Thats right, its all confirmed for the above date.
A splendid day of fun stuff on the Eelmore circuit over by Aldershot.
suitable for anyone who wants to come along with their road bike or hybrid on skinnies.
There will be different training/activities to cater for all abilities from those new to the club and to cycling in general and want a bit more confidence on their bike and for those who are thinking of trying out racing... and of course to anyone who already races and wants a decent workout/training session.
The aim of the day is really about having fun and enjoyment as well as having a decent workout and hopefully improve on some skills along the way.
Your host with the most for the day is Keith "ello there mate" Knight
and the coach will be Jayne ( thats me) Toyne.
theres loads of space on the circuit so virtually unlimited numbers when it comes to getting as many who want to come along on there. SO arrange lifts between yourselves or head over to Aldershot train station.
The day starts at 10am, with a safety briefing and signing in. Please try to be there in time for the start to save me having to go over the safety briefing 20 times.
Theres been plenty of interest so far, but the more the merrier.
for directions.. ask keith, he knows the route over there like the back of his hand... shame he was looking at the back of my hand last time we drove over there and had us driving in ever decreasing circles looking for the place. ( it was getting dusk and his eyes dont work so well at his age... )
hope to see lots of you ACC'ers there.