CR 23rd Feb

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CR 23rd Feb

Postby Andrew G » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:34 pm

Nice gentle spin taking a 17s. A good group of good riders (smooth, working evenly, and pointing out holes etc) and we had a nice safe ride out :D . 10 I think in the group and we rotated regularly to stop anyone doing too much in to the wind.

Connor got to test his HRM when we were on the lanes just past the church and Plough crossroads. Those roads are always a bit slick when it's damp and have ridges the traffic has worn in them. Connor's rear wheel slipped sideways off of one of these ridges at one point but a quick wiggle of the bum to shift his centre of gravity and all was good.

Jo and Nigel C turned off at Partridge and the rest of us went straight on. Nearing the cafe riding on the front with Lisa we were coming up to a right hander when an idiot came round the bend towards us. He was a young chap in a small town car who clearly wasn't letting a lack of skill or driving experience stop him from trying to drive around the lanes like he was vying for the lead in the World Rally Championships :roll: . He got about half way round the bend before seeing us, must have frightened himself and hit the brakes, this sent the back of the car out sideways and nearly in to a spin. Thankfully the road was wide enough for us to just look at him with suitable disdain and continue, but probably set a few HRM beeping.

The cafe seemed heaving (the heady aroma of a large collection of sweaty lycra) today and had to wait a fair while before I could get my tea and bacon sarnie :( .

Everyone seemed to be going to Box Hill today as when I set off there was only 6 of us going via Redhill, think there must have been another group behind. We waited at the church for quite a while having a bit of a natter, but when the only arrival was my Dad having cut in from his own morning ride we set off for home.

Good luck tomorrow George, trying to get a bit of motor pacing in early on the way back :wink:
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby mlocke » Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

What should be my last 18's as i'm hopefully going to join the 19's next week and it was pretty uneventful til a couple of miles before the sprint.

Going round the little S bend i thought I had a puncture but when I stopped my tyre was rock hard so I set off again, and it felt wierd again!!

Don't know what it was but it made me feel a little uneasy for the ride home.

Anyway I think the group did pretty well, dont know my averages but someone said that our group did 18.1 to the cafe so pretty much right on the money.

See you next week (or maybe tomorrow if I get my ar$e out of bed in the morning and make it to CSS)

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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Alex P » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:03 pm

Big club run today with 108 out :shock: including the team that meets us at the cafe (Joyce, Keith, Jim, Marion and guest Keith Butler 8) ). This is not even the peak time so it will be interesting to see the numbers in March/April. The run down seemed tough with the wind in our faces but on the way back most opted for the Box Hill run which ended up in a great tearup session after Box. All in all a great day and I'm feeling the fitness finally coming back after Christmas break, roll on next week. :D

We also had the Club Run Secretary from the San Fairy Ann Club, Martyn Peal, as a guest visitor to see how we organise the club run and how it compares with theirs. [color=#4000FF][url][/url][/color].This is a big club with over 350 members but he did admit that alot of these were not active, they also get fairly large club run numbers (90's) too but have a very different way of organising the run. From what I understood, the groups (up to 6) are based on speed (A, B or C), with a 10mph slowest group, going on a different route every Saturday with photocopied maps or a leader who knows a route, finaly ending up at a different cafe each week who have been pre-warned the day before. The timings are fluid depending on where the group ends up with some taking most of the day. There is an early run starting at 9:00 and finishes at 13:00 which indicates that the rest must be much later. It works for them and it might be worth us going on one of their runs to see for ourselves but it does depend on homework or people knowing where they are going, but the group do not meet up as a whole during the ride.

I thought that I would google search the club name "San Fairy Ann" to see what I got and:

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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Antloony » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:30 pm

Well went out with the 20's today....and what hard work that was. The pace was relentless (or maybe it was just me) and I got dropped. I managed to dig deep and get back on though (that was a struggle) only for it to happen again just before the dual carriage way where we re-grouped at the usual pee stop.

The roads were awful today, twice my rear wheel stepped out really badly and I thought 'this is it' only for it to grip and keep me upright. Just seemed to be a lot of grease on the road surface.

