Club run 1st March 2008

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Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Grahame » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:01 pm

Despite Mr PVT's attempts to reduce the numbers with promises of budgie smugglers and swimming lessons in Brighton :twisted: :shock: , there were about 80 people out for the club run this morning.

Nobody up for an honest training ride, but some of the usual suspects (from the training group) showed their faces when a 19mph group was called, and this put a few people off who would otherwise have stepped up to the mark.

This left Ian with a healthy-looking group to take off on one of "Mr Munnery's Magical Mystery Meanders" down to the cafe at an advertised 17-18 mph. A "normal" 18mph group followed them, and then the people who like to hide behind the fat bloke :oops: in the 17mph group. The rest went in a combined 15mph/Just For Fun group (including a 13 year old who looked just like a proper cyclist on his mini Bianchi - albeit a cyclist who'd been put through a boil wash and shrunk. Honestly, Mr Green (senior) looked like a giant next to him).

We had about 10 people in the 17mph group, but only 5 or so of us prepared to do the work into a fairly stiff headwind. The ride out was fairly uneventful, except for a quick "bit of advice" about group etequette after the busy streets of Reigate, but with so few people (able) to contribute, it was fairly ragged and lacking the discipline I normally like in my group. So we turned left at Partridge to beat the queue at the cafe.

After the tea and bacon baguette, I was seduced by the promise of a so-called steady group to Box Hill. A piece of advice - if you want a steady group, never, ever let Marek onto the front of it. And, if he does get to the front, don't have the temerity to freewheel past him as he pedals furiously down a descent :oops: :D .

Anyway, I held it together over my least favourite climb in the area (the one before Box Hill), but lead the group between the hills, and talked myself out of a good climb "You've defeated yourself before the climb begins" wise words indeed from the lanky Polish racer.

After huffing my way up Box Hill, I managed to hang on (just about) down the main road and through the horrible "camel humps" to the roundabout and as the children squabbled about who'd done the most work from Box Hill village to there, Alan M and I found ourselves back on the front. After the station, we decided on a scientific experiment - everybody would go left through the posh estate except me. I'd go straight on, and if I got to the little climb before the Chipstead Valley run we would say that my way was faster ("by about 50%" some cheeky imp stated). Anyway I got back to Regelino's with no sign of the "posh estate gang" and was just about to claim victory for common sense and right-thinking people everywhere when Alan and Paul-on-the-Pearson turned up with some feeble excuse about a puncture slowing their group down.

A very agreeable latte and pecan-toffee slice later, I was off for the final leg, a steady cruise home via the delights of downtown Croydon, West Wickham, and the Bethlehem hospital bypass. A final grovel up the hill from Shortlands station and I was free to collapse on the sofa with a chip butty and a pint of fizzy water.

No idea of my average speed, but I think I managed an acceptably agreeable 16sph (smiles per hour) average happiness rating.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Marek » Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:02 pm

The ride up from EG this morning was quite tough with a lot of wind around, no Ian Munnery was no where to be seen, but it was a windy day today. Had a chat with Terry who is prepping for the TT season, he reckons he is a bit on and off at the moment, but sounds like he is going well enough. Not many up for a training ride as the Wally Gimber is on tomorrow so we had a cheeky 19s. It was a good group and we tried to take it easy tapping out a steady 19 - 20 pace out of CSS. Think it may have got a bit quicker but it seemed as though everyone was keeping up well.

Just after Reigate and the turn off into the lanes there was a horrible clunk noise as Simon H's chain snapped. I slowed and asked him if had a chain tool, the answer being nope. Damn, I had one in my back pocket. I hollared to the group and Paul H and Ibanesto rider came back and waited. The rest of the group did not come back and left us to sort out Simon, whatever happened to waiting for people in your group? :roll:

Unfortunately for me, Simon then owns up to not knowing how to use a chain tool. :shock: Ok, I will fix it, I then look down and see a chain that looked like it had been soaked in an oil sump for a year, there was literally oil dripping off the chain. :cry:

After much whingeing I got my hands dirty and fixed up Simon's chain. Simon's excuse for his oily chain was classic. 'My chain looked really rusty this morning so I poured oil over it this morning'. Simon, if you chain looks rusty, then this may have something to do with the reason why it snapped today. GET A NEW ONE, and in the future use a wax lube and clean off any excess. Enough whingeing.

While we were set down on the grass sorting out Simon's chain two more groups went whizzing by. Well I decided to chase, Paul H was not up for riding too quick due to his race tomorrow and SImon H and Ibanesto were soon off my wheel, but I soon caught the slower group. I had a quick breather and then decided I would see if I could jump to the next group so TT'd off the front. Eeeek, it was windy and I kept banging away, but could not see the other group anywhere. I got to the Rusper turn off and waited here for Paul H and we had an easy ride to the cafe. We were first to arrive and the cafe was empty, it was weird but really nice.

