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Postby Daren L » Thu May 13, 2004 5:39 pm

Well that was an experience.
On the positive side: I was well hydrated for the race - filled up a full sample bottle in one attempt - the nurse was impressed; even heard him comment to a colleague.
Also, my heart rate was at 68beats per minute only 15-20 minutes after the race - well, crash.
The injuries are mainly superficial and look worse than they are. The worst is the knee, and even then I was fortunate; the doctor had a look at it and said it was 'beyond his scope', and took a couple of photos which were forwarded to the Plastics Dept at East Grinsted. They didn't have a bed (typical NHS) so I got it tidied up at Tonbridge - managing to clean and close the cut in one operation.
I was walking and stretching the day after the op, and doing the stairs the day after that - was knackered today though.
Want to go to work next Monday but they won't let me (buggers). On reflection this a good thing - will be able to do some light one legged turbo stuff to keep my spirits up. I get my stitches out on Wednesday, so if I hepp up with the stretchin I'll be back racing in no time.
I have to say a huge thanks to our very own Mother Teresa - Brian Tidy (...and in a cerain light). He was a god send: taking me to the hospital, keeping me company most of the afternoon, conacting my wife and just being there. Also he's going to take the bike down to Butlers which is a weight off - and offering to cover all of the repairs is above and beyond the call :D .
Hospital was alright - even got promoted to a two room annex after the first night. Most patients seem to be miserable buggers, think I was a refreshing change.
I will be thinking of you while I'm on my enfoeced holiday - will get my reports done - free me up for training later in the school year.
Thanks for all the kind e mails, messages and thoughts. It means a lot when your'e a bit crook to know that you're in peoples' thoughts.
Daren L
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Postby richv » Fri May 14, 2004 8:58 am

Glad to hear you're up and about.

I feel slightly sorry for the other third cats when you get back. Who knows how fast you'll be after a bit of rest rather than several hundred training miles a week.
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Postby Phil N » Fri May 14, 2004 12:15 pm

Hi Daren,

I was sorry to hear of you accident. I am glad to hear that your injuries were mostly superficial.

Keep your chin up mate.

I look forwards to seeing you out again soon.

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Postby David Lombari » Fri May 14, 2004 1:08 pm

Hi Daren,
Hope you'll be back on your wheels soon.
Good luck,
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David Lombari
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Postby the muur » Mon May 17, 2004 8:24 pm


Sorry to hear of your crash, but you'll come through and out of it well I think, Kiwis, Ausies, ZA's, harder than a bag o' nails most of em and I'm sure that includes you!

Di you rip your shorts up? Thing to do is...wear them back in your first race return! Just se how many people stay clear of you!
the muur
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Postby Daren L » Mon May 17, 2004 8:35 pm

They cut them off me - so I'd hope most people would stay away. And those who wouldn't...
...Well, it'd be an incentive to cycle faster. :D .
Daren L
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