Good blast up the dul carriage way and on to the cafe where a fat triange of choccy cake was screaming at me to be eaten so I obliged. As Andrew said did seem really busy today.

Via box hill on the return home, rode there with just Andy and myself and met up at the top with Kasper and co ready for a good ride back down.

Departed at the 217 junction and had a really nice chat on the way back to Sutton with Steve B, good to meet you, then home to go straight back out again to go shopping with the misses.
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:06 pm

My take on the 18's ride,

We had the said Martyn in our group, and what a nice chap he was- i dont think he stopped talking all the way round- except when he had to dig in hard. It seemed like he chatted to everyone in our group, discussing various ideas on the CR tip, he seemed to like the 2 min rotation.
Our group was fairly well disciplined, and it seemed we were working fairly hard- but there was quite a headwind.
I am just back from a trip to Majorca, and have been used to grinding up hills for ages so it was great to "open up my legs" (steady finbar) and finally do some "riding".
Even then it still hurts when you up the gas.
I was thinking of going with the 19's at first- but then i saw the "racing snakes" coming forward, and did the honorable thing.
Mark- you are very strong at the moment, most of the riders out with us today are very capable of a 21 group in the summer- so stop shirking and get on up!
Mark (Mercury) Mc was extremely good today, and very powerful- i was hurting big time and he very generously put his vast bulk :roll: in front of me so i could get a breather.
Others to mention -44x18 (aka Mike I ) super smooth on his fixie, Cap'n cadence was spinning nicely and Paul B making it seem all rather effortless.
After a lengthy period of snot and coughing i feel i am on the way to regaining my fitness.
Then i will be able to join the training group with Ajay..... train to gatwick, ride to cafe.....ride to station....train to upper dulwich borders!
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Hal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:58 pm

Good run out today, the 19's were actually running at about 19 with Geroge taking it wasy discovering what is it like to ride in the group getting a muddy face :wink:

Mark reading your post about thinking you had a flat and stopping to check is exactly what I did on one of the roads close to Charlwood. It was like the rear wheel was wobbelling over the place, very weird.

Came back over box hill with adoan and then joined up with a bunch of others for the ride back to town.

Dan, I have PM'd you.
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Steve B » Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:27 am

Well I haven't had a day like that in a long time, and I really hope I don't have another one like it for a long time to come too :shock: . It all started good, but ended with the dreaded bonk - more later.

The plan was to go with the 17's or 18's and hopefully all would go well, my knee would hold up and I would slowly but surely start to creep back to fitness, just in time for Mallorca (8 weeks time).
As it happened, there was a large number of riders for the 18's and only one other VC (Ian) to take the group, so that made my mind up for me and I lead out the second of the 18's.

Things started to go quite well from the start and I was feeling pretty strong, even up the Reigate steps where I seemed to have a spare bit of energy toward the top, pulling out a gap between myself and the rest of the group (now that is a first :D ).

Into the lanes we started a one minute rotation as the wind was quite strong into our faces. This kept everyone true and kept the pace at a constant speed, although it turned out that some were feeling the pace more than others, ending with just a few actually wanting to take their turn at forcing their way through the blustery headwind.

I was actually loving it 8) . Each time on the front was tough, but a nice tough where you know you still have a bit in reserve, so I was looking to get on the front more. My knee had shown not even a small sign of a twinge and all was rosey in the garden. Alan lead out the sprint for me to come through for the win and it was a beautiful day to be in the saddle :) .

And that is where I wish it had all ended.
Foolishly I agreed to Alan's call up for a steady group going back via boxhill. I knew I aught to as I hadn't done any hills in months and with Mallorca around the corner, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But if I had known I was going back via boxhill I wouldn't have taken so much out of myself on the way down to the cafe :? .