I decided to get a few more miles in after the easyish ride out so went to Box Hill with the steady group. Was a really nice ride. Paul on the Pearson was putting in some hard digs now and then and Graham on his Time machine was also riding well. This meant that we did have to wait for a few riders now and then but it was fun. Big Grahame went past me on one of the descents freewheeling, at the bottom of the hill I decided to get my own back so wound it up a bit. As we turned off for the hill before Box Grahame started to make excuses about having to push the world backwards to get up the hills and he was going to find it quite hard. We took it reasonably easy up this hill Graham attacked the top and we had a little head to head sprint which was fun.

Down towards Box we let big Grahame lead us down and then onto the hill. Grahame starts whingeing again about how gravity is not his friend, the others were all trying to explain to him that he had bigger muscles so this should compensate, I don't think he agreed and I wound him up about being a defeated man before the road had even turned upwards. He agreed.

At the top of Box Hill we re-grouped, was a great view from the top and it was really warm. Alan of the Antarctic decided he would lose one of his layers at this point as well as his ear warmers, scarf etc, think he may have turned off his heated handlebars on his trusty stead as well. :D

A good run back down to Kingswood, on the long straight humped road Graham led for a good 500 to 750 yards at a good pace, I then took over and had Neil with the Team Corridori on my wheel and we hammered it over the humps and swooped down to the dual carriageway at a cool 50kmph. I then turned off for EG. Got back at 2pm with around 140km on the clock. Really enjoyed the ride today.


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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:37 pm

Grahame- it looked like you were limping a bit this morning, poss the budgie smugglers were a little tight.(easy finbar)

I opted for a different ride to the cafe today, tho we took so long it was like the marie celeste when we finally arrived!

As usual - like a lamb to sacrifice- i led out of CSS, why oh why was there a headwind? All the way up to the start I was in the teeth of a gale, and when i led out.....yep sure enuff, headwind!!
A certain Mr Locke joined in our ride as well, despite saying that he would go with the 19's....hmmmmmmmm!
Alex took his name before the off.
I was sure we had a much larger group but it turned out to be just the 9 of us. Mercury Mc had a hair extension appointment and could not afford the time. :wink:

The rout we took was a bit more demanding than the usual, even tho we were only just a little "off piste" from the normal CR.

A cunning plan evolved.... just stick "lockey" on the front- into the wind- and we will all be OK :twisted: .

Both of the faster hill climbers were left on the front for a lot of the time, that usually softens 'em up (F***in wheel suckers), on the flats and long drags it was left to the bigger guys,
Chapeau big Phil, I must say, i thought i was fairly strong- but he gave me a "tonking" today. Up the drag to newdigate we were doing 25 mph, i was in the small ring at about 120 rpm, i did not dare change- Phil was in about 53/13. Mr Locke caught us tho.
We lost one rider who was suffering a bit , and he carried on down the normal CR route.
Right turn- and of we go to Capel, the intrepid 8, todays group was really a pleasure to ride with, holes called, differnt scenery, more hills, and a sharing of the load.

Up the drag to rusper and another right turn, i do not know what the area is called, Wimlands or something, anyhow- a short down hill leads to more climbing, followed by another climb, just here i went a little off piste.... the road turns sharp right, and it is banked as well- i know this hill- ok power up and give it some, hmmmm -not quite round the corner yet!
Up the bank, in the mud, tractor tracks, overtaken by all :roll:
I soon caught up tho.
This bought us out at the top of the climb if you were doing the short thru and off.

Lambs green was the call.
21/22mph was the order of the day.
A good thrash ensued(sp)

"BIG PAUL DEWIS" buried himself on the front, while frail old Phil and myself bravely hung on, we were soon joined by "young" Peter.
Paul did such a long turn on the front- it was a pleasure to watch :wink:

At the sprint it was the usual suspects "Lockey" and big Phil- who i graciously(sp) let out- i was shafted.

Mentioned in dispatches.....Phil, awesome power, Lockey :roll: who despite riding with cramp :roll: managed to carry on, "young" Peter for really digging in.

I thought todays group were a shining example of the ACC ethos......"if you cant keep up -drop 'em"

a few riders out today did well to hang on, sorry i dont know all the names- a tall guy with a trimmed beard, made Marek look like Ronnie Corbett, another in a Fasso kit did well, he was riding a bike that must have weighed as much as me.

1000 yard stares in the cafe from my group!

the next bit is for Finbar....

Power-Tap #5:
Duration: 2:43:03 (3:18:18)
Work: 1933 kJ
TSS: 222.8 (intensity factor 0.913)
Norm Power: 253
VI: 1.26
Pw:HR: 3.47%
Pa:HR: -0.73%
Distance: 77.863 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 843 201 watts
Heart Rate: 123 183 161 bpm
Cadence: 29 236 83 rpm
Speed: 0 55.5 29.1 kph
Pace 1:05 0:00 2:04 min/km
Hub Torque: 0 65.3 9.0 N-m
Crank Torque: 0 127.4 24.2 N-m
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Andrew G » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:27 pm

Thanks for the stats "Tiny Bus" very enlightening :roll: . Alright I'll make an effort - min power 0, I guess when you freewheel down a hill, doesn't this skew average figures on a hilly ride where you'll spend a certain amount of time freewheel descending?

