CTC Hilly 50 from Ryka's is this coming Saturday, so why not mingle with the yellow people there than do the usual CR.
£3 entry on day
£2 if you pre-register (worth doing to save filling out details on the day, just sign in).
Full details on the new CTC blog page [url=http://cyclingswlondon.blogspot.com/2008/01/swlda-hilly-50.html]here[/url]
Download a routecard from [url=http://www.aqvm78.dsl.pipex.com/SWLDA/Other/Hilly50/hilly50.htm]here[/url].
You'll get a routecard at sign in but you may want to analyse the route first, or laminate it at the office to stop it getting sweaty and unreadable after the first hill . Truth be told you probably won't need one as loads of people of all speeds do this ride and most know the route well.
I'll be riding there obviously and will be at CSS at 8:30 if anyone wants to meet up.
If you haven't done it before or are newer to tough / longer ridesthen it does feel more like 50 miles than 50kms, but you can always drive out and leave your car at Ryka's to avoid having to ride home afterwards with your legs half dead.