A couple of miles past Newdigate I blew up in a BIG way. I've bonked a couple of times before but never as bad as this, I felt terrible. All I kept thinking was "how on earth am I going to get over boxhill" :shock: Then I realised there was a climb before that too. Nigel caught me, which kept my spirits up, but once we got to the bottom of box, the reality of the situation hit home. I was well and truely f**ked. "Please let me be teleported in to my bed NOW - PLEASE!" :cry:

My legs were just about going round, but I wasn't getting anywhere - I so wanted to stop. Anyone who has suffered a 'bonk' knows the feeling of complete and utter hopelessness. It's hard to believe you can be alright one minute and then be as good as a chocolate teapot the next.

Getting to the top was so tough, but getting home from there seemed just as tough. On the downhill sections I was ok, but as the road went upward, I went backward. Turned on to the A217 with Antloony and with it being mostly down hill to home from there I wasn't too bad, until he blasted off down the mad mile, leaving me, with no power in my legs whatsoever to watch him ride off in front of me.

I got in, took off my shoes (just), and crashed out on the sofa. 20 mins later, I woke up, but couldn't get up, literally. I felt really really rough, worse than I've ever felt after a bike ride. Talking made me feel ill, standing made me feel dizzy, and walking to the kitchen made me want to sit down for 10mins after. I was in a bad bad way for about 5hours (I still don't feel great now 11pm).

Anyway, quite an eventful day - one that I dont want to repeat in the near future - exept the good bits of course :?

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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Alan M » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:38 am

I enjoyed the 18s today - a slightly more manageable pace and I felt able to contribute to pulling it along for the first time this year. Steve's loss of power was noticeable but not too much to worry about considering his earlier efforts - perhaps just a bit of a 'knock' on the door prior to Mallorca. The ride back was less than steady and I have myself to blame for setting an early quick pace on the flat that I found hard to maintain on slight slopes - still, very enjoyable. Paul had a nasty front puncture on the fast hill down to Chipstead but he managed to control it and all was well. Arrived back at CS quite early and we were soon followed by Monty's group. Huge turn out!
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby mark mclaughlin » Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:46 pm

Just made it time for Monty to steer me in to taking the first 18's out with Ian and co.

Must admit was still feeling the effects of the beers from thurs night! So it was Mr power tap Ian taking the lead with a good team effort of rotating throughout. Had a very agreeable Martyn joining us, was keen to dig in with us so we put him into the head winds...joking

Lost Mark on the corner through lambs green, kept upright which was something as there was alot of muck on roads.
Good surge for sprint, Mike winding it up on his 72" and me taking the lead in time to drag everyone else to the line!!
Packed House at Cafe, had Rum and Raisin flapjack, was so heavy I offered it to AJ..
Missed the main group so rode back with Ian and Jo and the Trisport crew. Had good dig up and over the church, onto Merstham drag Adam and Dave K joined me for brief blast back before I was caught up in the traffic and lights.
Great day out.
Sorry to hear you bonked so badly Steve, should have given you my Rum and Raisin!!
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Dombo » Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:33 pm

Great ride today, my first with the club for a while, and although tempted by the 19s after my foray into Wales the other week the sight of George in that group had me join my usual 18s led by Ian.
Nice steady pace up the A23 and down to Merstahm, though strangely I found the downhill bit hard work, then the Reigate Steps where I found my legs again only to lose them in the lanes, particularly on my short-lived stint at the front with the chap from San Fairy Ann setting a cracking pace.
Not far from the cafe I stopped with the chap on the Bianchi to check if he had a puncture then rode to Charlwood gratefully in his slipstream, revived by bacon sarny and tea for the trip home.
The vast numbers congregating for Box Hill and Monty's promise of an "easy, steady ride" saw me join that group only to make the ill-advised decision to chase a chap on a fixie and Brian (helped up the hills as usual by mudguards and rack) up our Surrey Alp, for once in 39x23 rather than x25 so some improvement there.
After an enjoyable blast along the Long Ridge I was as usual dropped by the pack along Outwood Lane/Chipstead Valley Road, despite missing the detour around the houses, and took the penultimate climb up and over down to Hooley on my own, clocking 53 miles at 17 average (split at the cafe was average 18.1 mph).
All told, a very enjoyable ride but highlighting the work needed in prep for the looming Etape.
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Antloony » Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:01 pm

[quote="Steve B"]Turned on to the A217 with Antloony and with it being mostly down hill to home from there I wasn't too bad, until he blasted off down the mad mile, leaving me, with no power in my legs whatsoever to watch him ride off in front of me.

