OK - here we go - the ACC racing season starts with a big one! We need loads of help to make this happen. Ideally we'd like to see as many ACC colours in the race as possible, so might I suggest that testers and non racers put their names down for helping out on this one?
On the day there will be a briefing for helpers @ the caff in Charlwood at 11am followed by another at race HQ (The Henfold Hill circuit) at 12.20.
This is the first event to be run under da new roolz for helpers. So, if you are free for this please either post your name here or PM me. If we get enough volunteers that's great. If not - we start to draw eligible names from the hat should be fun.
So - roll up roll up form an orderly queue join the merry band on the good ship ACC and let's go racing!!
Arrrrr - Snoop