Lockey always gets cramp :roll: .
Fassa = Brian.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Mike I » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:28 pm

[quote]Simon then owns up to not knowing how to use a chain tool.

If you can't use a chain tool, how you can you understand your bike? And if you don't understand your bike, how can you be emotinally connected with it? And if you're not emotinally connected with your bike, why bother :roll: :) :) ?

Mmm, maybe it is about the bike after all.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Robh » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:31 pm

It does skew the average power Andrew.

The cyclingpeaks software Ian uses also has Normalized Power :-

"To account for this variability, CyclingPeaks uses a special algorithm to calculate an adjusted or normalized power for each ride or segment of a ride (longer than 30 seconds) that you analyze. This algorithm is somewhat complicated, but importantly it incorporates two key pieces of information: 1) the physiological responses to rapid changes in exercise intensity are not instantaneous, but follow a predictable time course, and 2) many critical physiological responses (e.g., glycogen utilization, lactate production, stress hormone levels) are curvilinearly, rather than linearly, related to exercise intensity, By taking these factors into account, normalized power provides a better measure of the true physiological demands of a given training session - in essence, it is an estimate of the power that you could have maintained for the same physiological "cost" if your power output had been perfectly constant (e.g., as on a stationary cycle ergometer), rather than variable."
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:34 pm

Thanks for the analysis Rob- but what does it mean?!
The only thing i seem to take in is calories!

Confused of merstham.

P'raps i should read the help files more!

Edit.. tho on second reading i think i know what you mean. Thanks.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Grahame » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:38 pm

[quote="Ian MunneryA1size"]Grahame- it looked like you were limping a bit this morning, poss the budgie smugglers were a little tight.(easy finbar)

A minor hip issue caused by a combination of not stretching, colder air than expected and old age seems to be causing a slight limp (or maybe it's the Look cleats on the road shoes). I don't do swimming, so have no need of either budgie smugglers or a banana hamock.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:45 pm

colder air than expected

aaahh rapid withdrawl....

moderators quick!
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Robh » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:51 pm

IF = intensity factor

Although normalized power is a better measure of training intensity than average power, it does not take into account differences in fitness within or between individuals. CyclingPeaks therefore also calculates an intensity factor (IF) for every workout or time range analyzed. IF is simply the ratio of the normalized power as described above to your threshold power (entered under "Athlete Settings" at your "Athlete Home"). For example, if your normalized power for a long training ride done early in the year is 210 W and your threshold power at the time is 280 W, then the IF for that workout would be 0.75. However, if you did that same exact ride later in the year after your threshold power had risen to 300 W, then the IF would be lower, i.e., 0.70. IF therefore provides a valid and convenient way of comparing the relative intensity of a training session or race either within or between riders, taking into account changes or differences in threshold power. Typical IF values for various training sessions or races are as follows:

Typical IF values for various training sessions or races are as follows:

* Less than 0.75 recovery rides
* 0.75-0.85 endurance-paced training rides
* 0.85-0.95 tempo rides, aerobic and anaerobic interval workouts (work and rest periods combined), longer (>2.5 h) road races
* 0.95-1.05 lactate threshold intervals (work period only), shorter (<2.5 h) road races, criteriums, circuit races, longer (e.g., 40 km) TTs
* 1.05-1.15 shorter (e.g., 15 km) TTs, track points race
* Greater than 1.15 prologue TT, track pursuit, track miss-and-out

TSS = Training Test score

The following scale can be used as an approximate guide:

* Less than 150 - low (recovery generally complete by following day)
* 150-300 - medium (some residual fatigue may be present the next day, but gone by 2nd day)
* 300-450 - high (some residual fatigue may be present even after 2 days)
* Greater than 450 - very high (residual fatigue lasting several days likely)
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:59 pm

- Thanks Rob, so it would seem that it was a fairly average ride :roll: it felt tougher to me .
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Andrew G » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:03 pm

Average on stats maybe Ian, but then (please don't shoot me for saying this power people) numbers don't mean everything. Do they take in to account that it was a hillier ride and with very strong wind (weather, not you).
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Grahame » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:05 pm

Oi! Stop with all this numbers stuff :shock: - there's a special geeks/power forum if you must :roll:

Let's get back to the ride reports.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby Robh » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:07 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]Average on stats maybe Ian, but then (please don't shoot me for saying this power people) numbers don't mean everything. Do they take in to account that it was a hillier ride and with very strong wind (weather, not you).

Depends how hard you press on the pedals Andrew....

It does the VI (variabality index) will be higher for a hiller ride.
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Re: Club run 1st March 2008

Postby MJ_1993 » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:23 pm

Before I forget, For Grahame:

The Guru is dead, Long live the Guru.

(the dead Guru is PVT and the new one is Grahame)
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