Sorry Steve, I didn't realise I'd dropped you untill I turned around and couldn't see you. Feel bad now as had I known you'd had a really bad day I'd have slowed the pace down and let you sit on my wheel till we got near your place. :(
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Andrew G » Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:34 pm

Don't apologise Ant, he needs toughening up for Mallorca :wink:
Bonking on a grand scale Steve, I had the same thing on my first CR (although thankfully I didn't suffer in the evening like that) and don't think I even went up at walking pace :( . Did you get anything at the top of Box? Their slabs of flapjack are pretty good for shoveling in when you're empty.
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Robh » Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:03 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]Don't apologise Ant, he needs toughening up for Mallorca :wink:
Bonking on a grand scale Steve, I had the same thing on my first CR (although thankfully I didn't suffer in the evening like that) and don't think I even went up at walking pace :( . Did you get anything at the top of Box? Their slabs of flapjack are pretty good for shoveling in when you're empty.

Don't people carry food on them these days? I know I do.

I think a lot of people underestimate how important nutrition is...
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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Marek » Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:37 pm

Antloony, I thought you were riding very strong, you seemed to do a few strong turns on the front. Think that it was probably a tad quicker than 20, but hope you enjoyed it all the same, you look like your ready for the training group to me.

Coming out of CSS we were being sensible and keeping the pace at a steady 20mph, then I took the opportunity of catching the draft of an old fashioned ambulance. Got a good tow all the way past the petrol station at about 50 to 55kmph but then the road pitched up a bit and I could not hold on any longer. At the top waited around a bit as the rest of the group were a fair way back as had not had the same benefit that I had of the tow.

Then onto the steps and I sat in behind Paul who was setting a steady but swift pace up, then towards the top we picked it up a bit and blasted over. We then regrouped at the lights and had a pretty good run through the lanes. Most people taking their turns and a few guys putting in some good long efforts. I cannot remember the stocky guy in blacks name with the blondish hair, but you are really strong and are definetly a contender for the training group if you ever fancy it. We also had a guy come along from Rotherham who normally rides with the Planet X team (Kevin Dawson and others I think he said). He was pretty strong, but as he did not know the lie of the land we let him cook himself on the flat sections before the hills and then we would come past and toast him which was fun. :twisted: He said that Kevin Dawson can put out 450 watts for an hour and a half. :!:

After a brief respite we headed onto the dual carriageway. I led out and thought I was gently ramping up the speed, with the wind behind me I was cruising along at almost 50kmph, looked behind me and found that I had dropped the rest of the group, not ideal, so I decided to dig in till the roundabout where the others then caught me up.

We then did a pretty smooth through and off until we reached the turn off for the cafe where Ajay joined us. At first I had to rub my eyes, was this Ajay sitting on the front of a group going quicker than 20mph, yep it certainly was. After the little rise towards the cafe Ajay and a couple of others attacked off the front and got a bit of a gap. Jim then gradually closed it down and as we came to the last bend I sprinted for the sign quite early. Paul H was on my wheel, but he reckoned there was something wrong with his bike so he could not get past.

Went back with a few other guys half way to Redhill then I turned off to EG. Great ride, and although it was not as fast as a usual training group ride my legs were certainly feeling it later in the day.


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Re: CR 23rd Feb

Postby Antloony » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:10 pm

Cheers Marek. I only thought it fair I try do my share on the front plus I need to push myself in an attempt to get stronger which week on week I feel Im doing. I think in all honesty the training group may just be a little to quick for me yet. My goal is to be with you guys in another 2 months which will be exactly 6 months after the first time I sat on a bike for god knows how many years (and even then it wasn't anything serious) so not a bad goal to aim for really, even better if I get there.
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