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Postby Elliot M » Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:49 pm

yep. forget setting it in the table, set it on the body, though

the old school method would be to use as massive image which wouldnt repeat unless you have a massive screen and then use

<body background="filename.gif">

i think there was some extra non standard attribute which prevents it repeating in certain browsers.

but the modern method (OK on IE5+, NN6, Mozilla, etc) would be to use CSS - this is the simplest way, embedding style definitions into the page:


body {
background-image: url(filename.gif);
background-color: #000000;
background-repeat: no repeat;


if you don't want it to scroll with the rest of the page you can add

background-attachment: fixed;

in there too.

i find the W3's Schools site good for reference:
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Postby Elliot M » Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:45 pm

oh, i see. yes you could also have the text layer in a DIV set to a fixed size, fixed position on the screen and with scrollbars if the text overflows.

i will check how this works though first cos i think there are some pitfalls

maybe if you could email image or loc to me i could have a think? (but can't access personal email right now so maybe better pm here)
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Postby Elliot M » Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:14 pm

marco, have a look at this, there is a single background image and all the text is in a single DIV with overflow set to auto, resize text and scrollbars should show up
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Postby Elliot M » Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:19 pm

ok, here's an attempt, centring horizontally

the background image is now on a container div and there is a stack of divs inside this, i have left borders on all the divs so can see how it is put together
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Postby Elliot M » Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:08 pm

yeah sorry i only have ie 5.5 here so couldnt test it on mozilla etc , but i might have another go at home cos its given me an idea for something i'm trying to put together here:
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Postby Elliot M » Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:25 pm

i havent used dreamweaver for a while and im pretty sure the version i have doesnt do anything that advanced automatically, although given it has an open extension architecture someone somewhere has probably written it. you should be able to find something with a search.

can you not just adapt the bbc script, though? looks self contained, has an array containing all the image names in there, you don't have to call them all 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg etc
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