hit By Car! Dead Center!

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hit By Car! Dead Center!

Postby the muur » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:18 pm

Although not an ACC member any longer, I welcome any views on the sittuation I'm in. I was today hit from behind at a roundabout. The driver (sic) was obviously looking to on-coming traffic from the right and just punted me 15 yards down the road! She hit me dead center of her bumper and although the bike (sob, sob) looked pretty duffed up, damage has been limited to the real wheel being similar to the one Keneth Connor invented in 'carry on Cleo'! I've checked all tubes for 'ripples' and having tried it, seems unaffected.

However, does anybody have any experience of similar instances and the pros/cons of getting compensation? I have all the drivers details and insisted on calling the police for a report and record (she could have been pissed for Johannes sake!). Many thanks.
the muur
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Postby the other Steve Dennis » Wed Apr 14, 2004 10:48 pm

If Still a BC member they do have insurance included in membership, it also goes to police and road safety statistics etc. I believe this service is very good and hey you've already paid for it.

I used Bikeline though. See ads in Cycling Weekly etc.
Alyson runs a no win no fee claims company specialising in cyclists, they dont take on a case unless certain of victory and victory means that the guilty party pays all legal costs on top of what you win. If you lose, well you pay but you can take out insurance against losing the case (seriously).

Basically dont be afraid of such companies. Ask any questions you need to, Bikeline were very prompt and clear with any answers. You will need to be patient, it was a year before I recieved payment but many cases take longer.

Sounds like you have all the info you need from the driver etc.
Did you report the accident to the police and take an accident number from them?
Do go and see your doctor asap to get a record of any damage.
Do go to a bike shop for a full check of it's damage and get a quote.

If you want any more info from me please ask, there is another thread in here [url]http://www.addiscombe.org/members/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=920[/url] with more detail (ignore the other japes in there).

Glad it sounds like you are ok.
Hope you get back on a bike soon.

Go Hammond Go!!!!!!!!!


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the other Steve Dennis
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Postby the muur » Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:12 pm

Cheers Steve

I did get everything I needed and called the police, so all is logged on that front, been to the quacks, just a couple of aches and it's only the fact, I think, that I was moving very slowly waiting for traffic to clear that I'm not seriously injured, had I been stationary......

Frames going up Condor's tomorrow, but I think the Cosmic rear's a gonner! Anyone need any strips of carbom fibre for chain stay protectors, I've got about 50 to get rid of!

On the legal front, everything's on-going now.

Many thanks for your response.

De Muur.

ps Roger Van Hammond was superbe on Sunday!
the muur
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Postby JayneToyne » Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:39 pm

thats just crap that, getting shunted up the chuff by some dosey bird.
If it had been me, I would have slapped the dizzy bint and called her a few names. although as a female I have every right to, you might get frowned at.

hope you get all the damages paid for. cant see why not if you have police report and what not.

lucky you werent injured as well. i recently had my first close up inspection of the floor and finally found out how much it hurts coming off a pushbike.

anyway, just thought I'd send you my regards.

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Postby the muur » Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:04 pm

jayne...as ever I thank you for your kind thoughts, however you assume far too much in thinking that I didn't scream and shout abuse and swear at said dozy bird. Can you really imagine me shouting at someone?

I wasn't injured as such, but my back wheel.......Oooh the pain! As I said earlier, real, genuine Mavic Carbon chain stay strips for sale, 50 available!She was in fact mortified at my appearance on the floor, all crumpled and face drawn, cried a bit (didn't wash with me though!). But I held firm(!) and despite being very attractive, told her that I would 'see that she hangs'! I'm over at my Mothers at the moment and to get out for a ride, have to go through either Romford or Hornchurch, the choice of journey depends on wether one wants to get mixed up in a Toring Car race or the other direction that puts one in the middle of a NASCAR event! Add the Brentwood Rally Car and you get an idea of how lucky you are down in 'leafy Surrey'!

Again thank you.
the muur
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Postby the muur » Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:05 pm

For a brief glimpse of what makes the people who stand around stations and shopping malls.....http://www.chavscum.co.uk
the muur
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Postby JayneToyne » Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:59 pm


now thats funny.
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