Good weekend, Bad weekend...

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Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby -Adam- » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:34 pm

Okay, so I'm sure most of you will be aware that I won at Upavon yesterday. So undertsandably I've been floating a little since then. Although this morning I was brought right back down to earth with a bang.

I was meant to be meeting some guys in Reigate for a nice steady spin out into the lanes. So I was on my way down the A217, and just after crossing the motorway, that's where it all went out the window...

As I began to pick up speed on the descent down Reigate Hill, a van pulled out rather abruptly from the left, from Gatton Bottom (the road between there and Merstham). Now initially I was just displeased by his timing. Gesticulating my opinions appropriately. Then I realised the next van pulled out too, but not out of shear ignorance, but because he was being towed by the first van. I had absolutely no where to go. I hit the second van at the front, which catapulted me over the bonnet, smashing his windscreen on the way over. Then I somehow executed a very professional stunt roll and came to a stop about a further 5 meters along. I was doing about 25mph when I hit the van. I got up pretty quickly which was a reasonable sign that I wasn't too injured.

I then retrieved my bike from underneath the front of the second van, completely oblivious to the fact that it was my bike stopping the vans from pulling away. The guy from the second van was also out of the vehicle now wondering what was stopping the van moving forward. Since I'd solved the problem for him, he briefly asked if I was ok, which I wasn't, and he then said that they'd pull in at the lay by just up from there. And in my dazed state I somehow believed him. Of course once I'd picked my bike up, and eveything that had come off it, they'd vanished. No numberplate, nothing. I wasn't really thinking that well obviously. I hadn't even noticed the fact that my forks were totally snapped and my front wheel was pretty buckled with 3 spokes snapped. So I called Marcus to let him know I wasn't going to make it, obviously. And then called my Dad to get picked up. I guess I was in a state of disbelief to be honest. It just all happened in the space of about 2 minutes.

I then decided to walk back across the motorway to the lay by just before it, so my Dad could pull in there. All the cars passing me were staring. It was surreal, It was like I'd just crashed in the final sprint in a tour stage and I was staggering over the line dragging my smashed up bike behind me. When I got to the lay by, I laid the wreckage of my bike down and phoned the Police. In the hope that perhaps they can trace the vans on cctv or something. It's not even really the money I'm fussed about, despite the fact I'm skint. It's the fact that they drove off, arseholes. Not to mention the stupidity of the driver for pulling out in the first place.

Although there was some comfort to be had in the fact that two cars stopped to check I was Ok, one even offering me a lift. But by then my Dad was only a moment away anyway, but it was nice of them to offer. I also had a posse of Brixton CC riders come across me who also stopped and checked I was all good.

In a way I'm very very lucky as really it's only my right knee that is injured, very grazed and quite swollen. But the bike is in quite a state, put it this way it was an interesting excercise in uncovering the way carbon fibre is formed. And my beautiful Mavic Open Pro rim is definately a write off, its not just buckled, its very badly deformed in places. As well as my saddle, which probably got broken by the twats trying to drive over it.

[img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img]


I'm just in disbelief at the complete polar opposites this weekend has turned out. Crazy.

But there you go.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Sylv » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:10 pm

Bloody hell.

I know it sounds like an easy thing to say, but I would still feel extremely lucky. I mean look at the state of the bike. You sound like you are just bruised. The bike's only carbon and metal and all of that is replaceable, you're not.

I would still be pissed off at the guys, but on balance, getting off lightly in such a crash plus a race win, I would still be happy to be on two feet at the end of the weekend. Have some more champagne if you haven't drunk it all already.

Hope this doesn't phaze you out of riding/racing.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Antloony » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:14 pm

Blimey you must be so angry right now. Cant believe the ar*sholes in the vans didn't pull over, was there no one else around that had seen what happened. People like that dont deserve to hold a driving licence let alone be allowed on the roads as they obviously have no consideration for anyone else or their safety.

I know its of little consolation but at least its only your bike with the crushed and broken bits and not your legs etc. Hope you get over the shock and you injurys heal quickly.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby tel » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:42 pm

Adam, I`m so glad that you are ok. Congrats on the win.

I`m a great believer in what goes around comes around, something equally nasty will happen to those guys, I`m sure. Hope you are back on the road soon.

Best wishes

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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby higg » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:57 pm

What a mess!

You did well to get out of that with just a swollen knee, it could have been so much worse.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Andrew G » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:14 pm

I think you're right about the wheel, don't think even the Guru or Grahame could true that one.

Glad you're alright(ish) but make sure you go to the doctors and get it checked over. Knees don't have much protection on them (muscle, fat, etc) so better to play safe. I'm sure it's fine but can't do any harm.

Sounds like it was a bit of a nasty spill, and shameful that they just drove off.

The bike's of less importance, you'll get that all fixed up on your insurance.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby carl f » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:38 pm

Congrats and bad luck Adam
what bstd's
Hope you recover rapid
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Sylv » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:50 pm

That wheel looks just like the first (rear) wheel I built, forgetting the spokes were different lengths either sides, and mixing them all up.
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Toks » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:03 pm

Jesus Adam! you're hogging both front and back pages! What a couple of twxt's!!! :evil: As Terry said, they're gonna get theirs :twisted: . I'm so glad you came out of it without too much damage. I hope the knee heels up sharpish and you eventually get some ££££ from insurance. Stay positive and take care mate :D
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby jon avery » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:05 pm

sorry to hear about your crash mate, probably didn't have insurance or licenses. wierd how your bike is mashed and your ok, yet my bike is ok and my collerbone is mashed, must practice that stunt roll :lol:
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby -Adam- » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:18 pm

Thanks guys,

Yes I do consider myself very lucky indeed.

And Jon, I've gotten used to crashing now!

As I don't actually have any insurance for either of my bikes, nor do I have the number plate. How useful is the BC insurance going to be?
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Rob C » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:29 pm

If you have a police incident number then you should be covered. Ring them up and find out, a friend was taken out on his bike and the one good thing (he said) about it was that he was really impressed with the way the insurance company dealt with everything. It's not your fault the van drivers scarpered so you shouldn't be penalised for it. His cover was with British Tri Federation membership but I'm guessing the cover would be pretty similar at least for bikes. It's a service you're paying for through your membership and you're entitled to make the most of it...
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby -Adam- » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:35 pm

Just read through the BC Legal and Insurance leaflet and there is a £300 excess for claims for property damage involving uninsured/untraced motor vehicles.

But I will be down the Police staion tomorow to report it and see what happens. I'm not holding my breath. The bike only actually cost me about 500quid and It will definately be less than £300 for the items I need.

Guess we'll have to see...
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Will » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:11 pm

wow... glad you've escaped from what sounds a like a nasty crash relatively unscathed
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Re: Good weekend, Bad weekend...

Postby Andrew G » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:33 pm

No insurance for your bikes :shock: .
As per my numerous mentions previously :roll: I'd recommend the CTC insurance. It covers your bike in all accidents (apart from racing but then who said you were racing, "just out riding round the lanes" :wink: ), and also covers the bike when you take it to foreign places - 30 day green card cover I think.

After my shute in Italy I claimed on mine and everything was paid for with a £30 excess I think. It may not be the cheapest but it's very comprehensive.

Not sure if you'd be covered by home and contents cover if you had an accident and needed repairs, that may only cover for theft, and a lot of policies only seem to cover up to £1,500.
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