Virtual Reality Training

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Virtual Reality Training

Postby Marek » Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:41 pm

I am thinking about purchasing one of the following:

Tacx I Magic or

Tacx Fortius

Now, the difference is basically that apparently the Fortius can offer slightly more resistance and also has a motor that drives the wheel to simulate going downhill. I like the sound of more resistance, can take or leave the motor thing as I don't need extra training at freewheeling.

So, if anyone has any experience of either of these units or both and can let me know whether they think:

1. They are good for training at a reasonably high power output.

2. Whether it is worth spending the extra £200 or so for the Fortius unit.


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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby George » Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:19 pm

Elite Chrono wireless turbo trainer answers both your questions without the silly video game nonsense.
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby Tony » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:34 am

Marek, whose it for? The bit about high power output confused me. I take it that it is not for you? :lol:
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby Toks » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:39 am

[quote="Marek"]I am thinking about purchasing one of the following:

Tacx I Magic or

Tacx Fortius

Now, the difference is basically that apparently the Fortius can offer slightly more resistance and also has a motor that drives the wheel to simulate going downhill. I like the sound of more resistance, can take or leave the motor thing as I don't need extra training at freewheeling.

So, if anyone has any experience of either of these units or both and can let me know whether they think:

1. They are good for training at a reasonably high power output.

2. Whether it is worth spending the extra £200 or so for the Fortius unit.



Two questions Marek. 1. Has it got good road feel 2. Can it give you fairly accurate power feedback? As far as I'm concerned nothing else is important
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby richv » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:09 am


I have an i-magic. From what I've heard there isn't a great deal of difference between it and the fortius. I don't make any real use of the virtual reality "nonsense" as George refers to it but the catalyst software which comes with it is excellent for setting up workout sessions so all you have to do amid your pain is pedal rather than wonder what you're supposed to be doing next. There is also a winter racing league if you do use the virtual reality stuff which sounds right up your street :wink:

It's perfectly good enough for training at high power outputs as long as you've set it tight enough against the wheel (as with any Turbo).

The major drawback with it though is that it has to be linked up to a computer. That's great if you've got a bike you can leave on the turbo, a computer you can leave it permanently plugged into and enough space but is a right faff if you have to unscramble the wires and link it all up every time you want to use the turbo. For that reason I've stopped using mine this winter and simply have a cycleops fluid attached to a bike which I can just jump on and go - but then I get all my feedback from my powertap anyway.

The other thing to be aware of is that the power measurement is not particularly accurate and can vary significantly with cadence so if you are looking for a cheap way of measuring power I would look at something like the Kurt Kinetic which is rumoured to be somewhat more accurate (I don't have one so can't vouch for the reports of its accuracy that I've seen).
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby huw williams » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:24 am

What's the cost - £600ish?

Forget it - send your eldest daughter up the chimneys for a bit of extra cash and pay a bit a little bit more for a Cycleops power meter

£850 for the top end wireless one is the cheapest one I can find in the uk but a bit of hunting and I'm sure you could get it cheaper

Excellent road feel (cos you can use it on the road - duh!) :D
Accurate power measurement! :D
You don't have to plug it in to your telly or PC :D
A turbo is going to sit idle for the majority of time ie 10 months of the year when you're out on the roads (at which times you'll still be using a powertap and getting valuable feedback) :D
You can still stick your bike on a standard turbo with a powertap and get accurate feeback anyway :D
You can become an insufferable bore with nothing else to talk about but your wattage (like me, Ian, Adam and Rob et all) :(
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby Marek » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:57 pm

The I-magic is £300, which is not too bad in my opinion. I quite like the look of some of the video cycling and the racing league looks like it could be quite a good laugh.

I am intending to get a laptop which I will use for this, so can just go in the garage, plug it in and off we go I presume. I also have wireless internet so can download the races etc whilst in the garage etc and race against others.

I think it looks good, I am not too bothered about all the numbers type thing, I presume that with the imagic even if the power numbers are wrong, as long as they are going in the right direction, upwards then things should be going the right way.

I can do turbo sessions without extra gimmicks, but it is hard and this has got to be at least a bit of distraction, I cannot do what Rob does and get up at 4.30 in the morning and do a session before work, I am human.

Doesn't sound like it is worth going for the more expensvie Fortius, think I may go for an i-magic unless I hear any negative comments about it.


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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby richv » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:41 pm

I had a lap top which I used for it but still found it a bit of a faff plugging in and waiting for computer to warm up. However I am particularly impatient!

The numbers it gives you are not completely consistent. I'm sure they'd be a bit better if you checked tyre pressure and did roll down tests every time but I don't get on with that either. However in general terms they're probably good enough to see if you are improving.
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby Sylv » Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:03 pm

Who needs virtual reality?

[quote]Stamstad says that he knows he's mentally ready for a race when he can do a five-hour stint on the wind trainer, maintaining a heart rate of 155 beats per minute while staring at a blank wall.
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Re: Virtual Reality Training

Postby Ivor » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:17 pm

So has anyone got one of these toys? I quite fancy the idea of a video to cycle along to (and have no problem finding a spare PC lying around that can be rigged up).
Are they any good? or are non-VR trainers available actually better quality turbos?
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