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Postby Toks » Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:40 pm

That was 1997 and things were not so good. It sounds like we were a bunch of disagreeables back then :cry: I'll pass this one on to marco and Paul
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Postby -Adam- » Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:59 pm

[quote="Seanieh_Taipei_Posse©"]Mind you 10 years on i bet we get more out on a CR than them all put together ;-)

I wouldn't be so sure Sean, I went out with Liverpool Mercury a couple of times last year, and rest assured, if I was still in t'pool then i would probably have switched to be a 1st claim scouser. The work the do with young riders is fantastic, and i mean unreal, look at their junior results from this season. As a club they were brilliant. Perhaps Acc might get say 20-30 more people on a saturday morning. But in terms of supporting the riders they have Mercury are brilliant, just brilliant.

Perhaps if more clubs got properly behind BC then the organistation would be all the better for it. The trouble is the culture of hating BC is everywhere. After packing in my first race of the season I had a long chat to Glyn (of the Surrey League) and the promoters judging the finish. And they were all so negative about BC. Fair enough things might have been bad, and still not be great, but wouldn't it be better if there was unilateral support for BC from LCC, CTC, CTT etc that way the whole sport in this country might benefit.

Wouldn't it be great if all races were run under the same rules... TT and RR in particular. Give me a couple of points for it and i'll gladly turn my had to TTing more regularly!
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Postby Alex P » Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:00 pm

I just thought, my renewal for BC has just come through and was debating with myself as to whether I should renew or go to the CTC.

I know that there are some in the club that are vocal against BC but what is the thing to do??

Any thoughts out there?
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Postby the hippy » Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:38 pm

10 years ago WE did'nt have that many racing members, and BC was an embarresment, and had it not been for the likes of tony doyle, it still would be..

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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:10 am

[quote]The surrey league were even considering breaking away and setting up their own organisation if things got any worse.

We did.....spent a year running our own racing with no BC membership required, covering our own insurance etc and 90% of people saw no difference, but for some the lack of BC points and international selection was an issue.

On the 10 year membership front, there is some truth in the posts above. The Tony Doyle affair cost the Federation dearly, but was their own downfall.

Tony was not Presidential material, but asked questions that the old boy network didn't like asking. Sure he had his own agenda, but the shake up that he caused was the best thing to happen to cycling.

I was due to go the Annual Conference in 1987 (when it was a lock in 2 day dreary dull affair), and I was approached when due to a sudden mystery illness, I was unable to attend, and a certain Peter King went in my place. The rest as they say is history.

At that time, analysis of the accounts showed that technically the Federation was bankrupt, (we were still paying off the debts from the previous world championships at Goodwood!!) hence the cap in hand ask of 10 years membership. It was only some creative accounting by PK that kept it afloat to get some funding from Sport England.

the club decided that it wasn't felt prudent at the time given the chequered history and lack of funds and direction to chuck a load of money their way.

Any NGB will have it's detractors, look at darts, swimming, boxing, athletics. BC is far from perfect, but just moaning from the outside as 99% of people are fond of doing changes nothing. If you don't like what BC is doing, then come along to the Board meetings, get yourself elected and have a say.

If Liverpool Mercury is so good, why? Because it has a base of volunteers I would guess that work hard behind the scenes. Instead of going elsewhere, why didn't you use your obvious eye for talent and help develop ACC in the same way?

So many people say things are better elsewhere, but unless they are willing to volunteer and make changes happen, then the status quo will remain. Just look how difficult it is to get people to help at Addiscombe CC organised events.
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Postby -Adam- » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:24 am

Paul, when I have the experience to be in a position to preach, perhaps I will.

At the moment I am too young and would not be able to command the respect from the relevant quarters in order to make things happen. It would be like the blind leading the blind. There are many others on Addiscombe that could however.
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Postby kieran » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:01 pm

Taking up the thread by Marco:

BCF membership in 2007 20,687 (18,000 of which are males)
CTC membership 70,000

I am a member of BC, LCC and CTC, they have all different aims and do a good job in their area of focus, and I think to continue to do a good job they need to remain separate. BCF is a sports organisation but you must remember for many (most) people cycling is not a sport but a transport/utility option so having BCF represent them does not make sense. Also organisations lobbying the government for improvements in transport/cyclists rights have to be critical sometimes or go to court etc, may not help BCF then when it comes to looking for handouts from the government to develop the sporting side.

One way to look at is, shouldn't BC support CTC, it was CTC who defended Daniel Cadden's right to cycle on the main road and not use an inconvienent cycle path. Who has set up the cyclist defense fund to protect cyclists rights? (answer CTC). Who lobbied government and drummed up support to modify the new highway code to be more cycle friendly (answer - CTC) All of these help BC as the majority of its members train/race on the road (imagine if Daniel Cadden had lost his case or the highway code wnet unchanged - try training on the cycle paths)

Look at the mess over Eastway and its replacement, many reasons for people to feel unhappy with BCF, browsing on veloriders (a mainly pro BC site) you will find riders complain about lack of support, unless you are part of its selective talent group, and only if you are young etc. BC is a membership organisation and so should be open to constructive criticism and if some people are bitter, maybe it is due to past experiences?
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Postby kieran » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:10 pm

p.s. I am not anti-BC but in general I believe no organisation/person should expect unconditional support and overall control in any area, or a blind "trust me I know better/ I know what I'm doing" approach to things. I even try to encourage my children to question my decisions! and sometimes I realise that they were right to do so! (even though our family is not run as a democracy but as a benign dictatorship)
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:41 pm

Much of this I agree with - BC should not have unconditional support, they did make a mess of Eastway/Rammey Marsh/Hog Hill/Legacy/The Royals, but they seem to have considerable success in creating circuits that users want around Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield etc (anyone notice a regional trend here??) which is why South East have tabled a motion requiring that the Chief Exec instructs it's (paid) officials to liaise with (it's local unpaid) officials before taking decisions.

BC clearly still has it's faults, but has come a long long way since those dark days 10 years ago, and is working with us not against.

There will always be an undercurrent of anti Bc whenever something goes wrong. True they are a membership based organisation (and are branching out into the sportive market), butbeing the NGB their focus is on winnng medals, and albeit on the track, they have exceeded anyone's wildest expectations, and have young talent following on where the others leave off. Top riders used to get there in spite of BC, now it is because of BC.

I no more support BC as an organisation than any of you, but have to recognise what they do is as a NGB, and focus on attending meetings to push for the direction we want.

I think that is a very good point about Bc supporting CTC in their campaign for the use of roads, not cyle facilities etc, but there is only a finite amount of money to go round, and clearly by membership numbers, CTC get the lions share.
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