting and progressive to individual riders taking into account their personal circunstances.

4) The squad will have a U23 squad with some riders based on the continent and some at home. A junior Squad based at home but with regular racing trips to the continent. A Youth Squad based at home with trips to the continent to race.

5) The squad will run as economically as possible. The riders will be expected to contribute toward their own development, both as a sign of commitment and in order to keep a sense of reality about the squad.

6) We will ride the best races possible Nationally and on the continent plus have a presence in local events.

7) It is intended to be recognised as the best development squad in the country.
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