my thoughts are:
i think that a B training group should basically be a training group with people of the same ability. i think it should be balls out the hole way for them to make sure they get the maximum
training from it- after all you want to over compensate on the fitness front so that you can be as comfortable as possible with the pace of a race. i dont think it should be concentrating on tactics of racing, there is no substitute for a real race. it should be a training group, in the litteral sense in that you get the maximum amount of fitness out of it. thats all that happens in the regular training group. the attacks are thrown in just to make eachother hurt, and to get maximum training and fun.
the only racing tactics that can be done effectively in a training group are just the through and off and the sprint, thats all you really need to know.
i also think that the most important thing is not to over police a B training group, let it be free like the normal training group is, dont label it with a speed or anything. at the end of the day people will know if they can keep up with it just by looking at whos in it. the training group keeps an order just by how fast they go, by keeping people in line.
when it comes to doing turns on the front, dont worry about doing it in a neat order shouting for a 'change' at the front- if someone is tired all they have to do is pull over. or if someone is feeling good, all they have to do is ride up the side of the group and plonk themselves on the front. the training group is almost exclusively done in 1 single line, so this form of doing turns on the front is easy to master. the only time you will need some sort of 'doing a turn' dicipline is on the through and off.
on the attacking side of things, contrary to popular belief we dont always attack each other. we often go training group rides without a single attack, so dont feel obliged to
thats my thoughts on what it should be like. but i guess it depends on what you guys are looking for in a B training group. if some people just want a fast, neat, diciplined ride then they should join a 20 group. if people are looking for a group free from the usual red tape, where they can go hard where they want and when they want, and want to get a maximum amount of training then they should join the B training group. (this would be the most benificial for would be racers)
after a while when you are all used to it and get to know eachothers riding inside out, and gain the mentality of the training group (it will come
), it will turn into an organic form of its own, and will shift and change without a command being ordered, it will flow like a beautiful express train
i like to think of it like an anarchist group, but where there is a consensus on what is going on.