BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

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BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:51 pm

Thanks for all the weather info peeps. I took the mtb and insufficient clothing and headed off into the murk.

Made my way over to Merstham via Banstead and Fanny's Farm (schoolboy titter obligatory here). It was cold but the climbs meant I was soon puffing like a 20 a day man no bother.

This crow flew out from a field into my path and as it wheeled away skywards it dropped its haul, a very manky, very dead, small rat. I took this as an omen(crow...) the cycling gods were clearly telling me to carrion :lol: :mrgreen: . Taxeeeeeeeeee. Anyway, I carried on and lo, as I passed the end of Ian and Jo's road, the sun cameth out verily to greet me. I'm about as religious as Lance Armstrong (there the similarity ends) but as this joyous moment occured the words "and did the countenance divine shine forth upon our clouded hills" appeared in me head along with a mental image of Lord Munnery himself. Crikey :shock: and I was stone cold sober guv.

Stopped @ top of Church Hill for a chunk of homemade (yours truly) flapjack and a glove swap, long fingers off, short fingers on. I continued to follow the route Ian posted a while back until Tulleys Farm. I couldn't help but notice the bird life was plentiful today, herons, a woodpecker, sparrers, tits (leave it) all sang their happy songs (cept the heron) as I tootled by.

Flipped my route to the Guru Trail @ West Hoathly, ommmmmmm. Boy, he's right about Horsted Lane - it just flows and swoops eternally downwards, and then it doesn't. Ashamed to say I got lost (but what is a day like today for if not to get lost awhile). Stopped for more Snoopjack I scared the bejaysus out of a horse whuch was used to the road it was on - but not used to seeing a blue clad lycra monster stuffing its face with home made baked goods. Dropped down into Lindfield - what a pretty place, and then onto Haywards Heath.

The churn over to Ditchling seems to go on for ever. My legs were tiring badly and I knew I had the sting in the tail to overcome. On the approach to Beacon Road I saw a Redwing. A winter visitor to this country and a proper stunner. That filled me with good cheer and lo, I thrashed my way up Ditchling Beacon like a good un. Legs on fire I tootled on to Brighton, and to chips on the beach.

The sun shone for all but six miles of my fantastic journey. Train back - sore legs, riding an mtb for that distance sure takes it out of me - well chuffed 8) .


49.43 miles, 4 hours and 6 minutes, 4752 calories, 3475ft ascent, 12mph ave, 30mph max, think the hrm lost contact with me heart a few times :shock:
Snoop Doug

Re: BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby Sylv » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:22 pm

Well done - I can't work out if you did any off-road?
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Re: BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:01 pm

No Sylv - all on road, on knobbly bobblys :twisted: good training eh wot?
Snoop Doug

Re: BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby Andrew G » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:16 pm

Nice one Snoopoddie :D .
Sounds like a nice ride, and a fair pace for a MTB with knobbly bobblys. What made you chose the MTB over the road bike for a road ride?
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Re: BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:27 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]Nice one Snoopoddie :D .
Sounds like a nice ride, and a fair pace for a MTB with knobbly bobblys. What made you chose the MTB over the road bike for a road ride?

Plain old stupidity mate.

I fancied a change and wanted some training - of a sort. My legs are complaining but my spirit ain't - it was a very good trip indeed. Coach Viney has given me the weekend off, so that's it for this week folks. Beer or two tomorrow and I'm away for the weekend :mrgreen: gonna suffer next week don't you just know it :twisted:
Snoop Doug

Re: BraveHeart Goes to Brighton

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:50 am

[quote]Coach Viney has given me the weekend off,

What sort of coaching is that :roll:

[quote]Flipped my route to the Guru Trail @ West Hoathly, ommmmmmm. Boy, he's right about Horsted Lane - it just flows and swoops eternally downwards, and then it doesn't.

Just a little rise, but worth it.

[quote]Ashamed to say I got lost

I'll have to show you the way ..ommmmmmmmmmm
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